2022-09-08: News Headlines

A guest author (2022-09-08). Palestinian prisoner unity forces occupation retreat. workers.org Artist works on Gaza mural to Palestinian prisoners who dug themselves out of Israeli Gilboa prison in 2021. The below text is excerpted from a Sept. 1 posting by Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. The Palestinian prisoners' movement announced a new victory on 1 September 2022, in which the occupation . . . |

Dave DeCamp (2022-09-08). Mossad Chief Wraps Up Trip to US Focused on Iran, Says Israel Won't 'Sit Idly By'. news.antiwar.com David Barnea, the head of Israel's Mossad spy agency, wrapped up a trip in Washington on Thursday that was focused on Iran as Israel has been pushing hard for the Biden administration to exit nuclear deal negotiations with Tehran. According to a statement from the Israeli prime minister's office, Barnea stressed to officials in Washington …

Ramzy Baroud (2022-09-08). 'Painful March for Freedom': The Triumphant Legacy of Palestinian Prisoners. mintpressnews.com Around one million Palestinians were imprisoned between 1967 and 2021. Currently, hundreds of Palestinian 'administrative detainees' are held in Israeli prisons, an act that violates international law on various counts.

TeleSUR (2022-09-08). Reconstruction in Gaza Advances at Snail Pace. telesurenglish.net Ayman al-Rifi, a Gazan man who lost his home in the latest Israeli strikes in the Palestinian enclave, had to squeeze his nine children into a small house shared with other relatives. "My family and I miraculously escaped death," the 54-year-old man said, referring to the three-day conflict between the Israeli army and the Islamic Jihad movement (PIJ) in early August | RELATED: | The Israeli missile attacks had killed nearly…

KATIE (2022-09-08). Energy deals with Israel violate EU policies and obligations under international law. bdsmovement.net

Staff (2022-09-08). Palestinian prisoner Ahmad Musa defeats the jailer after 33 days of hunger strike. samidoun.net After 33 days of hunger strike, Palestinian prisoner Ahmad Musa has defeated the jailer. Musa, 44, is jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention. He will be released on 6 December 2022, confirmed the Muhja al-Quds Foundation. Ahmad Musa suffers from serious heart conditions that require medication and has been repeatedly transferred back and …

TeleSUR (2022-09-08). Giant Eye Murals Call for Peace in East Jerusalem. telesurenglish.net About 20 pairs of giant eyes recently emerged on the walls of houses in Silwan, a village south of the Old City of Jerusalem, staring at the city as if trying to tell their stories. | RELATED: | These eye murals are part of the "I Witness Silwan" art project that started in 2016, when the village continued to receive house clearance and demolition orders from the Israeli government, said Zuheir Rajabi, head of Batan Al-Hawa Community Committee in…

Canadians for Justice, Peace in the Middle East (2022-09-08). Canada's Pro-Israel Voting Record at the UN Contradicts Its Own Values and Interests, According to GAC Officials. globalresearch.ca

Michael Jansen (2022-09-08). Israel Should be Demoted From Full UN Membership. globalresearch.ca

____ (2022-09-08). Extremely rare Iron Age papyrus note discovered in Israel. ecns.cn A view of a papyrus fragment of an ancient Hebrew document presented by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) at its Dead Sea conservation lab in Jerusalem, Sept. 7, 2022.

Angela (2022-09-08). Sunday 9/11: Free screening of the documentary film "Gaza Hospital" indybay.org

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-09-08). Palestina acusa a primer ministro israelí de aprobar crímenes. telesurtv.net La diplomacia palestina acusó a Israel de dar protección total "a los asesinos, criminales y elementos del terrorismo".

Dave DeCamp (2022-09-07). Report: US Tells Israel the Nuclear Deal With Iran Is Off the Table for Now. news.antiwar.com The Israeli news website Zman Yisrael didn't cite any sources but said that this message had been conveyed to Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid in recent conversations with President Biden and other US officials. | Prospects for a revival of the nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, seemed unlikely after the US slammed Iran's latest response…

Anonymous103 (2022-09-07). Military Situation In Syria On September 7, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org On September 7, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours; | On September 7, the SDF and the US coalition carried out a joint exercise in the countryside of Malikiyah; | On September 6, Israeli warplanes struck Aleppo Airport with several missiles; | On September 6, an SDF member was killed by IED explosion near the town of Karamah; | On September 6, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turk…

PACBI (2022-09-07). Palestinian Performing Arts Companies Urge Italian Festivals To Refuse Funds From Apartheid Israel. bdsmovement.net

Benjamin Norton (2022-09-07). Apartheid Israel requires Palestinians to report romantic relationships to regime. multipolarista.com While Palestinians are forced off buses for being Arab, apartheid Israel now requires foreigners to notify the regime if they fall in love with a Palestinian in the occupied West Bank. If they marry, they must leave Palestine for a 6-month "cooling-off period."

Julia Conley (2022-09-07). Rejecting Israeli Report on Journalist's Killing, Senator Demands Independent US Probe. commondreams.org Israeli Army's claim that Palestinian-American reporter Shireen Abu Akleh was accidentally killed by an IDF soldier contradicts numerous other analyses, says U.S. Sen. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland.

TeleSUR (2022-09-07). Israeli Soldiers Kill Palestinian in West Bank. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Israeli occupation forces killed a 29-year-old man and wounded 20 Palestinians during a military raid in the city of Jenin in the West Bank. | RELATED: | Mohammad Musa Sabaaneh died after he was shot in the chest, said Wesam Bakker, director of Jenin Hospital, adding that at least 20 Palestinians were injured, including two people in severe conditions. | The events occurred while the Israeli Army was carrying out an o…

_____ (2022-09-07). These Organizations Are Doing Critical Work to Advocate for Palestinian Rights'. popularresistance.org Janine Jackson: The UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights stated that Israel's designation of a number of Palestinian rights organizations as "terrorist" raised concerns that the designations were being used to "halt, restrict or criminalize legitimate human rights and humanitarian work." | Ten European countries and, not for nothing, the CIA agreed that Israel has not presented sufficient evidence for that terrorist labeling—or the subsequent raids conducted, computers stolen, files taken, entryways taped up. | The groups' legal appeals were dismissed with no opportunity to defend against the "secret evi…

Staff (2022-09-07). 13 September, Online Briefing: Palestine Action Defense Committee Legal Briefing #ElbitIsGuilty. samidoun.net Tuesday, 13 September 7 pm London (11 am Pacific, 2 pm Eastern, 8 pm central Europe, 9 pm Palestine) Register to join on Zoom: us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvc-usrjMsG9TK3pE-A2qSLslpCUB1I0gd Ahead of their landmark trial, the Palestine Action Defence Committee, members of the #ElbitEight and their legal team welcome you to an online conference via Zoom. Tune in for critical updates …

TeleSUR (2022-09-07). Israel's Closure of Palestinian NGOs is Void and Illegal. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Ishtaye said that Israel's closure of Palestinian human rights groups and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is "void and illegal." | RELATED: | Ishtaye's made the remarks during his visit to a Palestinian NGO, which was closed by Israel in the West Bank city of Ramallah in August. Accompanying him on the trip were diplomats from different countries, the EU, as well as members of international…

Staff (2022-09-07). Palestine Action: #ElbitIsGuilty &#1 ; Take Action to Support the #ElbitEight! samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all friends and supporters of Palestine to join in the urgent campaign to support Palestine Action, the organization taking direct action to shut down Israeli arms factories throughout Britain and bring an end to this industry of death and destruction for the Palestinian people. Palestine Action activists regularly put …

Staff (2022-09-07). 8 September, Gothenburg: Conversation with Jaldía Abubakra: Liberation or negotiations? 29 years after the Oslo agreement. samidoun.net Together with our friends in the Palestinska Samordningsgruppen — Gà∂teborg, Samidoun Gothenburg invite you to a conversation with Jaldía Abubakra; active in Samidoun España, Masar Badil, Alkarama and more, about the situation of the international Palestinian liberation movement and the upcoming demonstration in Oslo outside the Norwegian Parliament on Saturday 10 September. Place: Viktoriasalen, Linnégatan 21, Gothenburg …

Anonymous765 (2022-09-07). Israel Provokes Damascus To Escalate. southfront.org |

Ann Brown (2022-09-07). Chicago Community Leader Prince Asiel Ben Israel of Black Hebrew Israelites Passes Away At 81. moguldom.com A memorial service was held on Sept. 2 for Prince Asiel Ben Israel at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Ben Israel was a well-known leader of the Black Hebrew Israelites. He was 81. According to his family, Ben Israel died on Aug. 21. No cause of death was given. Prince Asiel Ben Israel …

_____ (2022-09-07). These Organizations Are Doing Critical Work For Palestinian Rights. popularresistance.org The UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights stated that Israel's designation of a number of Palestinian rights organizations as "terrorist" raised concerns that the designations were being used to "halt, restrict or criminalize legitimate human rights and humanitarian work." | Ten European countries and, not for nothing, the CIA agreed that Israel has not presented sufficient evidence for that terrorist labeling—or the subsequent raids conducted, computers stolen, files taken, entryways taped up. | The groups' legal appeals were dismissed with no opportunity to defend against the "secret evidence" against t…

Staff (2022-09-07). Iran to definitely respond to any Israel intimidating actions. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 07 (MNA) — Major General Gholam Ali Rashid, the commander of the IRGC's Khatam al-Anbiya headquarters said Wednesday that Iran's response to any intimidating actions by Israeli regime, its elements and assisting regimes will be decisive.

TeleSUR-mcs- JL (2022-09-07). Siria denuncia ataque de fuerzas de Israel contra aeropuerto. telesurtv.net Las autoridades de ocupación israelíes están decididas a aumentar el nivel de amenazas a la paz y la seguridad regional e internacional.

TeleSUR, ysm, JCM (2022-09-07). Fuerzas israelíes asesinan a joven palestino en Jenin, Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Un operativo perpetrado contra un edificio de apartamentos por las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes, dejó el saldo de un fallecido y al menos 16 heridos.

Ali Abunimah (2022-09-06). Court orders Deutsche Welle to reinstate second Palestinian journalist. electronicintifada.net German state broadcaster makes supporting Israel compulsory for all employees.

Staff (2022-09-06). One year on the Freedom Tunnel: Palestinian prisoners leading the resistance. samidoun.net Historic Palestinian prisoner escapes Inside prisons: confronting the occupier The Freedom Tunnel and the resistance Internationalism and the Freedom Tunnel The Freedom Tunnel Prisoners Mahmoud al-Ardah Mohammed al-Ardah Yaqoub Qadri Munadil Naf'at Ayham Kamamji Zakaria Zubaidi Samidoun statements on the Freedom Tunnel Today, 6 September, marks the one-year anniversary of the Freedom Tunnel, when six …

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