Monthly Archives: April 2022

2022-04-24: News Headlines

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-04-24). Presos palestinos y árabes sufren duras condiciones carcelarias. Unos 4.500 prisioneros palestinos están recluidos en unas 17 cárceles israelíes, centenares de ellos bajo detención administrativa.

xinhuanet (2022-04-24). Palestinians clash with Israeli soldiers after protest against Pence visit. Palestinian protesters hurl stones at Israeli soldiers during clashes after a protest against the visit of U.S. Vice President Mike Pence in Jerusalem, in the West Bank city of Hebron, on Jan. 23, 2018.

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-24). After barring ships, Turkey bans Russian flights to Syria. Daily SabahApril 23, 2022 Turkey closes airspace to Russian military aircraft to Syria: FM àáavu≈üoƒülu Turkey has closed its airspace to Russian military and civilian flights to Syria after notifying Moscow, Foreign Minister Mevlàºt àáavu≈üoƒülu said Saturday. "We were giving permissions in three-month intervals. The latest one was until April," the minister said in an …

Ali Abunimah (2022-04-23). How Israel uses Judaism as a settler-colonial weapon. Watch: Ali Abunimah and Rania Khalek discuss Israel's attacks at al-Aqsa and the war in Ukraine.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-04-23). Dutch Journalist in Mariupol: U.S. Media Are Lying About Russian Atrocities. Sonja Van den Ende Residents of Mariupol receiving humanitarian aid from the Russian army in collaboration with the DPR army. [Source: Photo courtesy of Sonja van den Ende] Where shall I begin? Can a man endure so much suffering? Can you write about so much suffering without getting emotional? Probably not. Mariupol has been wiped…

Sonja Van den Ende (2022-04-23). U.S. Media Are Lying About Russian Atrocities in Mariupol, Says Embedded Reporter at Ground Zero. [This article is written by a reporter embedded in Ukraine with the Russian army. We believe that if people want …

_____ (2022-04-23). After Undermining ICC, US Now Wants It To Charge Russians. Although the United States has tried mightily to undermine the International Criminal Court (ICC) since it became operational in 2002, the U.S. government is now pushing for the ICC to prosecute Russian leaders for war crimes in Ukraine. Apparently, Washington thinks the ICC is reliable enough to try Russians but not to bring U.S. or Israeli officials to justice. | On March 15, the Senate unanimously passed S. Res 546, which "encourages member states to petition the ICC or other appropriate international tribunal to take any appropriate steps to investigate war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the…

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-23). Romania: U.S. senator discusses military buildup in Black Sea region. Nine O'Clock NewsApril 21, 2022 PM Ciuca, Senator Steve Daines discuss security situation in the region following conflict in Ukraine Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca received the delegation of the American senator Steve Daines at the Victoria Palace on Thursday, with the two officials addressing issues related to the security situation in the region… …Prime Minister …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-23). Ramstein Air Base: U.S. to gather 40 allies, partners to provide "long-term military assistance" to Ukraine. Novinite/Bulgarian Telegraph AgencyApril 23, 2022 The Pentagon is inviting 40 Allies at its Ramstein Base on Tuesday The Pentagon has invited representatives of 40 allied countries to gather in Germany on Tuesday to discuss Ukraine's long-term security needs, BTA reported. Defense ministers and high-ranking generals from 20 NATO and other countries have already accepted an …

Staff (2022-04-23). Russia warns Israel against assisting Ukraine militarily. TEHRAN, Apr. 23 (MNA) — Russian Ambassador to Israel Anatoly Viktorov has warned that Moscow will introduce retaliatory measures against Israel in case the Tel Aviv regime supplies Ukraine with military equipment and aid.

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-23). Canada delivers heavy artillery to "fight and win this war" in Ukraine. UkrinformApril 23, 2022 Canada delivers M777 howitzers to Ukraine The Government of Canada has approved the delivery to Ukraine of a number of M777 howitzers to strengthen its positions on the battlefield with Russia. That's according to a statement posted on the government's website, Ukrinform reports. "As the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, committed …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-23). Georgian soldiers killed in Ukraine fighting given military honors at home. Agenda.geApril 23, 2022 Body of Georgian volunteer killed in Ukraine repatriated to Georgia The body of Georgian volunteer AK, killed in the armed action in Ukraine, was repatriated to Georgia on Saturday morning. Family members and a group of citizens gathered at the Tbilisi International Airport to pay homage to K, whose body was transported …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-23). Britain to send tanks to Poland to free Polish ones to join dozens of Czech tanks in Ukraine. Ukrainian News AgencyApril 23, 2022 UK Will Transfer Tanks To Poland So That It Can Send Soviet T-72 To Ukraine Britain plans to send a batch of Challenger 2 tanks to Poland so the Polish government can then hand over to Ukraine the Soviet T-72 needed by the Ukrainian military to confront Russia.The corresponding statement …

Revolution Books (2022-04-23). Tuesday 4/26: The War in Ukraine: NO U.S./NATO WAR WITH RUSSIA! NO WORLD WAR 3! Revolution Books, 2444 Durant Ave. Berkeley CA 94704…

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-23). U.S. ambassador, Japanese FM challenge Russia, China in aircraft pose. Kyodo NewsApril 23, 2022 Japan's Hayashi, U.S. envoy Emanuel show off alliance on carrier ==== Two-front offensive: U.S. ambassador Emanuel insists Russian islands belong to Japan U.S. duping the world into believing Russia bombed Hiroshima, Nagasaki Japan, Russia continue to clash over Kurils, Ukraine ==== Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi and U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm …

Editor (2022-04-23). Ukrainian state agency adds Ukrainian Jewish leader to list of pro-Russia 'traitors'. Ukraine's government has placed Vadim Rabinovich, a lawmaker and Jewish community leader, on a list of 111 people it called traitors in the war with Russia.

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-23). Ramstein Air Base: U.S. to gather 20 partners to provide "long-term military assistance" to Ukraine. Interfax-UkraineApril 23, 2022 Over 20 states to take part in consultative meeting in Germany to assess Ukrainian military's More than 20 countries have expressed their desire to take part in a consultative meeting to be held at Ramstein Air Base in Germany next week, during which the issues of long-term military assistance that Western countries …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-23). Prospect: Ukraine as Canadian diaspora-administered fiefdom, garrison state. Earlier this year the government of his successor, Volodyrmyr Zelensky, was prosecuting Poroshenko for treason. The government of Russia's Vladimir Putin offered Poroshenko, who launched the war in the Donbass in 2014, effective political refugee status before the current war commenced. Regarding Canada's deputy prime minister, see this from the Ottawa Citizen: Chrystia Freeland's granddad …

Staff (2022-04-23). Calendar of Resistance: Take Action for Palestine! Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all Palestinian, Arab and international supporters of Palestine to escalate their organizing and struggle to confront massacres and ethnic cleansing and support Palestinian resistance throughout the entire land of Palestine. (The list below will be constantly updated — please share the link with your friends and comrades!) These events are …

_____ (2022-04-23). Thousands Rally, March: US And Israel: Hands Off Jerusalem! Chicago, IL – The Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine led a crowd of close to 1000 people, mostly youth from the Palestinian community in the Chicago area, to protest the attacks on the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, April 18. The Coalition includes the American Muslims for Palestine, United States Palestinian Community Network (UCPSN), Students for Justice in Palestine- Chicago (SJP), Al-Nahda, Palestinian American Community Center, and Palestinian American Council. | Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third holiest site in Islam, and repeatedly since Friday, April 15, Israeli soldiers and police have attacked it. They cho…

_____ (2022-04-23). Mass Protest In Front Of London Israel Embassy. A large number of people on Friday staged a mass protest in front of the Israeli Embassy in London, condemning the continuous Israeli aggression on Palestinian worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque. | The protesters also called for an immediate end to Israeli occupation forces and settler attacks on Palestinian residents of the holy city and worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque. | The Palestinian Forum in Britain, the Muslim League in Britain and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign jointly organized the event. | The protesters called for Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian territories and stop settler raids on Al-Aqsa Mos…

Fight Back (2022-04-23). Los Angeles: 7th annual May Day set for Boyle Heights. Los Angeles, CA – On May 1, Centro CSO is holding its 7th annual International Workers Day march and rally in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles. The attendees are meeting at the intersection of N Mathews Street and E Chavez Avenue at noon, before marching towards downtown. The march will stop for a protest at LAPD Hollenbeck, then continue towards Mariachi Plaza where a list of speakers and musical entertainment is planned. This year's march has been endorsed by a number of other local organizations such as Black Lives Matter-LA, the Check the Sheriff's Coalition, CSULA MEChA, LA Catholic Worker, U.S. Palestinian C…

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-04-23). ONU expresa preocupación por escalada de violencia israelí en Palestina. "Los responsables de cualquier violación deben rendir cuentas", expresó la vocera del ACNUDH, Ravina Shamdasani.

teleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-04-23). Represión israelí deja cuatro palestinos heridos en Cisjordania. Durante la represión, varios manifestantes resultaron asfixiados por los gases lacrimógenos que arrojaron las fuerzas de Israel.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-04-23). Denuncian cierre del cruce entre Israel y la Franja de Gaza. Las fuerzas israelíes atacaron la Franja de Gaza tras el disparo de un cohete desde el enclave palestino hacia Israel.

Christine Yasmine Harb (2022-04-23). NYC protest says: 'End the occupation of Palestine, release all political prisoners!'. Muslims, Christians, and Jews came together to denounce the brutal military occupation of the Palestinian people.

Iyad Khamaysi, Alaa Alshaer, Khaled Matar (2022-04-23). [Correspondence] Advanced endoscopy unit in Gaza: first year of activity. Knowledge and its dissemination know no national borders. International collaborations occur all the time—including medicine. Such collaborations should be driven by medical impact considerations and not be constrained by administrative issues. Cross-border collaborations involve a degree of interoperability and common approaches based on mutual trust and understanding between organisations that often operate in diverse cultural, scientific, and legal environments. Gastroenterology and endoscopy have been slowly developing in Gaza since 2000, despite an ongoing shortage of resources and professional trainin…

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-23). NATO summit: Baltic states push division-size deployments, "long-range missile equipment" Baltic TimesApril 23, 2022 Baltic PMs agree on common goals for NATO summit Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania agree that in the event of a threat, NATO must be ready to quickly deploy division-size troops to defend each of the Baltic states, and that NATO air policing must become air defense. NATO's military presence on the …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-23). NATO partner Switzerland assists NATO candidate Georgia's "Euro-Atlantic integration" Georgian Ministry of DefenseApril 21, 2022 Juansher Burchuladze met with the Ambassador of Switzerland The Minister of Defense of Georgia held an introductory meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Switzerland. Juansher Burchuladze congratulated Heidi Graus on her appointment as Ambassador…. The security challenges in the region were discussed at the meeting. Special attention …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-23). Occupied territories: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey continue special forces exercises. Until recently frozen conflicts, now "Russian-occupied territories." For Azerbaijan, that part of Nagorno-Karabakh not seized in its 44-day war of 2020. For Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. For Turkey, its self-identified ethnic kin, the Tatars, in Crimea. Perhaps Japan (the Kurils), Moldova (Transnistria) and Finland (East Karelia) will send observers. ==== Trend News AgencyApril 23, …

San Francisco Labor Council (2022-04-23). Sunday 5/1: Bay Area Labor May Day Parade & Rally. Parade will begin at Market Street and the Embarcadero in San Francisco and will march up to the Civic Center, where the rally will be held.

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-23). NATO's incorporation of Finland a "done deal" ERR NewsApril 22, 2022 Finland ramping up preparations for NATO accession Finland has plotted a clear NATO course, with pro-alliance National Coalition Party leader Petteri Orpo recently appointed chair of the Eduskunta Defense Committee…. Members of the Eduskunta Defense Committee visited Sweden on Thursday where their message was that Finland's NATO accession is very nearly …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-23). Kosovo: Turkish-NATO military outpost. Daily Sabah/Anadolu AgencyApril 23, 2022 Minister: Turkey has always supported development of Kosovo Kosovo's Defense Minister Armend Mehaj stated that they aim to increase the number of Turkish Kosovans in the public sector…. According to the statement made by the Kosovo Ministry of Defense, Minister Mehaj held a roundtable meeting on the occasion of the …

2022-04-24 18:00 | 14:00 EST | jz | 35 | 0 | 30 | 3 | 0 

2022-04-23: News Headlines

Staff (2022-04-23). Russia warns Israel against assisting Ukraine militarily. TEHRAN, Apr. 23 (MNA) — Russian Ambassador to Israel Anatoly Viktorov has warned that Moscow will introduce retaliatory measures against Israel in case the Tel Aviv regime supplies Ukraine with military equipment and aid.

Revolution Books (2022-04-23). Tuesday 4/26: The War in Ukraine: NO U.S./NATO WAR WITH RUSSIA! NO WORLD WAR 3! Revolution Books, 2444 Durant Ave. Berkeley CA 94704…

Staff (2022-04-23). Calendar of Resistance: Take Action for Palestine! Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all Palestinian, Arab and international supporters of Palestine to escalate their organizing and struggle to confront massacres and ethnic cleansing and support Palestinian resistance throughout the entire land of Palestine. (The list below will be constantly updated — please share the link with your friends and comrades!) These events are …

teleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-04-23). Represión israelí deja cuatro palestinos heridos en Cisjordania. Durante la represión, varios manifestantes resultaron asfixiados por los gases lacrimógenos que arrojaron las fuerzas de Israel.

xinhuanet (2022-04-23). Palestinians clash with Israeli soldiers after protest against Pence visit. Palestinian protesters hurl stones at Israeli soldiers during clashes after a protest against the visit of U.S. Vice President Mike Pence in Jerusalem, in the West Bank city of Hebron, on Jan. 23, 2018.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-04-23). Denuncian cierre del cruce entre Israel y la Franja de Gaza. Las fuerzas israelíes atacaron la Franja de Gaza tras el disparo de un cohete desde el enclave palestino hacia Israel.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-04-23). ONU expresa preocupación por escalada de violencia israelí en Palestina. "Los responsables de cualquier violación deben rendir cuentas", expresó la vocera del ACNUDH, Ravina Shamdasani.

Iyad Khamaysi, Alaa Alshaer, Khaled Matar (2022-04-23). [Correspondence] Advanced endoscopy unit in Gaza: first year of activity. Knowledge and its dissemination know no national borders. International collaborations occur all the time—including medicine. Such collaborations should be driven by medical impact considerations and not be constrained by administrative issues. Cross-border collaborations involve a degree of interoperability and common approaches based on mutual trust and understanding between organisations that often operate in diverse cultural, scientific, and legal environments. Gastroenterology and endoscopy have been slowly developing in Gaza since 2000, despite an ongoing shortage of resources and professional trainin…

San Francisco Labor Council (2022-04-23). Sunday 5/1: Bay Area Labor May Day Parade & Rally. Parade will begin at Market Street and the Embarcadero in San Francisco and will march up to the Civic Center, where the rally will be held.

Peoples Dispatch (2022-04-22). What explains Israel's violent provocations in Palestine? Rania Khalek of BreakThrough News talks about the recent attacks by Israel on Gaza and occupied East Jerusalem, especially the Al-Aqsa mosque. She talks about the settler colonial project, the compulsions of extreme-right wing Israeli politics, and the resistance of generations of Palestinians. She also talks about the regional responses to these latest attacks.

San Jose City College (2022-04-22). Wednesday 4/20: Global Geopolitics from Ukraine to the Middle East. Join Zoom meeting: | Zoom meeting ID: 508 821 4551 | International dial-in numbers available:

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-22). Turkey makes NATO ally Greece offer it better not refuse. Turkey and its weapons have recently established a record in Syria, Libya, Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia, Ethiopia and Ukraine that Athens would be wise to heed is the message from Greece's NATO ally and neighbor. ==== Hurriyet News AgencyApril 22, 2022 Defense minister urges Greece to respond to Turkey's call for 'friendship' Defense Minister Hulusi Akar on …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-22). Combat-ready: NATO in talks to deploy yet more troops to eastern flank. Polish RadioApril 22, 2022 NATO allies in talks to send more troops to eastern flank: Polish official A senior Polish national security official said on Friday that the NATO alliance was discussing ways to boost troop numbers on its eastern edge amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine. *** "Talks are under way to expand the NATO …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-22). India blocs Japanese Air Self-Defense Force flight for Ukraine. Nikkei AsiaApril 22, 2022 Japan reworks Ukraine aid plan after India blocks military plane Japan is redrawing its plan for transporting humanitarian aid supplies to displaced Ukrainians after India reportedly refused to let Self-Defense Forces aircraft land in the country. The plan was for an Air Self-Defense Force plane to pick up relief items at …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-22). Japan intensifies hard-line stance on islands "illegally occupied" by Russia. Kyodo NewsApril 22, 2022 Japan shifts to hard-line stance on territorial dispute with Russia Tokyo has switched to a hard-line stance in its decades-long territorial dispute with Moscow following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, stating in its annual foreign policy report released Friday that four northern islands are "illegally occupied" by Russia. *** The report highlighted …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-22). Azerbaijan: "We have proved to the whole world how to wage a war in the 21st century" The leadership of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Japan and Finland got the message on how to "liberate occupied territories" from Russia. === Azeri Press AgencyApril 22, 2022 President Ilham Aliyev: "Although war is over, the territorial claims against us are not over yet" "We have proved to the whole world how to wage a war in …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-22). Biden: U.S. prepared to supply weapons for interminable war in Ukraine. Interfax-UkraineApril 22, 2022 Biden: USA can supply Ukraine with weapons for long time The United States is capable of supplying Ukraine with weapons for a long time, U.S. President Joe Biden has said on Thursday. "We have the capacity to do this for a long time," he said, answering a journalist's question about how long …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-22). France to deliver howitzers, anti-tank missiles for war in Ukraine. UkrinformApril 22, 2022 Macron announces supply of Milan anti-tank systems, Caesar howitzers to Ukraine French President Emmanuel Macron has announced the supply of Milan anti-tank missiles and Caesar self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine. *** "We are delivering significant equipment, from Milan to Caesar. I think we have to continue on this route. Always with the red …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-22). Coup-threatened Georgia: ruling party exposes "NGO clan" On the role of "NGOs' in fomenting coups in Georgia, and the wars that inevitably follow them, see item below the news report. The United National Movement is the party founded by Mikheil Saakashvili, who returned from Ukraine late last year, where he held a major post in the government of Volodymyr Zelensky, to launch …

Edgar Reyes (2022-04-22). Los Angeles rally demands a free Palestine. On April 21, local organizations led an emergency rally at the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles.

Staff (2022-04-22). New York demonstration takes the streets of Manhattan for Palestine. On Wednesday, 20 April, hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets of midtown Manhattan in response to a call for an emergency demonstration to stand with Palestine and support the Palestinian liberation struggle, following attacks on al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestinian cities and villages throughout occupied Palestine. On Wednesday, after protesting outside the Israeli mission to …

_____ (2022-04-22). Israeli Authorities Prod Extremist Militias Into Seeking 'Vigilante Justice'. Be'er Sheva / Lydd, Occupied Palestine – In cities across 1948-occupied Palestine (modern-day Israel), Israelis are taking up arms to defend against so-called Palestinian terror. | A wave of Palestinian-initiated attacks against Israelis occurred just before the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in March, prompting Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to call on civilians to arm themselves. "Whoever has a gun license, this is the time to carry a gun," Bennett said in a video statement following the violence. | His request was met, as Israeli settlers in the Naqab, Lydd, and the Occupied West Bank have organized arme…

teleSUR, DRL (2022-04-22). Palestina advierte sobre suspensión del reconocimiento a Israel. El presidente palestino Mahmoud Abbas Abu exigió a EE.UU. que intervenga ante la gravedad de la situación en Jerusalén.

Peoples Dispatch (2022-04-22). For second Friday in a row, Israeli forces attack worshipers at Al-Aqsa in East Jerusalem. Israeli forces fired rubber bullets, stun grenades, and tear gas on the worshipers leading to at least 31 Palestinians getting injured, two of them critically. Journalists and paramedics were also injured…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-04-22). Ramadan month marks an intensified attack on Palestine. Israel has intensified its offensive on Palestinians across occupied territories since the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. On Monday April 18, Israeli war planes bombed besiged Gaza near the city of Khan Younis at midnight. The forces have also attacked Al-Aqsa mosque several times since the beginning of the month of Ramadan, injuring and arresting hundreds of worshippers there.

teleSUR, SH (2022-04-22). Nueva represión en la mezquita Al-Aqsa deja decenas de heridos. Según la Media Luna Roja al menos 31 palestinos resultaron heridos este viernes producto del accionar policial israelí.

Staff (2022-04-22). Palestinians clash with Israeli security forces in Al-Aqsa. TEHRAN, Apr. 22 (MNA) — Local media in occupied Palestine reported that the Israeli reime security forces clashed with the Palestinians again in Al-Aqsa Mosque and dozens of Palestinians were injured in the clashes.

Maureen Clare Murphy (2022-04-22). Israel deploys tear gas drones against al-Aqsa worshippers.
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Ann Brown (2022-04-22). Political Scientist Dr. Ricky Jones: They Are Calling Me Racist And Anti-Semitic Because Of Not Abandoning Quintez Brown. Political scientist Dr. Ricky Jones is getting major backlash for supporting his former student, Quintez Brown, a 21-year-old community activist who faces up to life in prison. Brown is charged with shooting at Democratic mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg, who is Jewish, on Feb. 14 in Louisville, Kentucky. Jones is a professor and chairman of the University of …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-22). Turkish-Indonesian strategic partnership: NATO's gateway to ASEAN. Turkey joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1952 along with Greece after both nations had served their apprenticeship by deploying troops for the Korean War. Three years later Turkey became the main pivot in the founding of the Central Treaty Organization, modeled after NATO.A year earlier the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, also modeled after …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-22). Turkey commemorates life of Chechen separatist warlord. The piece is beyond eulogy and approaching hagiography.The Kremlin's strategic partner Recep Tayyip Erdogan opened a public park dedicated to Dzhokhar Dudayev, first president of the "Chechen Republic of Ichkeria," last December, triggering a fierce reaction from current Chechen president, Ramzan Kadyrov.Turkey is not through with Chechnya and with Dagestan, Ingushetia and the Tatars in …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-22). German chancellor: NATO-Russia clash could trigger third world war, nuclear war. Scholz's logic at times (see below) is not only tortuous but torturous. His main message, though, seems unequivocal. Der SpiegelApril 22, 2022 "There Cannot Be a Nuclear War" Excerpts from interview. The SPD is a party of peace, but it has never been pacifist. The two great postwar Social Democratic chancellors, Willy Brandt and Helmut …

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-22). Air defense, armored vehicles: Britain trains Ukrainian troops at home, in Poland. Polish RadioApril 22, 2022 UK training Ukrainian troops in Poland: Johnson Ukrainian troops are being trained in Poland to use anti-aircraft defence equipment donated by the British government, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has revealed. "I can say that we're currently training Ukrainians in Poland in the use of the anti-aircraft defences," Johnson told reporters …

2022-04-23 17:19 | 13:19 EST | jz | 36 | 0 | 24 | 9 | 0