2022-03-30: News Headlines

teleSUR, JGN, SH (2022-03-30). øPor qué se celebra el Día de la Tierra Palestina?>. telesurtv.net Los palestinos reclaman todo el territorio de Cisjordania junto a la Franja de Gaza, territorio bloqueado por Israel calificado como crimen de guerra.

Staff (2022-03-30). Hamas hails latest martyrdom operation in occupied Palestine. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Mar. 30 (MNA) — Head of Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, Political Bureau said that the Bnei Brak operation redrew the map of Palestine and showed that the future of Palestine will be in the hands of its legitimate owners.

Rick Rozoff (2022-03-30). EU advisers urge full NATO membership for Israel. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The Express (Britain)March 29, 2022 Israel urged to join NATO as Turkey seeks 'golden prize' of EU membership Israel has been urged to join NATO after two diplomatic experts said "it is time to start building" towards full membership of the intergovernmental military alliance. Israel took a step closer to NATO in 2014 when it …

Alan Macleod (2022-03-30). Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, Naomi Klein Join Over 100 Academics Denouncing The Israel lobby's Attempt To Cancel Lowkey. mintpressnews.com In addition, dozens of prominent Jewish voices have rejected the Israel lobby's attempts to silence Lowkey and signed the letter. These include writer and activist Naomi Klein, Professor Peter Beinart, editor-at-large of Jewish Currents magazine, and journalist and lawyer Glenn Greenwald. A number of prominent Israelis have also endorsed Lowkey, including historians Avi Shlaim and Ilan Pappé, as well as activist Miko Peled.

Dave DeCamp (2022-03-29). Biden Appears to Reveal the US Is Training Ukrainian Troops in Poland. news.antiwar.com President Biden appeared to reveal on Monday that the US is training Ukrainian troops in Poland. Biden made the comments when trying to explain a recent gaffe. In Poland on Friday, President Biden told members of the 82nd Airborne Division that Ukrainians were "stepping up" against the Russian assault and said, "You're going to see …

Omar Zahzah (2022-03-29). Social media giants repress Palestinian content. electronicintifada.net Political censorship has become routine feature of social media platforms.

Peoples Dispatch (2022-03-29). Activists protest in support of Palestinian women prisoners outside Israeli jail. peoplesdispatch.org As many as 32 Palestinian women prisoners are Damon prison. The protesting activists also demanded that authorities immediately release all prisoners being held under the illegal administrative detention policy…

Staff (2022-03-29). Iran condemns Israeli regime meeting with 4 Arab states, US. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Mar. 29 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh condemned the Israeli regime's meeting in occupied Palestine and called it a betrayal to the Palestinian liberation cause.

Juan Cole (2022-03-29). How Israel's Indiscriminate bombing of Gaza Endangers its Precious Hellenistic and Roman Archeological Heritage. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The Palestinian Gaza Strip doesn't stay on the world's mind the way some besieged cities in Ukraine do right now, but it is also surrounded, besieged, and blockaded by Israeli forces. This blockade is illegal in international law, since Israel is recognized as the Occupying authority over Gaza, which it …

Ali Abunimah (2022-03-29). Holocaust survivor backs war crimes case against Israel's Benny Gantz. electronicintifada.net "The Ziada family suffered a painful loss due to the decision of Israeli commanders to bomb civilian targets," says Jacques Bude.

Hamza Abu Eltarabesh (2022-03-29). Was Great March of Return the best way to confront Israel? electronicintifada.net Four years on, it is time to ask if mass protest is the best tactic.

Khury Petersen-Smith (2022-03-29). Uprising for Black Lives Drove Cancellation of Joint US-Israeli Police Trainings. truthout.org A recently It was not too long — less than two years ago in the summer of 2020 — that people moved by the cases of George Floyd, Breonna Tayl…

Rick Rozoff (2022-03-29). Projects with NATO states, Israel: Romania to produce mini-submarines, drones for Black Sea. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Nine O'Clock NewsMarch 29, 2022 DefMin Dincu: We will have production of subassemblies, drones, mini-subs in Romania The Minister of National Defence Vasile Dincu declared on Tuesday that our country will manufacture drones and mini-subs in the next two or three years. Asked, in Parliament, if it is possible in our country to open new …

_____ (2022-03-29). Israel, Ukraine, and Black Market Transplant Surgeons. journal-neo.org The topics of local military conflicts and illegal human organ trade always go hand in hand, since military actions are not just about solving geopolitical issues and commonplace profiting off the arms trafficking but also about illegal human organ trade. Organ buyer-ups and black market transplant surgeons have long become ordinary elements of the military …

Rick Rozoff (2022-03-29). U.S. Eurasian energy war and the Azerbaijan-Israel-Turkey nexus. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Daily SabahMarch 29, 2022 Turkey-Israel pipeline on table as Europe's alternative to Russian gas A natural gas pipeline between Turkey and Israel is being discussed behind the scenes as one of Europe's alternatives to Russian energy supplies, government and industry officials in both countries said. *** First conceived years ago, the idea is to build …

TASS (2022-03-29). NATO took steps affecting Russia's security before Moscow's operation in Ukraine – Kremlin. tass.com The situation is quite concerning, Peskov said…

TASS (2022-03-29). UN calls for investigation into reports about torture of prisoners of war in Ukraine. tass.com It is important that any ill treatment that may happen is stopped immediately, Head of the United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine Matilda Bogner said…

TASS (2022-03-29). Developers unveil pilot version of Russian alternative to Instagram. tass.com Rossgram users will be able to upload photos and videos from their smartphones, as well as videos from other platforms such as YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo…

TASS (2022-03-29). No free gas supplies for Europe, Kremlin spokesman says. tass.com No payment, no gas, the Kremlin spokesman emphasized…

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