Daily Archives: June 9, 2024

2024-06-09: News Headlines

UMMID (2024-06-09). Israel has ransacked 12 Gaza universities, killed 100 Palestinian scholars. ummid.com Israel's bombings have killed nearly 100 Palestinian scholars and turned all of the 12 universities in Gaza Strip into piles of rubble, campuses a wreck, student lecture halls no longer exist, tumbledown buildings have become the standard textbook cases of woes and misery underlined by running sewers and dirty water floods.

Mitchell Plitnick, Mondoweiss. (2024-06-09). The Biden Administration Must Stop Israel Before It Escalates In Lebanon. popularresistance.org "If Hezbollah chooses to start an all-out war, then it will single-handedly turn Beirut and South Lebanon, not far from here, into Gaza and Khan Younis." | Those were the blustery words of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, back in December. Since then, Israel and Hezbollah have exchanged fire on a consistent basis, with some minor intensifications of fighting along the way, but have both been careful about escalating the confrontation. Now, however, it seems that a more significant escalation may be at hand. | On Tuesday, Israeli Chief of Staff Herzl Halevi made a public statement, saying that "We are ap…

Philip Weiss (2024-06-09). 'Allow me to share a story that touched me deeply' — Harry Soloway on Palestinian resistance. mondoweiss.net "I have come to realize that Palestinians have not only survived, but they have thrived in their resistance to oppression."

Leon Kunstenaar (2024-06-09). Genocide's Red Line Drawn in Downtown SF. indybay.org Continuing protests against Padilla, Pelosi and Biden for enabling Israel's war crimes…

Palestine Action Network (2024-06-09). Wednesday 6/12: Google: Divest from Genocide! Rally and Action. indybay.org Google SF, 1 Market Street, San Francisco…

Editor (2024-06-09). Jun 9, 2024. sitrepworld.info Clannad — Something to Believe In Israel's progression from Apartheid to Genocide, by Yousef M. Aljamal Everything About Israel Is Fake, by Caitlin Johnstone Massacre in Maghazi | Blinken to Visit Israel — Day 245, Pal Chron Lebanon's Hezbollah is proving to be a serious Problem for Israel, by Zainab Younes Alan Sabrosky on D-Day & USS Liberty, by Kevin Barrett Trump Complains About the Israel Lobby Losing Influence on Congress, by Dave DeCamp The Dark Origins of the Davos' Great Reset, by F. William Engdahl NATO holds drills at Russia's borders, so Russian warships sail to t…

George Yancy (2024-06-09). Palestinian Graduate: Protesters Show Courage for Gaza as Leaders Show Cowardice. truthout.org Israel's likely war crimes and genocide in Gaza since October — as well as its brutality in the decades preceding its recent attacks — are unconscionable. Yet pro-Israeli powers refuse to recognize any of the atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank, and continue to police our collective grief over the outrageous carnage with accusations of antisemitism. There is something absurd about attributing… |

WSWS (2024-06-09). Leaders of London rally issue dead-end call for Sunak and Starmer to reverse support for Israel's genocide. wsws.org The determined opposition of workers and young people is being corralled into a dead-end, with calls that the only way to stop Israel is to put pressure on the Tories and, above all, the Labour Party of genocide apologist in chief, Sir Keir Starmer.

Curtis Blankinship aka djsussd (2024-06-09). LA8 member Michel Shehadeh says Gaza Genocide is caused by Imperialism. indybay.org At a lecture at the Eugene Unitarian Universalist Church on March 18th activist Michel Shehadeh said the current genocide in Gaza is caused by Imperialism and detracts from real antisemitism.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-06-09). U.S. is accomplice of massacres in Gaza, says Syria. plenglish.com Damascus, Jun 9 (Prensa Latina) The Israeli army has committed the heinous massacre in the Nuseirat camp in the Gaza Strip, with full involvement of the United States, the Syrian Foreign Ministry condemned Sunday.

Ali Azgar (2024-06-09). In Sebastia, Palestinians fear 'Judaisation' amid rising Israeli violence. muslimnews.co.uk On March 6, Ayman Shaer found himself lying on the ground in the ancient square of Sebastia, bleeding and in unbearable pain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …

Alex MacDonald (2024-06-09). World leaders praise rescue of Gaza captives – and fail to mention hundreds of dead Palestinians. middleeasteye.net World leaders praise rescue of Gaza captives – and fail to mention hundreds of dead Palestinians | Western leaders call rescue of four captives a moment of 'hope' even as more than 210 Palestinians were killed during the operation | | Noa Argamani, 26, next to her father at the Sheba T…

aljazeera (2024-06-09). Israel white phosphorous attacks on Lebanon harming people and ecosystem. aljazeera.com More than 92,600 people have been displaced from their villages in south Lebanon by the attacks, according to the IOM.

UMMID (2024-06-09). Israel added to UN 'list of shame' for killing children in Gaza. ummid.com In another diplomatic humiliation for Israel, the United Nations has added the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) to the world body's annual "list of shame" that features the offenders committing deadly violations against children.

Alex Shams (2024-06-09). Iran Braces for Uncertainty After President Raisi's Death. truthout.org When Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's helicopter went missing in the mountains on May 19, authorities initially responded by urging the public not to worry. In a country accustomed to being on razor's edge — only weeks before, Iranians feared Israel would launch a major attack within the country's borders — the statement was intended to reassure people. But it quickly turned into a joke. |

Staff (2024-06-09). Iran condemns Israel's airstrikes in Gaza. muslimmirror.com Tehran : Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani has strongly condemned deadly Israeli airstrikes on the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip. In a statement released on Saturday by the Ministry, Kanaani denounced Israel's killing of hundreds of Palestinian civilians during the attacks as a "horrendous and shocking crime". The "crime" perpetrated by Israel …

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-09). Denuncian en Türkiye ataque bárbaro de Israel contra campo de refugiados. radiohc.cu Ankara, 9 jun (RHC) La cancillería turca calificó este domingo de ataque bárbaro a la operación israelí contra el campo de refugiados de Nuseirat, en la Franja de Gaza, con saldo de al menos 274 palestinos muertos, indicó la televisión capitalina.

Staff (2024-06-09). Trump Complains About the Israel Lobby Losing Influence on Congress. defenddemocracy.press The former president says Sen. Chuck Schumer is now 'like a Palestinian' June 6, 2024 Former President Donald Trump complained in an interview with Fox News's Sean Hannity about the Israel lobby not having as much influence over Congress as it once did and vowed he would be a staunch supporter of Israel if re-elected. …

aljazeera (2024-06-09). Al Jazeera reporter describes horror inside Gaza's overwhelmed hospital. aljazeera.com The dead and wounded from Israel's massive assault on Gaza's Nuseirat refugee camp have overwhelmed hospitals.

Jessica Corbett (2024-06-09). At Least 210 Palestinians Killed in Israeli Operation to Retrieve 4 Hostages. truthout.org Palestinian officials said at least 210 people were killed and more than 400 injured as the Israel Defense Forces conducted an operation in the central Gaza Strip on Saturday to rescue four of over 240 hostages taken by Hamas militants last year. Israeli forces rescued Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv — all attendees or security guards at a music festival that… |

Robert Inlakesh, MintPress News. (2024-06-09). Former Israeli Captive In Gaza Says Biggest Fear Was Israeli Airstrikes. popularresistance.org In an interview with Israel's Haaretz, a former Israeli soldier who was held captive in the Gaza Strip said his biggest fear of being killed was from Israeli airstrikes, not Palestinian fighters. | In the interview, 70-year-old Louis Har, an Israeli who was held captive in the Gaza Strip, recounted his "biggest fear was the IDF planes and the fear that they would bomb the building we were in. It is clear that this is war, and the IDF is working. I was a soldier myself. But the feeling that it could be our bombs, our planes—that is what will make us die—is very scary and very stressful." | The exclusiv…

aljazeera (2024-06-09). Israel occupying Palestine echoes France colonising Algeria: Analysts. aljazeera.com Scholars of Algerian history rule say they see a lot of parallels with Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territory.

News Desk, The Cradle. (2024-06-09). US Army Aided Israel In Military Op Launched From Gaza 'Aid Pier'. popularresistance.org A video shared widely by Hebrew Telegram channels on 8 June shows that the Israeli army made use of the US-built pier installed in central Gaza as part of a bloody rescue operation that saw the killing of at least 210 Palestinians in the Nuseirat refugee camp. | Furthermore, according to Israeli journalist Barak Ravid, a special US military unit specialized in rescuing captives "supported the effort" that decimated the Nuseirat camp. | Multiple Israeli media outlets reported on Saturday afternoon that a special forces unit penetrated deep into the Nuseirat camp to free four living captives amid heavy bombing by I…

Susie Day (2024-06-09). The Need for Studying Zionism, Critically. counterpunch.org Since 1897, Zionism has been the religious and political impetus behind what is now the nation-state of Israel, which, like the United States, is settled on the lives, land, and cultures of millions of Indigenous peoples. Although today's Israel began as a refuge for European Jews fleeing the Holocaust, Zionism long ago broke out of its moral constraints to become a formidable geopolitical force that demands study. Which is why, in late 2023 America, the Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism was created. And why, because the Institute is fundamentally antizionist, it's under attack for antisemitism. | To re…

The Independent (2024-06-09). The view within Israel turns bleak. independent.co.ug Now apathy has been replaced by vengeance ANALYSIS | MEGA K. STACK | It was the pictures of Palestinians swimming and sunning at a Gaza beach that rubbed Yehuda Shlezinger, an Israeli journalist, the wrong way. Stylish in round red glasses and a faint scruff of beard, Mr. Shlezinger unloaded his revulsion at the "disturbing" …

Ali Azgar (2024-06-09). Israel's war on Gaza updates: Death toll from Nuseirat attack rises to 210. muslimnews.co.uk

Staff (2024-06-09). Palestine requests UNSC session over Israeli attacks on Gaza. muslimmirror.com Ramallah : Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has instructed Palestine's envoy to the UN to request an emergency session of the UN Security Council to discuss the repercussions of the Israeli attacks on the central Gaza Strip, the media reported. Additional security forces have been deployed in the affected areas following the incident on Saturday, they …

WSWS (2024-06-09). Nathan Thrall's Pulitzer Prize-winning A Day in the Life of Abed Salama: Anatomy of a Jerusalem Tragedy—A case study in dehumanization. wsws.org The bus accident proves to be a major news event with political implications. The accident exposes the fundamental injustices blighting Palestinian life in Israel.

Animal Rights for Palestine (2024-06-09). Saturday 6/15: Soul Of My Soul Exhibit, Father's Day Theme. indybay.org Berkeley animal rights center West, 2414 Sixth St, Berkeley, CA 94710…

Free Palestine! (2024-06-09). Friday 6/14: San Jose: Flag Day Rally for Palestine. indybay.org San Jose City Hall, 200 E Santa Clara St, San Jose…

Free Palestine! (2024-06-09). Saturday 6/15: Birds for Palestine. indybay.org 1928 Old Arcata Rd, Bayside…

Martin Hacthoun (2024-06-09). Pope Francis hilights importance of meeting in Jordan on Gaza. plenglish.com Vatican City, Jun 9 (Prensa Latina) Pope Francis today stressed the importance of the international conference on the emergency humanitarian response for the Gaza Strip, to be held in Jordan next Tuesday, June 11.

Staff (2024-06-09). Ukraina och Palestina splittrar den europeiska và§nstern. defenddemocracy.press Francisco Contreras Den stora klyftan i synen pà• Ukrainakriget och Palestina kan fà∂rsvà•ra ett framtida samarbete mellan norra och sà∂dra Europas và§nster. àÑr det slut fà∂r The Left (GUE/NGL)? Francisco Contreras analyserar fà∂rutsà§ttningarna fà∂r và§nstern infà∂r à•rets EU-val. EU-valet blir ett hà∂gerval. EU-parlamentet kommer att ta en skarp svà§ng à•t hà∂ger och opinionsundersà∂kningarna fà∂rutspà•r ett …

aljazeera (2024-06-09). Hundreds of protesters lay down in Spain to mimic Gaza's mass casualties. aljazeera.com Bodies of hundreds of protesters filled streets outside the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao to mimic the mass casualties.

Ali Azgar (2024-06-09). Attacks on US-linked businesses rattle Baghdad as anger over Gaza surges. muslimnews.co.uk A dozen masked men jump out of two SUVs and a white pick-up and storm a KFC in Baghdad, smashing everything in sight before fleeing the scene. A few days earlier, similar violence played out at Lee's Famous Recipe Chicken and Chili House — all US brands popular in the Iraqi capital. . . . …

Bheria (2024-06-09). You've Heard of Amalek, Now Let's Talk About Edom: Judaism on the Destruction of Christianity. muslimskeptic.com In a recent article of ours, "More Disturbing Biblical Verses Calling for Killing Babies," we had quoted a common Jewish prayer that featured some very harsh words against Edom: Remember, O Lord, against the Edomites the day of the destruction of Jerusalem, when they said, "Raze it, raze it to its very foundation!" Now, many …

Staff (2024-06-09). Protesta propalestinas rodea la Casa Blanca: No más dinero para los crímenes de Israel. cubadebate.cu Cientos de manifestantes propalestinos rodearon este sábado la Casa Blanca con una larga pancarta roja, bajo el lema: "línea roja del pueblo", para protestar contra la política exterior del Gobierno de EE. UU. "No más dinero para los crímenes de Israel", gritó desde un escenario uno de los organizadores del evento con el objetivo de que el mensaje llegue al equipo del presidente Joe Biden.

teleSUR, JDO, MER, JGN, JCM, SH (2024-06-09). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net En varios países continúan realizándose actividades para expresar apoyo al pueblo palestino y condenar el genocidio que comete Israel.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-09). Legisladora árabe-israelí reclama fin de la guerra en Gaza. radiohc.cu Tel Aviv, 9 jun (RHC) La legisladora árabe-israelí Aida Touma-Sliman exigió hoy otra vez el fin de la guerra en la Franja de Gaza y defendió un acuerdo sobre el intercambio de prisioneros entre este país y las milicias palestinas.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-06-09). ONU condena más de 500 asesinatos de palestinos en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Más de 500 palestinos han muerto desde el 7 de octubre en actos de violencia en la ocupada Cisjordania vinculados al asedio del Ejército israelí de ocupación en Gaza.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-06-09). Presidente de Siria recibe a canciller de Irán. telesurtv.net Ambos políticos debatieron sobre el estado de las relaciones bilaterales, así como el avance de la agresión de Israel en la Franja de Gaza.

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-09). IOF Launch Deadly Attack on Nuseirat: Four Captives Released Amidst Carnage. english.almanar.com.lb The Israeli occupation forces perpetrated, on Saturday, a devastating massacre in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, resulting in the deaths of dozens of martyrs and wounded after launching a sudden attack and destroying many homes with their residents inside. The Government Media Office reported that the occupation army launched an unprecedented brutal attack …

newarab (2024-06-09). 210 killed in Israeli Nuseirat camp massacre: Gaza authorities. newarab.com The media office said "the number of victims from the 'Israeli' occupation's massacre i…

newarab (2024-06-09). Israel is 'targeting' Gaza's fishermen amid famine. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-09). Activists form 'red line' around White House in Gaza protest. newarab.com Tens of thousands of people from across the US In response to Israel's recent invasion of Rafah, what many see as Biden not holding firm on his word, the demonstrators made a two-mile-long human "red line" around the White House, wearing red s…

newarab (2024-06-09). Gaza: Nuseirat massacre 'rescue mission' death toll rises to 274. newarab.com Israel announced its forces rescued four hostages on Saturday from a Gaza refugee camp in an operation which the government media office said left 210 Palestinians dead and hundreds wounded. | "The number of victims from the Israeli occupation's massacre in the Nuseirat camp has risen to 210 martyrs and more than 400 wounded," the press office said in a statement. | It came after the Israeli army announced the rescue of four Israeli captives in Nuseirat earlier Saturday in an operation that they said took place "under fire". | The army named the rescued captives Noa Argamani, 26, Almog Meir Jan, 22, Andrey Koz…

newarab (2024-06-09). Did the US play a role in Israel's massacre at Gaza's Nuseirat. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-09). Israeli Nuseirat camp massacre kills 210, say Gaza authorities. newarab.com The media office said "the number of victims from the 'Israeli' occupation's massacre i…

newarab (2024-06-09). US congressman slams Israeli campaign focused on Black lawmakers. newarab.com New York Congressman The New York Times, The firm, Stoic,…

newarab (2024-06-09). Israel army says rescued 4 Israeli captives alive in Gaza. newarab.com The "Noa Argamani (25), Almog Meir Jan (21), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40), were kidnapped by the

newarab (2024-06-09). Israel's 'Hamas' kill list from UN school fabricated: official. newarab.com The director of The Israeli attack on 6 June, which targeted the school located in central Gaza's Nuseirat area, killed at least 45 Palestinians, including several children. Many of the bodies were taken to the Al Aqsa Martyrs Hospi…

newarab (2024-06-09). Israel's treatment of Palestinian workers decried at UN meeting. newarab.com The head of the International Labour Organization on Thursday criticized the decimation of Palestinian workers' labour rights since the start of Israel's treatment of Palestinian workers, under scrutiny for decades by the UN labour body, has increased since the Oct. 7 war with criticism focused on more than half a million job losses and Israel's exclusion of some 200,000 Palestinians from Israel for security reasons. | "This has been the hardest year for…

newarab (2024-06-09). Colombia halts coal exports to Israel over Gaza war. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-09). Israel to be placed on UN blacklist of child rights violators. newarab.com Israel is due to be included on a The decision was welcomed by global rights groups "It should not have taken 15,000 children killed in Gaza for Israel to be on this shameful list," she tweeted.

newarab (2024-06-09). US munitions used in Israel strike on UN school in Gaza: report. newarab.com An Israeli attack on a According to Al-Jazeera, fragments of the munition used in the strike can be traced back to

newarab (2024-06-09). UK Labour 'pro-Israel' candidate faces antisemitism complaint. newarab.com A 'pro-Israel'

newarab (2024-06-09). What are UK parties' takes on Israel's war on Gaza. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-09). Two dead, fires in south Lebanon after Israeli strikes: state media. newarab.com The deadly fighting has intensified in recent…

newarab (2024-06-09). US pundit axed for 'rolling her eyes' at Israel captive's sister. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-09). Who is the former Labour pro-Palestine candidate Faiza Shaheen. newarab.com The decision garnered a great deal of attention and interest in the left-winger who grew up in the Chingford and Woodford Green constituency. | Earlier this month, Shaheen was summoned to an interview with three…

newarab (2024-06-09). Gaza war protesters slam Biden in 'red line' rally at White House. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-09). US resumes aid deliveries to Gaza from temporary pier: CENTCOM. newarab.com The "Today at approximately 10: 30 am (Gaza time) US Central Command (USCENTCOM) began delivery of humanitarian assistance ashore in Gaza. Today, a total of approximately 492 metric tons (~1.1 million pounds) of much needed huma…

newarab (2024-06-09). Palestinian football president denied entry into Australia. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-09). Netanyahu slammed for 'cynical' released captive PR meetings. newarab.com

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