2022-11-16: News Headlines

Allan P Fisher (2022-11-16). Saturday 11/12: All Out for Palestine. indybay.org corner of Ocean at Water Street, Santa Cruz…

Yves Engler (2022-11-16). Another Disruption of Anti-Palestinian Event, Another Punch. dissidentvoice.org On Sunday Bill Sloan and I interrupted a Technion Canada fundraiser to challenge its support of the Israeli military and the role of government-subsidized charities in promoting Israeli apartheid. After entering the room, I declared "Technion Canada supports the Israeli military and the Israeli military's war crimes. Technion Canada has projects that support the Israeli …

Anonymous669 (2022-11-16). Three Israelis Killed In West Bank Stabbing & Ramming Attack (Photos). southfront.org DF chief Aviv Kohavi meeting with senior commanders at the scene of a deadly terror attack near the northern West Bank settlement of Ariel. Source: the Israeli Defense Forces. | On November 15, three Israelis were killed and three others were wounded in a stabbing and ramming attack in the settlement of Ariel in the occupied West Bank. | The attack was carried out by a Palestinian man who stabbed an Israeli security guard near the entrance to the Ariel Industrial Park,…

Ramzy Baroud (2022-11-16). Palestinians are Native Americans: It's Time to Correct the Language of History. mintpressnews.com In this new language, Palestinians are Native Americans, not in their supposed propensity to be 'wiped out', but in their pride, resilience and continued quest for equality and justice.

Ali Abunimah (2022-11-16). Ben & Jerry's repudiates Israeli ice cream sold under its name. electronicintifada.net Sales in occupied Palestinian territories damaged company's credibility, managers said.

Jessica Buxbaum (2022-11-16). Israeli Drone Sales Are Fueling Military Occupations Around The World. mintpressnews.com In addition to selling armed drones to oppressive regimes, widespread reports indicate that Israel has long used the armed unmanned aircraft to carry out strikes in Gaza, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, and Sudan.

____ (2022-11-16). Earliest evidence of human cooking found at Israeli archaeological site. ecns.cn Israeli researchers have discovered the world's oldest fish supper – a carp-like fish displaying the earliest signs of having been cooked by prehistoric humans 780,000 years ago.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-16). Israeli oil tanker targeted by drone in Sea of Oman. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 16 (MNA) — An oil tanker, belonging to an Israeli billionaire, was struck in an exploding drone attack off Oman.

Anonymous669 (2022-11-16). Iran Blamed For Drone Attack On Israeli-Owned Oil Tanker Off Oman's Coast. southfront.org An Israeli-owned oil tanker was reportedly attacked by a suspected Iranian suicide drone off the coast of Oman late on November 15. | The tanker was identified as the Liberian-flagged Pacific Zircon which is operated by the Singapore-based Eastern Pacific Shipping, a company ultimately owned by Israeli billionaire Idan Ofer. | In a statement released on November 16, Eastern Pacific Shipping said that the Pacific Zircon, carrying gas oil had been "hit by a projectile" some 240 kilometers off…

Anonymous765 (2022-11-16). Israeli Attacks Continues To Kill Syrians, Iranians. southfront.org |

Mike Walter (2022-11-16). The Heat: Israeli Elections. america.cgtn.com Israel's president asks former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to form a government. What could it mean for the country and beyond? Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could return to power as head of Israel's most right-wing government in history. Final results show Netanyahu's Likud …

En.mehrnews (2022-11-16). VIDEO: Russia drone targets Israel armored vehicle in Ukraine. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 16 (MNA) — Footage shows the moment when the Russian drones destroyed the Israeli regime's armored vehicles in Ukraine operation.

Tamara Nassar (2022-11-16). Israeli settlers take revenge after three are killed. electronicintifada.net Occupation officials embarrassed that attack was not halted sooner.

TeleSUR, jaa, JGN (2022-11-16). ONU pide investigar asesinato de niña palestina por israelíes. telesurtv.net La Unión Europea y el Reino Unido también exigieron que fuera realizada una investigación inmediata y exhaustiva sobre los hechos.

Julia Conley (2022-11-15). Israel Refuses to Cooperate With US Probe Into Palestinian-American Journalist's Killing. commondreams.org Israeli officials condemned the FBI investigation, while Shireen Abu Akleh's family expressed hope that the probe will lead to accountability for those responsible.

Ramzy Baroud (2022-11-15). For Lula's Victory to Matter: A Proposal for a Unified Palestinian Foreign Policy. dissidentvoice.org Palestinians and their supporters are justified in celebrating the election victory of the leftist presidential candidate, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, in Brazil's runoff elections on October 30. But Lula's victory is incomplete and could ultimately prove ineffectual if not followed by a concrete and centralized Palestinian strategy. Lula has proven, throughout the years, to …

Tamara Nassar (2022-11-15). Israel kills nine Palestinians so far in November. electronicintifada.net 2022 is the deadliest year on a monthly average since records began.

_____ (2022-11-15). Israel Won't Cooperate With US Probe Into Shireen Abu Akleh's Killing. popularresistance.org The U.S. Justice Department has informed the Israeli government that the FBI will investigate the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, the Palestinian American journalist who was shot during an Israeli raid in May. The announcement comes shortly after elections were held in the United States and Israel. | "Such an investigation is highly unusual and could lead to a U.S. request to investigate the soldiers who were involved in the operation — a request Israel would almost certainly reject," wrote Barak Ravid, who first reported the story for Axios. "The investigation could also lead to tensions between the Biden ad…

_____ (2022-11-15). Palestine Action's First Crown Court Trial Begun Today In London. popularresistance.org Five activists are appearing in Southwark Crown Court from today onwards for a trial set to last between 5 and 7 days, charged with 'conspiracy to commit criminal damage' after taking action against Elbit's headquarters at 77 Kingsway, Holborn, London. The five activists arrived by car, and sprayed the premises in red paint from buckets and repurposed fire exinguishers. The activists were joined by dozens of protestors, who brought banners bearing 'Shut Elbit Down' and 'Stop Arming Israel'. The five were arrested alongside a journalist, and have waited over two years on bail before the trial commences. | Elbit, w…

Eva Bartlett (2022-11-15). Debunking Western Media's Latest Mariupol Mass Grave Hoax, By Actually Going to the Cemeteries in Question. ingaza.wordpress.com

Eva Bartlett (2022-11-15). Using American HIMARs, Ukraine Shelled a Cultural Building in Gorlovka, Destroying the Roof and Theatre. ingaza.wordpress.com On November 12, using American HIMARs (according to DPR military experts), Ukraine fired two shells directly at a cultural building in the DPR's northern city of Gorlovka, destroying parts of the roof and the theatre hall within. [See my video here] Built in 1951, the Shakhtar Palace of Culture was formerly a movie theatre and…

Miko Peled (2022-11-15). Kahanist Extremists To Take Power in New Israeli Government. mintpressnews.com During his previous terms in office, Benjamin Netanyahu oversaw some of the most brutal attacks on Gaza, attacks that caused thousands of civilian casualties. He was also indicted on corruption charges, and yet enough Israelis found him suitable to return to…

En.mehrnews (2022-11-15). Syrian air defense downs 3 out of 8 Israeli missiles. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 15 (MNA) — Syrian air defense systems shot down three out of the eight missiles fired from Israeli fighter jets from Lebanon's airspace at targets in the Syrian Homs province.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-15). Israel main obstacle to creating Middle East free of WMD. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 15 (MNA) — Iran's envoy to the UN said that the Zionist regime is the main obstacle to creating a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction, calling on the international community to assist the region in overcoming these obstacles.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-15). Israel produces WMDs under West's protection: Syria. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 15 (MNA) — Syrian envoy to the United Nations has said that Israel produces weapons of mass destruction under West's protection…

Kyle Anzalone (2022-11-15). Ukraine Plans to Create 'Israel-Like' Arms Industry to Produce NATO-Caliber Weapons. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2022-11-15). Headlines for November 15, 2022. democracynow.org U.N. General Assembly Calls on Russia to Pay Reparations for Ukraine Invasion, After Meeting Xi Jinping, Biden Says U.S. Won't Provoke New Cold War with China, Egyptian Political Prisoner Alaa Abd El-Fattah Ends Hunger Strike, Israel Says It Won't Cooperate with FBI Probe into Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, Thousands Flee Fighting Between Congolese Army and M23 Rebels in Eastern DRC, Katie Hobbs Defeats GOP Election Denier Kari Lake to Win Arizona Governor Race, Arizona Voters Approve In-State College Tuition for Undocumented Immigrants, Second Federal Court Blocks Biden's Student Debt Relief Pro…

Morning Star (2022-11-15). Police attack anti-fascists during Nazi march in Poland. peoplesworld.org Polish opposition politicians condemned police this weekend for detaining anti-fascist counter-protesters on Friday while ignoring Nazi symbols at the annual far right-led "Independence Day" march through Warsaw. And the American Jewish Committee raised the alarm at events in Krakow, where an Independence Day rally speaker talked about burning Jews and the crowd chanted: "Down with …

Thierry Meyssan (2022-11-15). Who are the Ukrainian integral nationalists? thealtworld.com Who knows the history of the Ukrainian "integral nationalists", "Nazis" according to the terminology of the Kremlin? It begins during the First World War, continues during the Second, the Cold War and continues today in modern Ukraine. Many documents have been destroyed and modern Ukraine forbids under penalty of imprisonment to mention their crimes. The fact remains that these people massacred at least four million of their compatriots and conceived the architecture of the Final Solution, that is, the murder of millions of people because of their real or supposed membership in the Jewish or Gypsy communities of…

TeleSUR -mcs, JCM (2022-11-15). Fuerzas israelíes asesinan a una mujer en Cisjordania ocupada. telesurtv.net Testigos oculares palestinos dijeron que los soldados israelíes abrieron fuego contra ellos mientras conducían por la ciudad.

_____ (2022-11-14). UN Committee Votes To Request ICJ Opinion On Israeli Occupation. popularresistance.org The United Nations' decolonisation committee adopted a draft Palestinian resolution on Friday requesting an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Israel's occupation of Palestinian lands since 1967. | The measure was welcomed by Palestinians and rejected by Israel. | Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said in a statement that 98 countries supported the resolution, 52 abstained and 17 voted against. | The opinions of the ICJ, which settles disputes between countries, are not binding. | Al-Maliki welcomed the vote and described the resolution as a "diplomatic and legal breakthr…

_____ (2022-11-14). Miko Peled: 'The Danger To Palestinians Has Never Been So Severe'. popularresistance.org The recent elections by the Israeli State will likely bring to power what author and activist Miko Peled calls "the most openly fascist government" in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Peled wrote about Netanyahu, a known war criminal who was re-elected as Prime Minister, in Mintpress News. In this interview on Clearing the FOG, Peled explains why the danger to Palestinians has never been greater and why international action to end the occupation is critical. He discusses the rise of the far right, the escalation of violent attacks on Palestinians, retaliation against Palestinian journalists and activists, in…

_____ (2022-11-14). Palestine Action Deface Balfour Statue In The House Of Commons. popularresistance.org London, England – In an unprecedented move, Palestine Action struck at the very heart of government to deface the "commemorative" statue of former Prime Minister Lord Arthur Balfour — the colonial administrator and signatory of the Balfour Declaration. Activists evaded security to gain access to the House of Commons Private Members Lobby in the Palace of Westminster in London. | Once inside, the group doused the statue in fake blood & unveiled the Palestinian flag, before gluing themselves to the plinth to state their intentions: "Palestine Action won't stop until British complicity does" said one acti…

_____ (2022-11-14). Peter Beinart Leads Charge To Cancel Journalist Mnar Adley. popularresistance.org The latest victim of cancel culture wave is MintPress News founder and editor-in-chief Mnar Adley. Adley had been booked to host and moderate an event discussing anti-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) laws in the United States, and how Palestinians are under increasing pressure to silence themselves, when she was herself, ironically, removed from the panel at the behest of a shady advisor. | The event was hosted by Voices From the Holy Land, an organization that hosts documentary films and group discussions in order to give voice to those ignored by the mainstream press and to educate the public about the r…

Angela (2022-11-14). Sunday 11/13: Virtual Book Event: "Ida in the Middle," A Young Adult Novel About Palestine. indybay.org

En.mehrnews (2022-11-14). VIDEO: Zionists shoot Palestinian woman in head in Ramallah. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 14 (MNA) — Zionist regime's forces have shot dead a Palestinian woman in Ramallah while injuring another young man, amid an ongoing crackdown on Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank.

PACBI (2022-11-14). Love Football. Hate Apartheid. Score a Goal for Palestinian Rights. bdsmovement.net

Ramzy Baroud (2022-11-14). How Lula's Victory Can Be An Opportunity for Palestine. mintpressnews.com

Staff (2022-11-14). 17 November, London: Boycott M&S! Free all Palestinian Political Prisoners! samidoun.net 6.30pm, Thursday 17 November. M&S Oxford Street, WC1 1AP. FB Event: www.facebook.com/events/1745289842516958/ Boycott M&S, Britain's longest & strongest commercial backer of Israeli occupation of Palestine! Join our picket of the flagship M&S store on Oxford Street, London. This month, Palestinians held by Israel without charge or trial so-called "administrative detention" concluded a 19-day …

TeleSUR (2022-11-14). Israeli Soldiers Kill a Palestinian Woman in Beitunia. telesurenglish.net On Monday, a Palestinian woman was killed and a young man was detained after being injured by Israeli soldiers in the town of Beitunia close to the West Bank city of Ramallah. | RELATED: | The Palestinian Health Ministry said that the 19-year-old woman was killed after being shot in the head by Israeli soldiers who stormed the town west of Ramallah. | Palestinian eyewitnesses said the Israeli soldiers opened fire at them whi…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-14). Military Situation In Syria On November 14, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org On November 14, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 4 times: 2 in Latakia province, 1 in Idlib province, 1 in Aleppo province; | On November 13, Israeli warplanes attacked Shayrat Airbase in Homs province with several missiles. Two SAA servicemen were killed; | On November 14, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in Nayrab; | On November 14, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish…

____ (2022-11-14). Zhang regains UFC strawweight gold, Adesanya dethroned. ecns.cn In an action-packed UFC 281 card, China's Zhang Weili returned to the top of the women's strawweight division, regaining her belt against two-time title holder Carla Esparza, while in the main event, Alex Periera upset middleweight king Israel Adesanya.

____ (2022-11-14). What to Expect from Netanyahu & Religious Zionism. transcend.org

TeleSUR, YSM, JDO (2022-11-14). Mueren al menos dos uniformados sirios por ataque de Israel. telesurtv.net Los fallecidos son un comandante y un teniente de las Fuerzas de Defensa Aérea del Ejército de Siria.

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