2022-02-17: News Headlines

Staff (2022-02-17). Jewish MP demands apology from Canada's prime minister. rt.com Trudeau's remarks about the Freedom Convoy protesters prompted an MP to accuse the prime minister of 'driving division' | A Canadian MP who is Jewish has demanded a full apology from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau after he apparently suggested she supports "people who wave swastikas." | Commenting on the ongoing Freedom Convoy protests, Trudeau said in parliament on Wednesday that while Conservative party members were standing "with people who wave swastikas," he and his supporters prefer to stay with Canadians "who deserve to be able to get to their jobs, to be able to get their lives back." | His words angere…

Ramzy Baroud (2022-02-17). Africa Must Not Abandon Palestine by Granting Israel Observer Status. dissidentvoice.org The current split in the African Union (AU) over Israel's Observer membership status is emblematic of a larger conflict that could potentially split the African continent's largest political institutions. Africa is currently facing one of its most crucial decisions regarding Palestine and Israel. The repercussions of this decision could be as significant as the 1975 …

Tony Seed (2022-02-17). Criminal Cold-blooded Assassination of Palestinian Resistance Fighters. dissidentvoice.org Funeral Procession in Nablus for assassinated resistance fighters. Israel Defence Forces (IDF) assassinated three resistance fighters in the Occupied West Bank on February 8. The targeted military operation took place in the heart of Nablus in broad daylight. Israeli soldiers used two private vehicles with Palestinian plates to enter the al-Makhfiya neighbourhood of the northern …

Angela (2022-02-17). Saturday 2/19: Virtual screening of "Stitching Palestine" indybay.org

sputniknews (2022-02-17). Untapped Talent Pool: Can Gaza Help Its Professional Footballers Develop Their Craft? sputniknews.com Aside from the total blockade, in place in the region since 2007, hampering their movement, football clubs lack the necessary funds to stay afloat. So, they often rely on donations from the Palestinian Authority, as well as regional and international grants.

Sarah Algherbawi (2022-02-17). Why Gaza must be vaccinated. electronicintifada.net I am devastated after my uncle died from COVID.

teleSUR, yart, JDO (2022-02-17). Siria denuncia ataque de Israel al sur de Damasco. telesurtv.net La agresión israelí ocasionó daños materiales en esa zona de la capital.

Jason Ditz (2022-02-17). Israel Attacks Syrian Army Base Near Damascus. news.antiwar.com On Wednesday night, Speculatively, Israeli media are saying Iranian troops might sometimes use that base. Israel, as usual, isn't commenting on why they're attacking Syria, however. | Indications are that the base sustained damage, and some damage was done in the town of Zakiya. There have been no reports of any casualties. | Interestingly, there was no…

Staff (2022-02-16). Headlines for February 16, 2022. democracynow.org NATO, U.S. Express Doubt over Russian Troop Pullback as Putin, Biden Say Diplomatic Path Still Open, Sandy Hook Families Reach Historic $73 Million Deal with Remington, Prince Andrew Settles Sexual Assault Lawsuit with Survivor Virginia Giuffre, Ex-Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández Arrested for Drug Trafficking, U.N.: Pollution Causes More Premature Deaths Than COVID-19, U.S. Coastal Sea Levels Will Rise Another Foot by Mid-Century, Climate Change-Fueled "Megadrought" in Western U.S. Worst in 12 Centuries, Flooding and Mudslides Kill at Least 34 People in Petrópolis, Brazil, Israeli Forces Kil…

Robert Inlakesh (2022-02-16). Why Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon See No End in Sight for Their Suffering. mintpressnews.com The donors to the NGOs want us to remain as victims; they fear us being instrumental in the struggle for liberating our country. — A Palestinian living in Nahr al-Bared refugee camp…

scorinoco (2022-02-16). Israeli Occupation Arrested 504 Palestinians, Including 54 Children, in January 2022. orinocotribune.com Occupied Palestine (Palestine Online)—Israeli occupation authorities arrested 504 Palestinians, including 54 children and six women, in the month of January 2022 only. | In a report released last Thursday, February 10, by a number of Palestinian prisoners advocacy groups, inclduding Addameer, Palestine Prisoners' Society and the Palestinian Commission of Detainees' and ex-Detainees' Affairs, the groups said that 'Israel' arrested 504 Palestinians in January 2022. | Among the arrested are 54 children, all under the age of 18. One of them is a child who is under the age of 12. There are also six women among t…

teleSUR- lvm, JL (2022-02-16). Tropas israelíes asesinan a joven palestino en Nabi Saleh. telesurtv.net Las tropas israelíes asesinaron hace dos días al adolescente palestino de 17 años, Muhamad Akram Ali Taher Abu Salah…

sputniknews (2022-02-16). As Poverty in Gaza Continues to Soar, Hamas Official Explains Origins of the Crisis. sputniknews.com Poverty has always been an issue in the Gaza Strip, home to more than two million people. Yet, in recent years the coastal enclave has seen an additional spike in numbers. According to reports, poverty rates have skyrocketed, from the 43 percent registered in 2016 to 53 percent in 2021, with unemployment levels exceeding 50 percent in the area.

teleSUR (2022-02-16). Nancy Pelosi Vows 'Ironclad' US-Israel Alliance. telesurenglish.net U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Israel on Wednesday, vowing that security alliance with Israel "is ironclad." | RELATED: | Heading a congressional delegation, Pelosi was welcomed in the morning in a ceremony and visited the Israeli parliament. She hailed the alliance between the two countries, saying she was "very proud that America is Israel's oldest ally." In joint statements with I…

Dave DeCamp (2022-02-16). In Bahrain, Israel's Bennett Stresses Cooperation Against Iran. news.antiwar.com Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett made his first official trip to Bahrain and said from the Gulf country on Tuesday that both countries In an interview with Bahraini media, Bennett said Israel and Bahrain deal with "great security challenges that stem from the same source, the Islamic Republic of Iran." Bennett said Israel fights "Iran and its proxies every day" and will help its "friends" in the region. | Since Israel and Bahrain normalized relations in 2020, the two countries have taken steps to forge military ties, part of Is…

_____ (2022-02-16). Will Third Countries Stop Using Syria as an Area of Contention? journal-neo.org In recent years, Syria, unfortunately, has increasingly become an arena of confrontation between many countries, primarily through the fault of the US, Israel and Turkey. As a result of Washington's blatant neo-colonial approach to Syria, US military personnel, that has been illegally deployed to the country in violation of all international norms (as has been …

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