Monthly Archives: June 2022

2022-06-13: News Headlines

Staff (2022-06-13). IAEA highly politicized like many international bodies. TEHRAN, Jun. 13 (MNA) — Brian Berletic, an American geopolitical researcher says the IAEA is subject to a US-led voting bloc and the Israeli regime which is selected by US policymakers to lead regional aggression against Iran.

Staff (2022-06-13). Hearing for Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat continued: Solidarity against anti-Palestinian repression! On Friday, 10 June, Palestinian-Scottish doctor Issam Hijjawi Bassalat appeared before the Supreme Court of Scotland in a case seeking to reclaim his medical license after it was suspended by the medical board due to his political arrest in 2020. Dr. Bassalat was released on bail in December 2021 after spending 16 months — and …

_____ (2022-06-12). Iran V UAE — 'Russia And Ukraine Gulf Edition' Coming Soon? Although receiving miniscule media coverage, Thursday's announcement that Israel had deployed military infrastructure to the UAE and Bahrain in the shape of radar systems, ostensibly to counter an alleged missile threat from nearby Iran, should be a cause for concern amongst onlookers. | Coming in the same 24 hour period in which Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett paid a surprise visit to the Emirates, and in which Israeli Forces bombed Damascus International Airport, the announcement that both Abu Dhabi and Manama had agreed to host Israeli military infrastructure should be seen as the first step towards cur…

Staff (2022-06-12). Withdrawing troops from Syria out of agenda: Russia envoy. TEHRAN, Jun. 12 (MNA) — Russia's ambassador to Damascus told local Syrian media that the news on the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria and transferring them to Ukraine was false, condemning the Israeli regime's attack on Damascus airport.

Jason Ditz (2022-06-12). Syria Begins Work to Repair 'Sizeable Damage' to Airport After Israel Attack. Damascus International Airport remains closed after a major Israeli missile attack on Friday morning, and early repair work has begun with the nation assessing the extent of the damage. | It might take awhile, though specific estimates have not been made public, as officials Damage was also reported to the airport lobby and na…

Staff (2022-06-12). Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike: Severe health deterioration for Khalil Awawdeh and Raed Rayan. Khalil Awawdeh and Raed Rayan, Palestinians jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention in Israeli occupation prisons, are continuing their hunger strikes for the 102nd and 67th days, respectively. They have been joined by four more Palestinian prisoners — Hani Bisharat, also jailed without charge or trial; Freedom Tunnel heroes Zakaria Zubaidi and Yaqoub …

Staff (2022-06-12). Solidarity against anti-Palestinian smear campaign targeting CUNY movement, Nerdeen Kiswani and Within Our Lifetime. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network stands in solidarity with Palestinian activist and law graduate Nerdeen Kiswani, Within Our Lifetime, and the movement for Palestinian liberation at the City University of New York (CUNY). Kiswani was elected by her graduating class as the student commencement speaker at her law school graduation, where she delivered a powerful …

TeleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-06-12). Pdte. palestino considera insostenible situación de su pueblo. El mandatario palestino criticó la ineficiencia de organismos internacionales de la ONU para detener las agresiones a su pueblo.

Anonymous669 (2022-06-12). Israel's Chief Of Staff Makes Chilling Threats To Lebanon, Talks About 'Big Strikes'. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi speaking at Israel's first National Conference on the Home Front on June 12. Source: the IDF. | The Israeli military's Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi made a series of chilling threats to Lebanon while talking at Israel's first National Conference on the Home Front on June 12. | In his speech, Kochavi detailed the Israeli military's strategy for responding to an attack that Hezbollah could launch from Lebanon."We will d…

Anonymous669 (2022-06-12). Israeli Security Agencies Foiled Iranian Plot To Attack Israelis In Turkey — Report. Israeli security agencies had foiled an Iranian plot to carry out attacks on Israeli targets in Turkey, KAN News reported on June 12. | Security officials from Israel informed their Turkish counterparts of the plot and asked for their assistance to foil the attacks, which were reportedly planned by an Iranian network operating in Turkey. | KAN News did not reveal the nationality of the alleged Iranian agents were, their number, or if any of them were arrested by Turkish security f…

Staff (2022-06-11). Mapping Project highlights US imperialism, Zionism and complicit institutions from Boston to Palestine. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the incisive work of The Mapping Project, a newly announced initiative that makes clear the links between repressive institutions in the Boston area. As the Mapping Project notes, it is "a project created by activists and organizers in eastern Massachusetts, investigating local links between entities responsible for the colonization of …

2022-06-13 16:01 | 10:01 EST | tr | 13 | 1 | 8 | 2 | 0 

2022-06-12: News Headlines

Staff (2022-06-12). Withdrawing troops from Syria out of agenda: Russia envoy. TEHRAN, Jun. 12 (MNA) — Russia's ambassador to Damascus told local Syrian media that the news on the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria and transferring them to Ukraine was false, condemning the Israeli regime's attack on Damascus airport.

Editor2 (2022-06-11). Backed by Israel, US and EU Allies Submit Anti-Iran Draft Resolution to IAEA Board of Governors. The United States and the three European signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal, backed by the Israeli regime, have reportedly submitted to the International Atomic Energy Agency's Board of Governors a draft resolution censuring Iran's nuclear program. | The United States and the EU troika — Britain, Germany and France — submitted the draft to the 35-nation board on Tuesday, accusing Iran of failing to offer transparent responses to the IAEA's questions over nuclear activities at three sites. | According to the draft, seen by Reuters, the board "expresses profound concern that the safeguards issues rela…

Staff (2022-06-12). Solidarity against anti-Palestinian smear campaign targeting CUNY movement, Nerdeen Kiswani and Within Our Lifetime. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network stands in solidarity with Palestinian activist and law graduate Nerdeen Kiswani, Within Our Lifetime, and the movement for Palestinian liberation at the City University of New York (CUNY). Kiswani was elected by her graduating class as the student commencement speaker at her law school graduation, where she delivered a powerful …

TeleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-06-12). Pdte. palestino considera insostenible situación de su pueblo. El mandatario palestino criticó la ineficiencia de organismos internacionales de la ONU para detener las agresiones a su pueblo.

Anonymous669 (2022-06-12). Israeli Security Agencies Foiled Iranian Plot To Attack Israelis In Turkey — Report. Israeli security agencies had foiled an Iranian plot to carry out attacks on Israeli targets in Turkey, KAN News reported on June 12. | Security officials from Israel informed their Turkish counterparts of the plot and asked for their assistance to foil the attacks, which were reportedly planned by an Iranian network operating in Turkey. | KAN News did not reveal the nationality of the alleged Iranian agents were, their number, or if any of them were arrested by Turkish security f…

Staff (2022-06-11). Mapping Project highlights US imperialism, Zionism and complicit institutions from Boston to Palestine. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the incisive work of The Mapping Project, a newly announced initiative that makes clear the links between repressive institutions in the Boston area. As the Mapping Project notes, it is "a project created by activists and organizers in eastern Massachusetts, investigating local links between entities responsible for the colonization of …

Anonymous103 (2022-06-11). Military Situation In Syria On June 11, 2022 (Map Update). On June 11, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 9 times: 6 &#1 ; in Idlib province, 3 &#1 ; in Latakia province; | On June 10, the Israeli Defence Forces attacked areas south of Damascus with several missiles; | On June 11, five civilians were killed in an IED explosion in Deir al-Adas town; | On June 11, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SDF positions north of Manbij; | On June 10, artillery of Turkish-backed force…

TeleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-06-11). Nueva represión israelí deja 20 heridos en Cisjordania. De acuerdo con las autoridades locales, en casi un mes, al menos ocho palestinos fueron asesinados y más de 620 lesionados en la ciudad.

TeleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-06-11). Rusia e Irán rechazan ataques terroristas en Siria. Los ataques aéreos israelíes fueron tildados de provocativos dentro de la estrategia terrorista sostenida por Israel.

Staff (2022-06-11). Palestinian Resistance carries out missile test in Gaza. TEHRAN, Jun. 11 (MNA) — Palestinian sources on Saturday reported that the Palestinian Resistance forces have launched a missile test on the shores of Gaza, during which several missiles were fired into the sea.

Staff (2022-06-11). Iran warns neighbors against letting Israel in region. TEHRAN, Jun. 11 (MNA) — Commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy has warned neighboring countries against allowing Israelis into the Persian Gulf, saying such a move would bring nothing but chaos and instability to the region.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-06-11). Joven palestino herido en ataque israelí muere en hospital. Samih Jamal Amarneh sucumbió a las graves heridas que sufrió por las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes en la ciudad de Yabad.

Anders Husby, Lars Kà∏ber (2022-06-11). [Comment] COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and myocarditis or pericarditis. In April, 2021, international news media first reported rare cases of young men in Israel who had developed myocarditis shortly after vaccination with the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2.1 Since then, many observational studies from Asia,2 Europe,3—5 the Middle East,6,7 and North America8,9 have found COVID-19 mRNA vaccination to be associated with a short-term increased risk of myocarditis. Furthermore, this association has been established using multiple types of analysis, including comparisons of observed-to-expected rates,6,8,9 case-control studies,2 self-controlled cases series,3,4 and…

Staff (2022-06-10). Two Berlin events rally for Palestine, highlight women's role in liberation movement. Palestinian and solidarity organizers in Berlin, Germany, are organizing two events in the coming days for the liberation of Palestine. After the Berlin police banned all demonstrations commemorating the Palestinian Nakba on the weekend of 15 May and then repressed the spontaneous mobilizations in the streets for Palestine, a coalition of organizations resisting repression, including …

2022-06-12 23:03 | 17:03 EST | tr | 16 | 1 | 9 | 4 | 0