2022-08-30: News Headlines

Diegoramos718 (2022-08-29). Deliberate Misrepresentation: Western Media Bias Makes Israeli War on Palestinians Possible. scheerpost.com Protest for Palestine. Brahim Guedich, CC BY-SA 4.0 By Ramzy Baroud / While US and western mainstream and corporate media remain biased in favor of Israel, they often behave as if they are a third, neutral party. This is simply not the case.

Staff (2022-08-29). Why Israel fiercely opposes nuclear deal with Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 29 (MNA) — Mossad chief David Barnea issued a warning shot against the 2015 Iran nuclear deal while the European Union, together with Iran and the US, were engaged in a flurry of diplomatic efforts to get the nuclear deal revived.

Dave DeCamp (2022-08-29). Former Israeli Officials Urge Israel to Prepare Military Action Against Iran. news.antiwar.com Former Israeli intelligence and military officials have urged Israel to prepare for military action against Iran as Washington and Tehran are negotiating a revival of the nuclear deal, The Palestine Chronicle reported on Monday. In an interview with Israel Hayom that was published Sunday, Amos Gilad, the former chief of Israel's Defense Ministry's Political-Military Affairs …

____ (2022-08-29). Deliberate Misrepresentation: Western Media Bias Makes Possible Israeli War of Aggression against Palestinians. transcend.org 26 Aug 2022 – While US and western mainstream and corporate media remain biased in favor of Israel, they often behave as if they are a third, neutral party. This is simply not the case. The deadly Israeli wars on Gaza are made possible, not only by western weapons and political support, but through an endless stream of media misinformation and misrepresentation.

TeleSUR (2022-08-29). Jordanians Keen to Maintain Palestinian Tourism. telesurenglish.net After Israel opened an airport near its southern border with Jordan to Palestinian passengers travelling abroad last week, several Jordanian travel agents expressed concern that the Israeli move would significantly reduce the number of Palestinians travelling via Jordan. | RELATED: | Dozens of Palestinians departed for Cyprus from Israel's Ramon Airport on Aug. 22 after Israel launched a pilot program to enable Palest…

Staff (2022-08-29). Khalil Awawdeh's message to the world: "Our cause is just, regardless of the high price paid" samidoun.net Palestinian prisoner Khalil Awawdeh, on his 180th day of hunger strike, issued a video message to the people of the world, where he speaks slowly and laboriously, with his emaciated body visible, highlighting the justice of the Palestinian cause: "Oh, free people of the world, this suffering body, of which nothing remains but skin and …

____ (2022-08-29). (Norsk-Norwegian) Israels forbrytelser mot Palestina. transcend.org Samfunnsdrap er villet lemlestelse — drap av et samfunn ved à• eliminere forutsetningene for et levende, levende, dynamisk samfunn.

____ (2022-08-29). Israel's Assault on Palestinian NGOs Is Shutting off Access to International Community. transcend.org 23 Aug 2022 – Experts say that Israel's recent assault with overnight raids on Palestinian NGOs and closure of six Palestinian civil society groups will further block ties to international institutions from which they receive most of their funding. To what extent these groups will be able to continue operating with the outside world?>

WSWS (2022-08-29). Pfizer's anti-COVID pill Paxlovid shows no benefit for younger adults. wsws.org A recent Israeli study demonstrated that Pfizer's anti-COVID pill had no benefit for those younger than 65. However, it did show benefits among seniors at high risk for severe disease.

Staff (2022-08-29). Iran condemns Israel's continued attacks against Syria. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 30 (MNA) — Condemning the Israel's continued attacks against Syria, Iran's Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN rejected US accusations against Iran leveled by the American representative in Security Council meeting.

Staff (2022-08-29). Resistance continuing in West Bank more severe than before. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 29 (MNA) — The spokesman for the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas Abdul-Latif Al-Qanu said that resistance is continuing in the West Bank more severe than before.

____ (2022-08-29). The Nuclear Agreement (JCPOA, 2015) Should Be Renewed. transcend.org 25 Aug 2022 – Undoing the human and diplomatic harm of Trump's international legacy is a complex matter that not only exhibits the persisting influence of unrepentant Trumpists but the passivity of the Democratic Party leadership, particularly when it dares to disagree with Israel on a matter of foreign policy concern.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-08-29). Soldados israelíes hieren a 11 palestinos en Jenin, Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Ocurrió durante una redada en la ciudad de Qabatiya. Siete de los lesionados fueron por uso de munición real.

_____ (2022-08-28). Is Vietnamese-Israeli Defense Cooperation Facing Problems? journal-neo.org On July 12, Israel and Vietnam marked the 29th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and emphasized in official statements that there is great potential for the further development of economic and diplomatic cooperation that could bring significant benefits to both sides. Vietnam, as you know, is a member of the Association of Southeast …

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