Daily Archives: July 5, 2022

2022-07-05: News Headlines

Jason Ditz (2022-07-05). Russia Demands Israel Stop Sovereignty-Violating Airstrikes on Syria. news.antiwar.com Over the weekend, Israel carried out attacks against a poultry farm on the Syrian coast, wounding two civilians. Russia issued a statement Monday, warning such attacks are " Russia has positions on the Syrian coast, and has warned Israel away from the area before. The latest attack came from the coast, and conspicuously Russia didn't comment when it happened. | The Russians say it violates Syrian sovereignty, and is against international norms. Those are p…

Staff (2022-07-05). Hamas reacts to result of US investigation into Abu Akle case. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 04 (MNA) — The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) rejected the results of biased American investigations of the assassination of Shirin Abu Akleh, saying that it is contrary to the results of previous investigations.

____ (2022-07-05). Palestine rejects results of U.S. investigation on killing of Al Jazeera journalist. ecns.cn Palestine on Monday rejected the results of the ballistic investigation attended by U.S. experts into the gunshot that killed veteran Palestinian-American journalist in northern West Bank in May.

Staff (2022-07-05). Martyrdom-seeking operation reported near Tel Aviv. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 05 (MNA) — Palestinian sources on Tuesday reported that a martyrdom-seeking operation was launched in Bnei Brak near Tel Aviv.

Maureen Clare Murphy (2022-07-04). US clears Israel of intentionally killing Shireen Abu Akleh. electronicintifada.net State Department seemingly justifies the iconic reporter's death.

Anonymous (2022-07-04). Palestine in Pictures: June 2022. electronicintifada.net A monthly roundup of photographs documenting Palestine, Palestinian life, politics and culture, and international solidarity with Palestine.

Ola Mousa (2022-07-04). Gaza father stonewalled in search for justice. electronicintifada.net Muhammad al-Hadidi has found that he cannot sue Israel for massacring his family.

_____ (2022-07-04). Palestine Action Shuts Israel's Military Drone Factory in Shenstone Once Again. popularresistance.org Elbit Systems is met with direct action once more, as Palestine Action activists have taken to Elbit Systems' (Israel's largest arms factory) factory in Shenstone and closed the site for the third time in two weeks. The Elbit subsidiary operates as UAV Engines LTD. and is responsible for manufacturing Elbit's military drone engines. Activists have locked on across the factory gates and hurled symbolic blood-red paint onto the premises, leaving the site inoperable. | On June 22nd, activists took to the roof of UAV Engines LTD., proclaiming '2 down, 8 to go' — a warning to Israel's arms manufacterers. They ca…

_____ (2022-07-04). Palestine Action Shuts Israel's Military Drone Factory. popularresistance.org Elbit Systems is met with direct action once more, as Palestine Action activists have taken to Elbit Systems' (Israel's largest arms factory) factory in Shenstone and closed the site for the third time in two weeks. The Elbit subsidiary operates as UAV Engines LTD. and is responsible for manufacturing Elbit's military drone engines. Activists have locked on across the factory gates and hurled symbolic blood-red paint onto the premises, leaving the site inoperable. | On June 22nd, activists took to the roof of UAV Engines LTD., proclaiming '2 down, 8 to go' — a warning to Israel's arms manufacturers.

_____ (2022-07-04). Unilever sells Ben and Jerry's Israeli business, allowing for operation in illegal settlements. popularresistance.org Unilever has sold Ben and Jerry's Israeli business to its Israeli licensee, one year after the American ice cream company announced that it would end sales in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt). After a year of backlash, legal challenges, and Zionist lobbying, Ben and Jerry's products will return to illegal settlements, in direct contradiction of the company's will. | In July 2021, when Ben and Jerry's declared that selling in the oPt would be "inconsistent with [its] values," the company also revealed that it would not be renewing its agreement with its Israel-based licensee at the end of the year. On We…

_____ (2022-07-04). Unilever Sells Israeli Ben And Jerry's, Allows Operation In Settlements. popularresistance.org Unilever has sold Ben and Jerry's Israeli business to its Israeli licensee, one year after the American ice cream company announced that it would end sales in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt). After a year of backlash, legal challenges, and Zionist lobbying, Ben and Jerry's products will return to illegal settlements, in direct contradiction of the company's will. | In July 2021, when Ben and Jerry's declared that selling in the oPt would be "inconsistent with [its] values," the company also revealed that it would not be renewing its agreement with its Israel-based licensee at the end of the year.

Editor (2022-07-04). In The Wake of Abu Akleh's Murder, Media Continued to Obscure Israeli Violence. scheerpost.com By Robin Andersen / FAIR On May 13, two days after the killing of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by Israeli Occupation Forces, as her loss still dominated international news cycles, thousands of Palestinian mourners gathered to pay tribute to the woman who had given them voice for so long. They came to lay her body …

Staff (2022-07-04). Ghassan Lives, Palestine Lives: Events and actions for the th anniversary of the assassination of Ghassan Kanafani. samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and the Palestinian Youth Movement have come together to call for events and actions to mark the th anniversary of the assassination of Ghassan Kanafani, Palestinian revolutionary leader, organizer, writer and artist. Click here to read the call to action. We encourage all internationalist supporters of Palestine, Palestinians and Arabs …

____ (2022-07-04). Palestinians 'Are Not Animals in a Zoo': On Kanafani and the Need to Redefine the Role of the 'Victim Intellectual'. transcend.org 29 Jun 2022 – But for the Palestinian narrative to be truly relevant, Palestinians must indeed assume the role of the Gramscian intellectual, as "purveyors of consciousnesses" and abandon the role of the 'victim intellectual' altogether.

Brett Wilkins (2022-07-04). 'Organized Whitewash': US Claims Israeli Military's Murder of Journalist Not Intentional. commondreams.org "The odds that those responsible for the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh will be held to account are all but nonexistent," said the human rights group B'Tselem in response to findings of U.S. State Department.

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-07-04). Mayo Clinic, Sheba Medical Center sign agreement to accelerate health technology growth. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn., and TEL AVIV, Israel — Mayo Clinic and Sheba Medical Center have signed an agreement that will make it easier to share health technology and support early stage startup companies. This collaboration will create an environment that enables rapid product development in the U.S. and Israeli markets, allowing technologies to be established and launched to transform health care delivery for all. The initial focus of this collaboration will be on cross referral and…

____ (2022-07-04). "Beautiful Resistance" in Palestine: Challenging Occupation by Forging Inner Peace. transcend.org 13 Jun 2022 – Our organization, Alrowwad, works with the Palestinian youth, and that has been our enduring mandate since we founded it in 1998. People often ask me, why, given the severity of the politics surrounding the Palestinian struggle, would we not aim to tackle other, more pressing, issues?>

____ (2022-07-04). Fifteen Years of Gaza Blockade: Open the Doors of Our Prison Now. transcend.org 24 Jun 2022 – They will keep us imprisoned on this strip, and continue to slowly suffocate us for another 15 or even 150 years if the world does not wake up and say 'enough'.

Eva Bartlett (2022-07-03). The Lugansk People's Republic has now been brought under the control of the LPR & Russia. ingaza.wordpress.com All of the Lugansk People's Republic has now been brought under the control of the LPR & Russia. The population who were treated as subhuman (at best), or imprisoned, starved, tortured, executed…by Ukrainian forces & Nazis can now lively freely & without enduring the hell of Ukrainian rule any longer. RELATED:…

Editor (2022-07-03). How AIPAC is Leading Efforts to Dismantle the UN Inquiry on Palestine. scheerpost.com Palestinians burn tires during a protest outside the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza City, on April 25, 2022. Majdi Fathi | NurPhoto via AP | By Jessica Buxbaum / This month, the United Nations' Commission of Inquiry (COI) on the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel

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