Daily Archives: June 14, 2022

2022-06-14: News Headlines

Dave DeCamp (2022-06-14). Iran Believes Israel Killed Two Iranian Scientists With Poison. news.antiwar.com The New York Times reported Monday that An Iranian official and people with ties to the government told the Times that Ayoub Entezari, an Iranian aeronautical engineer who worked for a military research center, and Kamran Aghamolaei, a geologist, were both poisoned separately at the end of May and died within a few days of falling ill. | Adding to the suspicion that Israel was responsible, Israeli media reported that Aghamolaei wor…

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-06-14). Irán acusa a la OIEA de tomar decisiones políticas y no técnicas. telesurtv.net Irán cuestiona al director general de la OIEA por su enfoque politizado respecto al país persa y lo critica por "entregar la estructura" a Israel.

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-06-14). Biden to pay 1st visit to Middle East as president in July. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 14 (MNA) — President Joe Biden will make his first trip to the Middle East next month with visits to the occupied lands of Palestine (Israel), the occupied West Bank and Saudi Arabia, the White House announced Tuesday.

Staff (2022-06-14). Funcionario israelí en TV pública: "Si pudiese apretar un botón para desaparecer a los árabes, lo haría" cubadebate.cu En declaraciones ante estudiantes de secundaria en un asentamiento en Cisjordania, transmitidas por la televisión pública israelí, el viceministro de Servicios Religiosos, Matan Kahana, dijo que "si hubiese una especie de botón que se pudiese pulsar para hacer desaparecer a todos los árabes, enviarlos en un tren expreso a Suiza (…), yo pulsaría ese botón".

Staff (2022-06-13). IAEA highly politicized like many international bodies. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 13 (MNA) — Brian Berletic, an American geopolitical researcher says the IAEA is subject to a US-led voting bloc and the Israeli regime which is selected by US policymakers to lead regional aggression against Iran.

Anonymous103 (2022-06-13). Military Situation In Israel, Palestine On June 13, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org On June 11, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah; | On June 10, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with the Emirati president, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan in Abu Dhabi; | On June 10, the Palestinian Red Crescent announced that 93 people were injured during the Palestinian clashes with the Israelis in al-Khalil, Nablus and Qalqilya; | On June 10, an Israeli policem…

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-06-13). Nuclear powers posses 12,705 warheads: research. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 13 (MNA) — Britain, China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, the United States and Russia — had 12,705 nuclear warheads in early 2022, according to estimates by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

Staff (2022-06-13). Hearing for Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat continued: Solidarity against anti-Palestinian repression! samidoun.net On Friday, 10 June, Palestinian-Scottish doctor Issam Hijjawi Bassalat appeared before the Supreme Court of Scotland in a case seeking to reclaim his medical license after it was suspended by the medical board due to his political arrest in 2020. Dr. Bassalat was released on bail in December 2021 after spending 16 months — and …

Staff (2022-06-13). US calls on Lebanon to give important maritime area to Israel. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 13 (MNA) — According to a leaked confidential document, the US has called on Lebanon to abandon an important border area in the Karish field, Lebanese sources reported.

Staff (2022-06-13). Fire reported in big warehouse in northern Israel. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 13 (MNA) — In continuation of suspicious fires and explosions in occupied Palestinian territories, an Israeli engineering equipment warehouse caught fire in an industrial zone on Monday.

Omar Zahzah (2022-06-13). Masafer Yatta evictions enabled by British-born judge. electronicintifada.net The court ruling clearing the way for the forced displacement of the indigenous population puts on full display Israel's cynical, colonial character.

_____ (2022-06-12). Iran V UAE — 'Russia And Ukraine Gulf Edition' Coming Soon? popularresistance.org Although receiving miniscule media coverage, Thursday's announcement that Israel had deployed military infrastructure to the UAE and Bahrain in the shape of radar systems, ostensibly to counter an alleged missile threat from nearby Iran, should be a cause for concern amongst onlookers. | Coming in the same 24 hour period in which Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett paid a surprise visit to the Emirates, and in which Israeli Forces bombed Damascus International Airport, the announcement that both Abu Dhabi and Manama had agreed to host Israeli military infrastructure should be seen as the first step towards cur…

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