2022-02-21: News Headlines

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-02-21). On Israel as an Apartheid State: An Interview with Richard Falk. transcend.org 19 Feb 2022 – An interview David Falcone originally published in CounterPunch on 11 Feb prompted by the Amnesty Report but extending beyond it.

_____ (2022-02-21). Africa Must Not Abandon Palestine By Granting Israel Observer Status. popularresistance.org Africa is currently facing one of its most crucial decisions regarding Palestine and Israel. The repercussions of this decision could be as significant as the 1975 Resolution 77 (XII) by the Organization of African Unity — the precursor to the African Union — which recognized Zionism, Israel's founding ideology, as a form of racism. This time around, however, it is Palestine, not Israel, that stands to lose. | Israel's attempt to gain observer status at the AU began years ago. For many years, most African countries have severed all ties with Israel in solidarity with Palestine and other Arab countries…

Miko Peled (2022-02-21). My Day in Palestine: The Stunning Beauty and Cruel Reality of an Occupied Land. mintpressnews.com Walking through the low hills of the Naqab as the sun sets and the moon comes up is an experience that allows us to imagine what Palestine was like before it was torn apart by Zionists and what can still be saved if we act fast.

rqorinoco (2022-02-21). Striking for Freedom: Why Palestinian Detainees are Boycotting Israeli Courts. orinocotribune.com Following hunger strike victories last year, Palestinians hope collective action will force Israel to abolish its practice of indefinite detention without trial. | By Yuval Abraham — Feb 17, 2022 | For the past six weeks, hundreds of Palestinian administrative detainees have been boycotting Israeli military courts over their indefinite imprisonment with no trial or indictment. Since January 1, the prisoners have announced that they will not arrive for hearings at courts, and that they are refusing to allow attorneys to represent them in absentia until Israel ceases its use of administrative detention. | Isra…

_____ (2022-02-21). European Citizens Initiative To Stop Trade With Illegal Settlements. popularresistance.org Brussels – Marking the World Day of Social Justice on February 20 a coalition of more than 100 civil society organizations, has launched a European Citizens Initiative (ECI) to stop trade with illegal settlements in occupied territories. | An ECI is an official instrument for democratic participation of citizens in EU policy making. If an ECI garners one million signatures from EU citizens over 12 months the European Commission must consider and debate the petition's demands. This ECI demands EU legislation that will outlaw trade with illegal settlements, anywhere and at all times, including trade with Israel's i…

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2022-02-21). Canadian teacher sues Israel lobby group. electronicintifada.net Javier Davila fights back against B'nai Brith's false accusations of anti-Semitism.

sputniknews (2022-02-21). Israeli Politicians Aren't Corrupt Overall, Says Researcher, But What Does the Public Think? sputniknews.com Transparency International has ranked Israel the 36th least corrupt country out of 180 listed. Although the situation is not that bad, a local expert believes that changes are still needed.

Peoples Dispatch (2022-02-20). Yet again, Israel refuses to cooperate with inquiry on human rights violations. peoplesdispatch.org Israel is continuing its policy of not engaging with international investigations into human rights violations in Palestine. In a letter to the head of the international commission of inquiry, Navi Pillay, Israel's representative to the UN Meirav Eilon Shahar refused to cooperate in the investigations to identify possible violations of human rights, war crimes and reasons for protraction of conflict in historic Palestine. | Accusing Pillay of bias against Israel, Meirav claimed that there is simply no reason to believe that Israel will receive reasonable, equitable and non-discriminatory treatment from the Counci…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-02-20). Australia to list Hamas as a terrorist organization. peoplesdispatch.org On Thursday, February 17, the Australian government announced its intent to ban the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas in totality as a terrorist organization. Australian home minister Karen Andrews announced the decision claiming that "there is no place in Australia for their [Hamas'] hateful ideology. | Hamas' military wing, Izz al-din al-Qassem Brigades, is already listed as a terrorist organization in Australia. After announcing the ban on Hamas in totality, Australia joins a small set of western countries, such as the US, the UK, the EU, and Israel, who have also done the same earlier. | Israel welcomed t…

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