2022-09-11: News Headlines

Labor Video Project (2022-09-11). Google & Tech Workers With Community Demand No Tech For Apartheid! Cancel Project Nimbus. indybay.org Google workers who were members of CWA Alphabet Workers Union joined with other tech workers and community members rallied at San Francisco Google and Amazonn to protest the retaliation against Google worker Ariel Koren for speaking out against the Project Nimbus which uses Google technology to spy on Palestinian people for the apartheid regime.

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-09-11). Google and Amazon Workers Push Back on Tech Work for Israeli Apartheid. indybay.org Hundreds in march and demonstrations at SF Google and Amazon offices…

Eva Bartlett (2022-09-11). Western media continues to ignore Ukraine's public 'kill list' aimed at those who question the Kiev regime. ingaza.wordpress.com

Angela (2022-09-11). Sunday 9/11: Free screening of the documentary film "Gaza Hospital" indybay.org

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-09-11). Fallece palestino baleado por fuerzas israelíes en Yenín, Cisjordania. telesurtv.net El joven palestino fue baleado por soldados israelíes durante una redada en el campo de refugiados de Yenín, el pasado 6 de septiembre.

Staff (2022-09-10). Is America sacrificing the JCPOA for Israel election? en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 10 (MNA) — Talks in Vienna over reviving a 2015 Iran nuclear deal appear to have entered a stage of inertia amid Israeli and American preparations for upcoming elections.

TeleSUR, ysm, JCM (2022-09-10). Exfiscal de Israel condena asesinatos de al menos 79 palestinos. telesurtv.net El exfiscal Michael Benyair considera que debe examinarse la ligereza del Ejército israelí al apretar el gatillo, que en lo que va de 2022 ha asesinado a decenas de inocentes.

Robert Inlakesh (2022-09-10). Israel Covered Up The Murder Of Shireen Abu Akleh With US Help. thelastamericanvagabond.com The results of Israel's official investigation into their own murder of veteran journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh, was published this Monday. Unsurprisingly, the conclusion is the same as the US report, which was accused by human rights groups of being a whitewash. Israel has all but admitted it killed a US citizen and knows it will

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-09-10). Sorry to see E3 affected by Israel to bring talks to failure. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 10 (MNA) — Iran has reacted to the unconstructive statement issued by three major European powers on Saturday.

TeleSUR, lvm, JDO (2022-09-10). Fuerzas de Israel hieren a seis palestinos en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net La aldea de Kafr Qaddum fue interrumpida con gases lacrimógenos hiriendo a cuatro palestinos con rondas recubiertas de goma.

Miko Peled (2022-09-09). Hebron, Palestine: An Ancient Gem Ruined by Apartheid and Occupied by Settlers. mintpressnews.com Hebron, a city that is far too often in the news for the violence and racism that Zionist settlers and the Israeli army constantly force upon this town, is in fact an ancient gem.

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