Daily Archives: November 1, 2022

2022-11-01: News Headlines

NBA Star Kyrie Irving is Being Bullied and Targeted for Social Punishment by a Disingenuous Establishment Media for Tweeting a Link to a MovieComment:   The movie theorizes that ancient Israelites, dispersed throughout the world, were largely and originally dark skinned and not just uniquely white. The campaign is likely another excuse to orchestrate pressure on Twitter and other social media to engage in pro-EstabLishment censorship of alternative content.

Frequently updated playlist.

K Ehlers, A Baerbock & L Obrecht (2022-11-01). In the eye of the typhoon, Hardened fronts & The Nuclear War Bluff. indybay.org Nuclear war is a big bluff & the last means of the cult to enforce its Great Reset to control & decimate humanity. Now is the time to recognize this & not be fooled again by the dilettantes in the Western governments. The worldwide growing resistance will end all plans of the globalists & expose all deceptions. Those responsible will be exposed.Love remains when illusion & fear fall…

WorkWeek (2022-11-01). Railworkers Support Rally at Oakland &SA Dockers Strike with ILWU, No War in Ukraine. indybay.org WorkWeek covers Railroad Workers Solidarity Rally At Port Of Oakland & SA Dockers Strike With ILWU, Oakland Rally Against War In Ukraine & The Life & Struggles of UFWA Founder Al Rojas…

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-01). Nueva masacre en Colombia tras el asesinato de cuatro personas. telesurtv.net La ejecución se registró en el municipio de Cartago, departamento Valle del Cauca, a la altura del sector Piedras de Moler en la vía que comunica con el municipio de Alcalá.

San Francisco Public Library (2022-11-01). Saturday 12/17: Author: Rage of Innocence by Kristin Henning and Reginald Dwayne Betts. indybay.org [ONLINE] San Francisco Main Library…

San Francisco Trans Film Festival (2022-11-01). Thursday 11/10: 25th Anniversary San Francisco Trans Film Festival. indybay.org Z Space | 450 Florida St, | San Francisco, CA 94110…

Direct Action Everywhere (2022-11-01). Saturday 11/12: November Day of Action: Costco Drop Smithfield. indybay.org 2500 17th St ∑ San Francisco, CA…

Climate Creative (2022-11-01). Friday 11/4: The Climate Gallery Launch: An Interactive Night For Art and Environment. indybay.org CounterPulse 80 Turk Street San Francisco, CA 94102…

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-11-01). Protest Opposes Expanded US/UN Military Intervention in Haiti. indybay.org US, Canada, France and even the UN have brought oppression and disease to Haiti…

California Democratic Party (2022-11-01). Monday 10/31: Prop 1 Rally at USF. indybay.org On top of Lone Mountain at University of San Francisco!

Staff (2022-11-01). Cardiología intervencionista apuesta al desarrollo: Implantan en Cuba primera válvula aórtica percutánea por mínimo acceso (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu El procedimiento, novedoso en el país y realizado a dos pacientes, coloca a la cardiología cubana intervencionista en una línea de desarrollo valiosa para el tratamiento y calidad de vida de personas con estenosis aórtica degenerativa y que no puedan ser tributarias de la cirugía convencional.

TeleSUR, YSM (2022-11-01). Elevan a 101 cifra de muertos tras tormenta Nalgae en Filipinas. telesurtv.net Nalgae provocó afectaciones a más de 2 millones de personas y dañó más de 58 millones hectáreas de cultivos.

Allan Fisher (2022-11-01). Sunday 11/13: El Salvador event (CISPES tour). indybay.org Namaste Lounge, College Nine and John R. Lewis College, UC Santa Cruz campus…

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