Daily Archives: May 23, 2022

2022-05-23: News Headlines

Miko Peled (2022-05-23). The Assassination of Shireen Abu Akleh: Who Gave the Order? mintpressnews.com When the Israeli press report on a killing, they never fail to toe the government line, so the Palestinian is always a terrorist or part of a violent riot. He or they, as the case may be, had to be dealt with, and the courageous Israeli fighters did so.

Staff (2022-05-23). Entregan expediente de asesinato de periodista de Al Jazeera a la Corte Penal Internacional. cubadebate.cu Las autoridades de Palestina entregaron el expediente con materiales del asesinato de la periodista del canal catarí Al Jazeera, Shireen Abu Akleh, a la Corte Penal Internacional en La Haya (Países Bajos). Así lo reveló el ministro de Exteriores de Palestina, Riyad al Maliki, en una entrevista con la agencia turca Andalou publicada este lunes.

Labor Video Project (2022-05-23). Italian Workers Strike Against NATO Imperialist War In Ukraine-Report By Si Cobas. indybay.org On Friday May 20, 2022, Italian workers from the union Si Cobas and other unions went on strike to oppose the NATO continuing to ship weapons to Ukraine. Roberto Luzzi a representative of Si Cobas talks about the reasons for their strike action against war.

Juan Cole (2022-05-23). Saudi Arabia Snubs US, Rejects Russia Boycott, as Rumors Fly Biden may meet with the Crown Prince. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) &#1 ; Even as the possibility of a visit to Riyadh by President Joe Biden after his upcoming trip to Israel is being rumored, Saudi Arabia is signalling that it cannot be brought on board with the NATO effort to sanction Russia. Last week the Saudi Minister of Energy, Abdul Aziz bin …

Michael T. Klare (2022-05-23). Is the Climate Emergency being Turbocharged by the Ukraine War? juancole.com By Michael Klare | &#1 ; ( Tomdispatch.com ) &#1 ; The war in Ukraine has already caused massive death and destruction, with more undoubtedly to come as the fighting intensifies in the country's east and south. Many thousands of soldiers and civilians have already been killed or wounded, some 13 million Ukrainians have been forced from …

____ (2022-05-23). Berlin: Judiciary bans pro-Palestinian demonstrations. wsws.org The claim by Berlin police that the demo ban was intended to prevent anti-Semitic insults and riots is clearly a pretext.

Middle East Monitor (2022-05-23). Convivencia: Pushing for Peace and Coexistence for all in Israel/Palestine. juancole.com By Faisal Bodi | &#1 ; ( Middle East Monitor ) &#1 ; One of the many myths underpinning western support for Israel's colonisation of Palestine is that its Jews live in a perpetual state of hostility with the region's Muslims. Despite all the evidence pointing to the contrary, Zionist propagandists and apologists have successfully sold the …

Ezra Oliff-Lieberman (2022-05-23). AIPAC's Dangerous New Antidemocratic Project. zcomm.org In the name of supporting Israel, the lobbying group has created a new super PAC that is only too happy to boost candidates that threaten our democracy…

Richard Oaks Multicultural Center SFSU (2022-05-23). Wednesday 6/8: Celebration Honoring the Legacy of Richard Oakes, Indigenous Activist & Alcatraz Occupier. indybay.org Jack Adams Hall, Terrace Level, in the Cesar Chavez Student Center | San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Ave, San Francisco, CA 94132; Please bring your COVID-19 vaccination card or a negative COVID test from within 24 hours of the event.

Jailhouse Lawyers Speak (2022-05-23). Call for National 2022 Shut'Em Down Demonstrations. itsgoingdown.org Call for abolitionist 'Shut'Em Down' demonstrations and teach-ins from August 21st through September 9th in 2022. See report from 2021, here and here. We know it takes courage to continuously speak out and invoke change. People in U.S prisons are calling on you now to stand with us in strength and numbers in our ongoing…

____ (2022-05-23). Firefighters in New Mexico face more dangerous conditions as wildfires spread. wsws.org More fires and other extreme weather events are predicted for the future, yet capitalist governments are unwilling and unable to adequately respond to them.

____ (2022-05-23). Firefighters in New Mexico face more dangerous conditions as wildfires spread. wsws.org More fires and other extreme weather events are predicted for the future, yet capitalist governments are unwilling and unable to adequately respond to them.

Jason Ditz (2022-05-23). Houthi Council Head: Group Not Opposed to Extending Yemen Truce. news.antiwar.com After over six weeks of very successful ceasefire, the possibility off an extension is being raised, with just two weeks left of the initial deal. The UN is pushing the plan, and Houthi figures, most recently council leader Mahdi Mashat, They didn't clarify what that means this time, but in the past it has always meant ease of aid shipments Mashat did say the Houthis would not accept a truce where suffering c…

Kyle Anzalone (2022-05-23). General Milley Predicts Grim Future of Deadly Great Power Wars Fought in Cities. news.antiwar.com America's highest-ranking military officer painted a picture of a dark future with great power wars fought in urban environments. Speaking to graduating cadets at the United States Military Academy, General Mark Milley forewarned of death tolls for US soldiers in the tens of thousands. Milley identified Russia and China as the growing powers America will …

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