2022-09-27: News Headlines

TeleSUR- hvh, JCM (2022-09-27). Al menos cuatro fallecidos tras naufragio en Galápagos, Ecuador. telesurtv.net Entre los fallecidos se identificaron dos ecuatorianos, uno de nacionalidad colombiana y otro estadounidense-israelí.

____ (2022-09-26). What Makes Ukraine Different from Serbia? Why Kosovo? Why Not Donbas? transcend.org Defying Serbian Territorial Sovereignty in Kosovo, Upholding Ukrainian Territorial Sovereignty in the Donbas Region – The blind eye turned toward denials of the right of self-determination to the Palestinian people in what had been their own country of Palestine represents a flagrant example of international double standards.

Ramzy Baroud (2022-09-26). From Exodus to Marvel: The Israelification of Hollywood. mintpressnews.com The introduction of an Israeli Mossad agent as the latest Marvel movie character crosses the line, even by Hollywood's poor moral standards. However, the Israeli superhero, Sabra, must be understood within the rational progression of the Israelification of Hollywood, a phenomenon that is surprisingly new. | Sabra is a relatively old character,

Miko Peled (2022-09-26). Failing to Count the Arabs: the Myth of the "Democratic" Jewish State. mintpressnews.com A campaign to whitewash Israeli apartheid claims that twenty percent of Israel citizens are Arabs and that they enjoy full equal rights with their Jewish counterparts. This is a claim that is very often repeated by people and needs to be clarified.

Steven Sahiounie (2022-09-26). Lebanese-Israeli Off-shore Agreement May End the Lebanese Financial Crisis. globalresearch.ca

Robert Inlakesh (2022-09-26). Palestinian Authority Does Israel's Dirty Work, One Killed In Clashes. thelastamericanvagabond.com Last Monday night, in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, the Palestinian Authority (PA) arrested two resistance fighters and then clashed with demonstrators, leaving a 53 year old man dead. The PA's crack down has sparked civil disobedience and threats of escalation. Two Palestinian resistance fighters, Musab Shtayyeh and Ameed Tabila, were arrested last

KATIE (2022-09-26). BNC joins 55+ organisations demanding EU officials review decision of renewal of EU-Israel Association Council. bdsmovement.net

_____ (2022-09-26). Palestinian Prisoners Go On Indefinite Hunger Strike. popularresistance.org On Sunday, September 25, 30 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails started an indefinite hunger strike to protest the Israeli policy of administrative detention without charge or trial. The strike demanding an end to this policy has been organized under the slogan: "Our decision is freedom..our strike is freedom." | The prisoners issued a joint statement before the formal commencement of their strike which was read outside the Israeli Ofer prison by their family members along with members of Addameer and other prisoner solidarity groups. | Some of the leading figures participating in the hunger strike a…

TeleSUR, ysm, JCM (2022-09-26). Palestinos detenidos por Israel inician huelga de hambre. telesurtv.net Los prisioneros palestinos protestan contra la política de detención administrativa arbitraria.

TeleSUR, ysm, JCM (2022-09-26). Ejército israelí asesina a joven palestino en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Israel asesinó a Sa'ed al-Kuni, de poco más de 20 años, mientras circulaba en una motocicleta por un barrio de Nablus.

_____ (2022-09-25). The Israel Files: Wikileaks Docs Show Top Hollywood Producers Working with Israel To Defend Its War Crimes. popularresistance.org As Israel was launching a deadly assault on Gaza, killing thousands of civilians and displacing more than 100,000 people, many of America's top TV, music and film producers were organizing to protect the apartheid state's reputation from widespread international condemnation. | Together, the Sony Archive — a cache of emails published by Wikileaks — prove that influential entertainment magnates attempted to whitewash Israeli crimes and present the situation as defending itself from an impending "genocide", liaised with Israeli military and government officials in order to coordinate their message, atte…

Staff (2022-09-25). 30 Palestinian prisoners launch hunger strike to #EndAdministrativeDetention. samidoun.net Thirty Palestinian prisoners jailed without charge or trial under Israeli "administrative detention" have launched a hunger strike on Sunday, 25 September to demand an end to the policy, which is currently jailing over 740 Palestinian prisoners under "secret evidence." The Palestinian prisoners announced their hunger strike under the slogan "Our Decision is Freedom", noting that …

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