2022-10-10: News Headlines

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-10-10). ONU denuncia que Israel asesinó al menos 100 palestinos en 2022. telesurtv.net Al menos 100 palestinos han sido asesinados por Israel en Cisjordania durante el año 2022, revela la ONU.

Tamara Nassar (2022-10-09). Israel kills 4 teens in rampage across West Bank. electronicintifada.net One occupation soldier killed, others injured at Jerusalem military checkpoint.

Staff (2022-10-09). 20 more Palestinian prisoners join hunger strike to end administrative detention. samidoun.net On Sunday, 9 October, 20 additional Palestinian prisoners joined the mass hunger strike launched by 30 administrative detainees demanding an end to detention without charge or trial. The Palestinian Prisoners' Society announced that the 20 prisoners include Palestinians jailed arbitrarily under administrative detention as well as people serving sentences imposed by Israeli occupation military courts …

_____ (2022-10-09). Poll: Young People Want To Cut Pentagon Budget. popularresistance.org Young Americans appear highly skeptical of Washington's ability to improve the world through military force, according to a new poll from the Eurasia Group Foundation (EGF). | A majority of respondents aged 18 to 29 told pollsters that the United States should cut its military budget, end arms sales to Israel and Saudi Arabia, and emphasize diplomacy over other tools when engaging with the world. | Zuri Linetsky, a research fellow at EGF, argued that youth respondents have likely been formed by the failures of recent U.S. military policies. | "If you are 29 right now, you came of voting age towards the end of the…

Anonymous669 (2022-10-09). Female Israeli Soldier Killed In East Jerusalem Shooting Attack (Video). southfront.org Sgt Noa Lazar, 18, who was killed in a shooting attack in East Jerusalem. Source: the Israel Defense Forces. | Late on October 8, a female Israeli soldier was killed and a security guard was seriously wounded when a Palestinian gunmen opened fire at a checkpoint there were manning near the Shuafat refugee camp in East Joursalem. | The Palestinian gunman arrived in a vehicle then fired at the checkpoint before fleeing, while under fire, into the nearby refugee camp. | Fo…

Anonymous669 (2022-10-09). Israel Starts Pipes Tests At Gas Field Disputed With Lebanon. southfront.org Karish North field is situated adjacent to the Karish Main field. Credit: Gov.il | On October 9, the London-listed firm Energean began testing pipes between Israel and the Karish naval gas field, the focal point of the maritime dispute with Lebanon."Following approval received from the Israeli Ministry of Energy to start certain testing procedures, the flow of gas from onshore to the FPSO [Floating Production Storage Offloading] has commenced," the firm said in a statement. | Israel has maintained that Ka…

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-10-09). Fuerzas israelíes asesinan a dos jóvenes palestinos en Jenín. telesurtv.net También resultaron heridos once palestinos, tres de los cuales se encuentran en estado grave.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-10-08). Dozens of Jewish Settlers Attack Palestinian School in Occupied West Bank. orinocotribune.com

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