2022-03-14: News Headlines

Ali Abunimah (2022-03-14). Carrefour joins forces with Israeli settlement profiteers. electronicintifada.net EU seeks more "opportunities for cooperation" with apartheid regime.

Miko Peled (2022-03-14). On the Origins of "Genocide": What We Learn from Amnesty's Report on Israeli Apartheid. mintpressnews.com The biggest lie perpetrated by Zionists is that Israel is somehow a response to the crime against humanity perpetrated against Jews by Nazi Germany. In fact, Israel is itself a crime that needs to be pointed out.

Morteza Ahmadi Al Hashem (2022-03-14). Large scale cyber attack targeted Israeli government websites. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Mar. 14 (MNA) — Several Israeli government websites went down on Monday, prompting suspicious of a cyber attack.

Staff (2022-03-14). IRGC thwarts Israeli plot to do act of sabotage at Fordow. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Mar. 14 (MNA) — The Iranian IRGC intelligence said in a statement on Monday that a team that was seeking to carry out an act of sabotage at Fordow nuclear site was arrested.

Staff (2022-03-14). VIDEO: Aftermath of targeted Mossad headquarters by IRGC. en.mehrnews.com Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) on Sunday targeted the Israeli centers in Erbil with precision-guided missiles.

KARA (2022-03-14). Saturday 4/30: Kara 45th Anniversary Fundraiser. indybay.org Oshman Family Jewish Community Center | 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto 94303…

Staff (2022-03-13). VIDEO: Squash Champ Ali Faraj :'Let's Talk About Palestine'. en.mehrnews.com Squash championship Ali Faraj who clinched the world squash tournament for Optasia held in London's Wimbledon sympathized with Ukrainians while drawing the attention towards the suffering of Palestinians.

Ramona Wadi (2022-03-13). Palestinian Refugee Families expelled from Israel can't Come Home, but 100K Ukrainians Admitted. juancole.com By Ramona Wadi | — ( Middle East Monitor )- Once again, Israel feels entitled to play the humanitarian card, with only Palestinians pointing out its selectivity when it comes to opening its doors to refugees. In February, The Jerusalem Post reported that 10,000 Jewish Ukrainian refugees would be entering Israel. The move was confirmed …

Staff (2022-03-13). Fuerzas iraníes impactaron centros de entrenamiento del Mossad. cubadebate.cu Fuerzas militares de élite de Irán emplearon este domingo misiles locales de alta precisión en ataques a dos centros de entrenamiento de la agencia de espionaje israelí (Mossad), en la ciudad iraquí de Erbil. El Cuerpo de Guardianes de la República Islámica desmintió informes occidentales que aludían a un supuesto impacto en zonas cercanas al consulado de EEUU.

Anonymous103 (2022-03-13). Military Situation In Iraq On March 13, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On March 13, IRGC Aerospace Forces attacked Israeli secret places near the US new consulate north of Erbil with at least 10 ballistic missiles; | On March 13, Masrour Barzani, the prime minister of KRG condemned the missile attack at Erbil; | On March 13, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi condemned the missile attack at Erbil; | On March 13, a U.S. logistical convoy was targeted by an IED attack in the Dhi Qar province; | On March 13, two U.S. logistical convoys…

Anonymous669 (2022-03-13). Iranian Sources Reveal New Information On The Target Of Erbil Missile Strike. southfront.org File image. | The target of the

Daniel Muessig (2022-03-13). I'm Facing 60 Months in Prison. Cannabis Prohibition Has Destroyed My Life. truthout.org The morning of May 24, 2019, found me running for my life through the traditional Jewish enclave of Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This was the neighborhood of stately red brick mansions and large dun-colored apartment houses where I'd grown up, come of age, learned to freestyle at the benches near the Murray Avenue Post Office and smoked my first furtive joints in the alleys that connect its winding, terraced streets. | The occasion for my flight was that the FBI had pulled over a tr…

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