2022-09-06: News Headlines

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-09-06). Israel admite que pudo haber asesinado a periodista palestina. telesurtv.net El ejército indicó que no será abierta una investigación penal al estimar que sus tropas actuaron correctamente.

Jeff Wright (2022-09-06). How Israeli Settlers Use Archeology to Displace Palestinians from Their Land. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2022-09-06). VIDEO: Moment when Zionists blew up Palestinian martyr house. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 06 (MNA) — The Israeli regime detonated the house of the Palestinian man who carried out an anti-Zionist martyrdom-seeking operation in Tel Aviv.

Staff (2022-09-06). Palestinian martyred in Israeli regime raid on WB. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 06 (MNA) — News sources early on Tuesday reported that a Palestinian was martyred in the Zionist regime's forces' raid on Jenin.

WSWS (2022-09-06). Israel's military "investigation" whitewashes murder of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. wsws.org Israel's month-long investigation was a whitewash from start to finish, shot through with inconsistencies and glaring contradictions it did not attempt to reconcile.

Staff (2022-09-06). Footballer Ghoddos; invited by Sweden but loves Iran jersey. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 06 (MNA) — The Swedish-born Iranian midfielder has made up his mind to wear the jersey of Iran's national football team despite being invited to play for Sweden.

TeleSUR, ysm, JCM (2022-09-06). Fuerzas israelíes asesinan a joven palestino en Jenin, Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Un operativo perpetrado contra un edificio de apartamentos por las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes, dejó el saldo de un fallecido y al menos 16 heridos.

Anonymous103 (2022-09-05). Lapid Says Israel's Pressure on the US Against Iran Nuclear Deal Is Working. southfront.org

____ (2022-09-05). Is It Time to Stop Bullying Iran? Washington Should Restore the Nuclear Program Agreement with Iran Now. transcend.org 4 Sep 2022 – It is time for the morally attuned public to awake to the reality that a nuclear Israel has neither security justifications nor political grounds for its continuing bullying of Iran. Iran's political solidarity with some movements in the region pales in its gravity compared to the U.S. and Israel's discretionary bombing, political assassinations, interventions, and violations of the basic sovereign rights of countries in the Middle East.

Ali Abunimah (2022-09-05). Shireen Abu Akleh's family rejects latest Israeli cover-up. electronicintifada.net Tel Aviv claims journalist's killing was an "unfortunate accident."

Jason Ditz (2022-09-05). Iran Denies Being Israel's Target in Syria. news.antiwar.com The Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a statement Monday responding to recent Israeli attacks in Syria, dismissing the narrative that Israel is attacking Iranian targets there. | Iran The credibility of this has always been in doubt, not just because Iran has limited troops in Syria, but because those times when the target was identified, they are Iraqis, Paki…

____ (2022-09-05). The Hundred Year War on Palestine. transcend.org Rashid Khalidi's book is an interesting well written overview of the Zionist colonial-settler enterprise in Palestine. How the creation of Israel fits into the colonial-settler mindset that established the current Five Eyes scenario of the United States, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia within the global influence of the British empire.

____ (2022-09-05). (Italiano) Sociocidio, Genocidio, Ecocidio d'Israele in Palestina. transcend.org Sociocidio è un nuovo concetto che non ha ancora trovato il proprio spazio nel diritto internazionale positivo. Genocidio, l'ineffabile crimine di uccisione di massa di membri di un genus, una nazione, per nessun altro motivo che tale loro appartenenza.

Dave DeCamp (2022-09-05). US Signs Deal to Give Israel Four Refueling Planes Needed to Bomb Iran. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2022-09-05). Free Ahmad and Adal Musa: Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike for 29 days. samidoun.net Two Palestinian prisoners — brothers from al-Khader, west of Bethlehem — have been on hunger strike for 29 days against their administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial. Ahmad Hussein Musa, 44, and his brother Adal, 34, went on hunger strike when they were seized by occupation forces on 6 August 2022 and have continued …

Antonio Tujan (2022-09-05). The Biggest Prison on Earth. The Land of Historic Palestine. globalresearch.ca

TeleSUR (2022-09-05). Israel Admits Israeli Gunfire 'Most Likely' Killed Abu Akleh. telesurenglish.net On Monday, the Israeli army said that there is "a high possibility" that Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was killed by errant Israeli fire during a fire exchange in the occupied West Bank, according to a military investigation into the case. | RELATED: | Abu Akleh, a Palestinian-American journalist, was killed while covering an Israeli military raid in the city of Jenin in the northern West Bank on May 11. She was then we…

Staff (2022-09-05). Israeli regime planes can use Turkey airspace after agreement. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 05 (MNA) — The spokesperson of the Israeli regime prime minister announced the new aviation agreement between the Israeli regime and Turkey, describing it as a strategic step in bilateral relations.

JANET (2022-09-05). Palestinian struggle: Declare the 'Elbit Eight" not guilty or deserving of prosecution. iacenter.org OPEN LETTER We, the undersigned, declare the 'Elbit Eight" not guilty or deserving of prosecution, their actions built on an indelible commitment to the Palestinian struggle. Rather, it is Elbit Systems who are guilty, and who should be be shut down everywhere. In 2020, eight activists sparked the launch of the robust direct action network 'Palestine Action', that for over two years, has targeted Israel's largest arms manufacturer — Elbit Systems. In that time, Palestine Action has undertaken more than 250 actions at Elbit, each one disrupting the manufacture of Israeli weapons on British soil, whilst build…

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-09-05). Israeli regime admits to killing of Shireen Abu Akleh. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 05 (MNA) — There is a "high probability" that the shot that killed the Palestinian journalist was fired by an Israeli soldier returning fire, the Israeli military found.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-05). Soldados israelíes abaten a un palestino en Yenín, Cisjordania. telesurtv.net El joven Taher Mohammad Zakarneh es el cuarto palestino abatido por las fuerzas de Israel en los últimos cinco días.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-09-05). OLP rechaza plan de Israel de ampliar asentamientos en Jerusalén. telesurtv.net Tel Aviv intenta expulsar a más de 2.000 palestinos y construir más de 3.000 viviendas ilegales al este de la urbe.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-05). Soldados israelíes asesinan a joven palestino en Yenín, Cisjordania. telesurtv.net El joven Taher Mohammad Zakarneh es el cuarto palestino abatido por las fuerzas de Israel en los últimos cinco días.

Contributing Writers (2022-09-04). Nazis in Ukraine/ Commentary by Dean O'Brien. marktaliano.net Dean O'Brien &#1 ; –î–∏–Ω –û'–ë—Ä–∞–πe–Ω &#1 ; Freelance Photographer August 23 at 2: 08 PM ∑ As the war continues in Ukraine, people think that because President Zelensky is Jewish that there can't possibly be any Nazis in Ukraine. Since President Putin launched his operation into Ukraine on February 24th I've lost count of the amount of people saying 'Oh, my grandfather …

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