Daily Archives: June 17, 2022

2022-06-17: News Headlines

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-06-17). Updated Mayo Clinic recommendations for infant formula shortage. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there have been significant shortages of infant formulas in some stores, largely caused by supply chain issues, as well as a recent recall of several contaminated baby formula products. While this unfortunate crisis continues to impact thousands of caregivers needing to feed their babies, Mayo Clinic continues to offer advice on safe alternatives in the short term to patients. Alternative formula options For most infants, it is OK to switch…

Jason Ditz (2022-06-17). US Envoy: Iran's IRGC Won't Be Removed From Terror List. news.antiwar.com In new comments Wednesday, US Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides' comments are new, but US officials have been rejecting Iranian calls for those move on the IRGC for awhile. Some US officials suggested any measure could be considered if Iran offered other concessions, but more recently they seem to reject the idea under any circumstances. | Nides added that the US continues t…

Dave DeCamp (2022-06-17). Report: US Secretly Reviews and Approves Many Israeli Airstrikes in Syria. news.antiwar.com According to a report from The Wall Street Journal, Israel has been secretly coordinating with the US on many of its airstrikes in Syria, and senior officials at US Central Command have reviewed and approved many plans in recent years. Israel frequently bombs Syria and frames the operations as strikes against Iran or Hezbollah, although …

Misión Verdad (2022-06-17). Emtrasur Flight in Argentina: Another Attempt by Media to Poison Political Relations. orinocotribune.com By Misión Verdad &#1 ; June 16, 2022 | Since June 8, an event has shocked the Argentine press, encouraged by the opposition to the government of Alberto Fernández, and by certain local Israeli organizations. These forces have used the grounding of a Venezuelan flight to justify an attack, not only on the current Peronist administration of Argentina, but also on the key geopolitical targets of Venezuela and Iran. | The retention of a Boeing 747, with Venezuelan registration YV3531, is causing a series of reactions that are linked to politics and international relations in Argentina, and that have little to do with…

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-06-17). Israeli airstrikes on Syria coordinated with US: report. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 17 (MNA) — An American newspaper has reported that the Israeli regime has secretly coordinated the majority of its airstrikes on Syria with the United States.

TeleSUR, mcs, SH (2022-06-17). Mueren tres palestinos en operación israelí en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con las autoridades locales, en casi un mes ocho palestinos de la ciudad fueron asesinados y más de 620 heridos…

Staff (2022-06-17). 3 Palestinians martyred in Israeli military;s raid on Jenin. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 17 (MNA) — Israeli regime military forces martyred three Palestinians and injured at least eight others in West Bank on Friday morning after the occupying forces raided Jenin.

LEPAIO (2022-06-17). The Israeli Histadrut, The AFL-CIO, Zionism & Labor Imperialism With Carol Lang. indybay.org The role of the Israeli Histadrut and the AFL-CIO was the focus of a presentation by CUNY professor Carol Lang. She spoke at a conference of the Labor Education Project On AFL-CIO International Operations. The AFL-CIO is tied to the racist Israeli Histadrut and has blocked solidarity resolutions for Palestinian people and workers. | AFL-CIO president Liz Schuler and AFT president Randi Weingarten also met with the leadership of the Israeli Labor Party which is in the Israeli government and supported the murder of Palestinian American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. The Israeli minister of Interior is a member of th…

Peter Koenig (2022-06-16). Kissinger y la guerra en Ucrania: El mensajero y el amo. globalizacion.ca Cuando Henry Kissinger sorprendió al mundo con su discurso en el reciente Foro Económico Mundial (FEM) en Davos (22-26 de mayo de 2022), diciéndole al presidente de Ucrania, Zelenskyy, que tenía que hacer alguna concesión a cambio de la paz,…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-06-16). Human rights groups denounce EU's gas deal with Israel. peoplesdispatch.org The Europe Union is looking for alternative sources of gas supply in an attempt to reduce dependence on Russian gas following sanctions imposed against the country after its attack on Ukraine…

Ramzy Baroud (2022-06-16). Palestinians "Are Bound to Win": Why Israelis Are Prophesying the End of Their State. mintpressnews.com Since Israel has always defined itself as a Jewish State, its future is mostly linked to its ability to maintain a Jewish majority in historic Palestine.

Jason Ditz (2022-06-16). Israeli FM Calls on UN to Restore All Nuclear Sanctions on Iran. news.antiwar.com Saying the recent IAEA rebuke of Iran proved that diplomacy has failed, Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid is It's not clear the rest of the world will go along with this, as the IAEA rebuke was about a single issue of past activity, and not a referendum on the state of the diplomatic process. | Lapid is hoping that one of the parties to the nuclear deal can bring the issue as a…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-06-16). Daily Round-up| Impact of Gaza blockade and more stories. peoplesdispatch.org In this episode, we bring you stories from Palestine, , the deal between the EU, Egypt and Israel on natural gas, protests against red-tagging in the Philippines and the release of an Indigenous leader from Ecuador…

Raed Qaddoura (2022-06-16). Why has Gaza's sea turned black? electronicintifada.net Palestinians in Gaza plan their days around the electric schedule, lucky to get power for six to eight hours a day.

Ann Brown (2022-06-16). Recap And Highlights Of The Malik Zulu Shabazz Debate Vs. ISUPK Hebrew Israelite Captain Tazaryach, Part 2. moguldom.com Should Black Americans trust the Bible over African history? That was the subject of an intense five-hour-plus debate on April 5 debate between two cultural powerhouses, Malik Zulu Shabazz and Captain Tazaryach. Malik Zulu Shabazz is an attorney who previously served as chairman of the New Black Panther Party. As of 2013, he has been the …

Ola Mousa (2022-06-16). Danger doesn't stop children from working in Gaza's dumps. electronicintifada.net Waste collectors rely on meager incomes to avoid starvation.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-06-16). Informe muestra que bloqueo israelí angustia a niños palestinos. telesurtv.net Save the Children denunció la situación de inestabilidad emocional que viven los niños de la Franja de Gaza bajo la agresión de Tel Aviv.

Brett Wilkins (2022-06-16). Israeli Cops Won't Be Punished for Attack on Shireen Abu Akleh's Funeral. commondreams.org "We all saw Israeli police beat Palestinian pallbearers and mourners in Shireen Abu Akleh's funeral procession," said one rights group. "There's video evidence of their brutal violence."

TeleSUR- lvm, JL (2022-06-16). Denuncian que fuerzas israelíes detienen a seis palestinos. telesurtv.net El 80 por ciento de los niños que viven en la Franja de Gaza viven con depresión, dolor y miedo.

Freedom Socialist Party (2022-06-16). Wednesday 6/15: Labor History: A key to unlocking workers' power today. indybay.org Online via Zoom | To register: bit.ly/FSFD-Labor

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-06-16). 2022 California Juneteenth – National Freedom Day. indybay.org In the coming years over 100 California cities with @100,000+ residents will begin to discover our unique California Juneteenth Legacy, helping manifest equity and greater inclusion throughout the 5th largest economy in the world. Today, "Mining for Freedom" or the authentic "Golden Legacy" of our California USCT who fought, bleed and died for freedom is a fierce debate impacting future generation.

David Giesen (2022-06-16). Sunday 7/3: Fulfilling the Promise of America, a symposium. indybay.org ZOOM video meet: | zoom.us/j/94131824284?pwd=RzI0ZEY1eEkrbkxFemNOMHFHbUZXZz09

Anonymous669 (2022-06-16). New Satellite Images Show Progress In Repairs At Syria's Damascus Airport. southfront.org A heavy machine operates at the tarmac of Damascus International Airport, Syria, in this handout released by SANA on June 12, 2022. SANA/Handout via REUTERS | On June 15, Israel's ImageSat International released satellite images showing ongoing repairs at Syria's Damascus International Airport. | The airport went out of service as a result of the

WSWS (2022-06-16). Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa. wsws.org National public sector strike in Tunisia over pay and conditions; Second Belgium national strike this year called over cost-of-living crisis; Czech public sector unions declare strike alert over wages; EasyJet cabin crew strike at Berlin airport, Germany; Pilots at Scandinavian airline SAS strike threat over wages; Ryanair cabin crew in Spain to strike over pay and conditions; Ballot of 40,000 UK telecom workers begins over pay deal; Further Education lecturers in 33 colleges in England ballot over pay and working conditions; Stoppages by bus drivers in Palestinian West Bank over working conditions…

United We Dream (2022-06-16). Wednesday 6/15: DACA Tenth Anniversary: Then, Now and Beyond! Celebration & Action Rally. indybay.org Virtual celebration & action rally…

La Peña (2022-06-16). Friday 6/17: Baila Community Dance Party. indybay.org La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705…

____ (2022-06-16). Israeli, U.S. researchers develop genetic treatment for HIV by injection. ecns.cn Israeli and U.S. researchers have developed an injection therapy for HIV, using genetic engineering of antibodies inside the body, Tel Aviv University (TAU) said Monday.

WSWS (2022-06-16). US and Israel ratchet up threats and aggression against Iran. wsws.org The Biden administration is escalating pressure on Iran with provocations that seem designed to blow up the nuclear talks taking place in Vienna.

United We Dream (2022-06-16). Wednesday 6/15: DACA Décimo Aniversario – °Antes, Ahora y Más Allá! Celebración y Reuinon para la Acción. indybay.org Virtual celebration & action rally…

David Cronin (2022-06-15). Will dirty EU deal with Israel really tackle climate change? electronicintifada.net Claims about new energy agreement must be questioned.

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