2022-09-15: News Headlines

Staff (2022-09-15). Israeli destruction of Syria's infrastructure war crime. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 15 (MNA) — The Iranian envoy to the United Nations Saeid Iravani said Wednesday that the UN Security Council and the international community have to held Israeli regime for attacking Syria's infrastructure.

KATIE (2022-09-15). Commemorating 40 years since the Israeli-sponsored massacre at Sabra and Shatila. bdsmovement.net

Allan Fisher (2022-09-15). Saturday 9/17: Free Palestine. indybay.org Corner of Ocean and Water Streets, Santa Cruz…

TeleSUR -ysm (2022-09-15). Fuerzas de ocupación israelíes asesinan a palestino en Jenin. telesurtv.net El joven Odai Salah, de 17 años, murió como consecuencia de un disparo que recibió en la cabeza, tras el inicio de los combates que originó la irrupción del Ejército israelí en su ciudad.

TeleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-09-15). Siria insta al Consejo de Seguridad a condenar ataques de Israel. telesurtv.net El diplomático sirio acotó que los ataques de Israel contra las instalaciones del país amenazan el bienestar y la seguridad de la población.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-09-15). Conmemoran 40 aniversario de masacres israelíes en Líbano. telesurtv.net El exprimer ministro israelí Ariel Sharon fue el máximo responsable de las masacres en los campos de Sabra y Shatila.

Tamara Nassar (2022-09-14). Resistance kills senior Israeli officer. electronicintifada.net Two Palestinian fighters who gave their lives celebrated as heroes.

Jason Ditz (2022-09-14). Israeli Attack Halted Syria Aid Flights for Two Weeks. news.antiwar.com While a lot of the Syrian war has quieted down, one thing that consistently happens is Israel attacking targets in the country. Nominally these targets are "Iranians" they're trying to hit, but often the result is just infrastructure damage. | A UN Commissioner confirmed this Wednesday, saying one of Israel's June attacks on Damascus Airport did so much damage to the facility that the UN Such…

SAMIR (2022-09-14). Palestinians respond to Israeli filmmakers boycotting Shomron Fund. bdsmovement.net

Staff (2022-09-14). 24-29 October — Brussels: International Week of Action for Palestinian Liberation. samidoun.net The Palestinian liberation movement is a Palestinian, Arab and international movement, with a history of a century of struggle fighting back against imperialism, Zionism and reactionary forces. Today, as the Palestinian people and their resistance continue to struggle for return and liberation, the colonial occupation is continuing its extrajudicial killings and massacres, siege on Gaza, …

Anonymous669 (2022-09-14). Senior Israeli Officer, Two Palestinian Gunmen Killed In West Bank Firefight. southfront.org IDF officers inspect a rifle used by a terrorist at the scene of a deadly firefight with soldiers on September 14, 2022. Source: the Israeli Defense Forces. | Early on September 14, a senior officer of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) was killed when two Palestinian gunmen opened fire as soldiers attempted to apprehend them near the West Bank security barrier. | The IDF said that soldiers operating surveillance cameras spotted two suspects in the so-called seam zone between the occupied…

_____ (2022-09-14). Activists Unlawfully Arrested In Raids On Palestine Action Camp. popularresistance.org Yesterday, 14 activists were unlawfully arrested after manning the Palestine Action Camp for the past two weeks. The activists were arrested under the pretext of "conspiracy to commit criminal damage", despite no evidence given for these claims. It would appear the arrests were part of an attempt to remove activists, ahead of an event outside the factory that called for mass mobilisation. During the raid, devices were seized, equipment damaged deliberately and packed up by police, who then cordoned the whole camp off, marking it a "crime scene". Those arrested were released in the early hours of today. | Although…

TeleSUR-mcs- JL (2022-09-14). Denuncian detención de 19 palestinos tras redadas israelíes. telesurtv.net Durante el allanamiento de viviendas palestinas, las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes incautaron vehículos.

Staff (2022-09-13). Down with Oslo: The Resistance Continues for Return and Liberation. samidoun.net 13 September 2022 marks the 29th anniversary of the infamous "Oslo Accords," the so-called Declaration of Principles signed in Washington, D.C., by Zionist state representatives and soon-to-be "Palestinian Authority" leadership under the auspices of the United States. As we confront 29 years of Oslo, it is clear that the goals of the "peace process" &#1 ; …

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