2022-02-12: News Headlines

teleSUR- jaa -HIM (2022-02-12). Represión israelí deja 22 palestinos heridos en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Solo en la ciudad de Kafr Qaddum se registraron 10 lesionados, entre ellos un niño de 13 años.

Maureen Clare Murphy (2022-02-11). Israel's never-ending trial of a humanitarian hero. electronicintifada.net World Vision's Gaza director refuses to accept a plea deal.

_____ (2022-02-11). Will Scathing Amnesty Apartheid Report Lead To Change In Israel's Criminal Practices? popularresistance.org The reality that this report has brought forward opens doors to a much more aggressive anti-apartheid campaign than we have seen so far. When Zionist organizations hold events, they do so in support of Israel; they encourage others to support Israel financially and politically. These organizations need to reserve conventions centers and hotels, the corporate offices of which should have copies of the Amnesty report on their desks alongside a demand that they refuse to cater to Zionist organizations. | According to the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid, "[i]nterna…

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2022-02-11). Texas anti-BDS measure ruled unconstitutional — again. electronicintifada.net Lawmakers in Georgia and Virginia attempt to crush free speech rights in service to Israel.

Omar Karmi (2022-02-11). I'm not a racist, you're a racist! electronicintifada.net Israel's reaction to Amnesty report is telling. But of what?

South Front (2022-02-11). Video: Israel Bombs Syria Again. globalresearch.ca To receive Global Research's Daily Newsletter (selected articles), Visit …

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