2019-07-16: News Headlines

Patrick Hilsman (2019-07-16). How Israeli-Designed Drones Became Russia's Eyes in the Sky for Defending Bashar al-Assad. theintercept.com Last summer, Israel shot down yet another military drone near the line that separates the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights from the rest of Syria. The confrontation would have been business as usual, if not for a twist: Images of the destroyed drone showed Cyrillic tail markings and other identifiable components of a Forpost belonging to Russia. The findings presented an awkward geopolitical moment: Syria and Russia are allies, and Syria and Israel are bitter enemies — but the Russ…

Hans Stehling (2019-07-16). Trump, Netanyahu, Pence and Bolton: The Four Horsemen of the Nuclear Apocalypse. globalresearch.ca These are the demented Gang of Four who are determined to destroy 74 years of international cooperation for peace by waging a completely unwarranted war against Iran in a bid for global supremacy, and oil, that will provoke nuclear war …

Stephen Lendman (2019-07-15). Revanchist Israel Bent on Territorial Expansion. Towards "Greater Israel"? globalresearch.ca Israel is the only nation without official borders. From its inception it was planned this way to extrajudicially annex more territory. | A territorial expansion plan was drawn up in the 1980s as part of the US/Israel plan to redraw the …

James Zogby (2019-07-15). Two Congressional Resolutions That Won't Advance Israeli-Palestinian Peace. commondreams.org The U.S. Capitol building (Martin Falbisoner via Wikimedia Commons) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/capitol.jpeg

TeleSur English (2019-07-15). UN Human Rights Council Adopts Resolution Rejecting US Sanctions. venezuelanalysis.com The draft resolution was approved with 28 votes in favor, 14 against and five abstentions, and was presented by Venezuela and Palestine on behalf of the Movement of Non-aligned Countries.

splcenter (2019-07-15). Federal magistrate judge recommends $14 million in damages to Jewish woman targeted in neo-Nazi harassment campaign. splcenter.org Federal Magistrate Judge Jeremiah Lynch issued a ruling today recommending that Andrew Anglin, publisher of a major neo-Nazi website, should pay more than $14 million in damages to Tanya Gersh, the Whitefish, Montana, woman who received a relentless barrage of antisemitic threats and messages from Anglin and his followers.

Rossen Vassilev Jr. (2019-07-15). The Death Penalty as a Political Weapon: The Execution of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. globalresearch.ca June 19 marked the 66th anniversary since the execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, a young Jewish-American couple from New York City, whose alleged guilt as Soviet "atomic spies" has never been proved—in spite of the numerous lies, forgeries …

RT (2019-07-15). Trump calls on 'Radical Left Congresswomen' to apologize to US & Israel in fresh Twitter attack. rt.com US President Donald Trump escalated his war of words with a group of progressive Democrat congresswomen in an early-morning tweet Monday, in which he called for them to apologize to the US, Israel and to his office.

Fight Back (2019-07-14). Milwaukee: 'Drop the Charges' rally for student who took placard from Nazi. fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI – Activists rallied outside the Milwaukee County courthouse on the afternoon of July 11 to stand in solidarity with a student who was arrested and charged for taking a vulgar, racist sign away from a Nazi. | Grae Hosmanek is a freshman student at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. In May, she and others witnessed a racist student protesting a Jewish event on campus and gathered around to deter him from spreading hate speech and threats. The lone fascist, who called himself "Chris," was holding a sign that read "(((GAS)))" a reference to the Nazi holocaust, and another sign bearing a Nazi swastik…

Robert Mackey (2019-07-14). Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden Condemn Israeli Occupation, as Young American Jews Urge Democrats to Press Israel. theintercept.com Young American Jews got two more presidential candidates, Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden, to denounce Israel's military rule over millions of Palestinians.

Jonathan Cook (2019-07-14). Israel's Machinery of Dispossession Has Crushed the Hopes of an Inspirational Family. dissidentvoice.org Israeli police forced out the Siyam family from their home in the heart of occupied East Jerusalem last week, the final chapter in their 25-year legal battle against a powerful settler organisation. The family's defeat represented much more than just another eviction. It was intended to land a crushing blow against the hopes of some …

RT (2019-07-14). US lawmaker Rashida Tlaib compares 'racist' Israel's anti-Palestinian policies to Jim Crow laws. rt.com Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan) has denounced Israel's treatment of Palestinians, describing that country's policies as an affront to human rights and comparable to racial segregation in the American South. |

Whitney Webb (2019-07-13). The Untold Story of Christian Zionism's Rise to Power in the United States. theantimedia.com The largest pro-Israel organization in the United States is not composed of Jews, but of Christian evangelicals.

Whitney Webb (2019-07-12). The Untold Story of Christian Zionism's Rise to Power in the United States. mintpressnews.com Well before Theodore Herzl founded political Zionism and published The Jewish State, Christian Zionists in the United States and England were already seeking to direct and influence the foreign policy of both nations in service to a religious obsession end times prophecy…

Robert Mackey (2019-07-11). Give Elizabeth Warren a Break — Even Ariel Sharon Said the Israeli Occupation Had to End. theintercept.com Right-wing Israelis, and their supporters in the United States, have spent the last 48 hours venting their fury at Sen. Elizabeth Warren, since the Massachusetts Democrat told a young Jewish activist that she would press Israel to end its military rule over millions of disenfranchised Palestinians in territories it seized by force in 1967. | To be more precise, Warren's critics, led by the Republican Jewish Coalition, have expressed outrage that she said, "yes — so, I'm there," when asked, as she campaigned for the presidency in New Hampshire…

Cynthia Kao (2019-07-10). Jewish protesters stand in solidarity with detainees in S. California. liberationnews.org "All of our liberation is connected."

Ben Norton (2019-07-10). The Guardian publishes, then censors Jewish open letter defending smeared pro-Corbyn Labour MP Chris Williamson. thegrayzone.com Britain's leading newspaper The Guardian, which has relentlessly attacked Jeremy Corbyn and his leftist allies, published but then quickly removed…

Staff (2019-07-10). Headlines for July 10, 2019. democracynow.org Children Recount Mistreatment, Sexual Abuse at Yuma, AZ Migrant Jail, Scabies, Shingles & Chickenpox Spreading Among Children at Clint, TX Migrant Jail, Jewish Activists Arrested After Protesting Migrant Detention on Capitol Hill, Judge Rejects DOJ Move to Replace Legal Team Charged with Census Citizenship Battle, Court Says Trump Cannot Block Critics on Twitter, U.K. Ambassador Resigns After Leaked Cables Scandal, Afghan Peace Talks Close as Deadly Attacks Continue, Appeals Court Hears Arguments on Constitutionality of Affordable Care Act, Megan Rapinoe to Trump: "Your Message Is Excluding People", Calls Grow fo…

Ramzy Baroud (2019-07-09). The Book of Palestine: National Liberation vs Endless Negotiations. mintpressnews.com What will it take for the Palestinian government to abandon the American option and, instead, to develop a rounded strategy that is founded on national unity, democratic representation and international solidarity? asks Ramzy Baroud.

Miko Peled (2019-07-09). "Go Forth and Lie" Israel Rolls Out Mandatory Course for Students Travelling Abroad. mintpressnews.com Israel new course to prepare high school students traveling overseas to be good "ambassadors" includes training on how to combat BDS, claims of apartheid and more.

PACBI (2019-07-05). New report: French Insurer AXA Complicit in Israel's War Crimes. bdsmovement.net New report: French Insurer AXA Complicit in Israel's War Crimes: UpdateGlobal coalition demands AXA divest from companies violating Palestinian rights | Economic Boycott Military EmbargoJuly 8, 2019 | By: | | Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

Ramzy Baroud (2019-07-03). Africa and Palestine: A Noble Legacy That Must Never Be Betrayed. mintpressnews.com Netanyahu's diplomatic conquests in Africa have been celebrated by Israeli media as "historic", while the Palestinian leadership remains oblivious to the rapidly changing political landscape.

PACBI (2019-06-26). British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Endorses Palestinian Call to Boycott Complicit Israeli Academic Institutions. bdsmovement.net British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Endorses Palestinian Call to Boycott Complicit Israeli Academic Institutions: UpdateIn a historic vote, the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies joins a growing number of academic associations refusing to be complicit in Israel's grave violations of international law. | Academic BoycottJune 24, 2019 | By:…

SAMIR (2019-06-20). Milton Nascimento fans urge him to cancel Israel show. bdsmovement.net Milton Nascimento fans urge him to cancel Israel show: UpdateFans attending European tour dates join Palestinian and Brazilian arts organizations in urging star to cancel apartheid Tel Aviv show | Cultural BoycottJune 20, 2019 | By: | | Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI)