Daily Archives: August 2, 2022

2022-08-02: News Headlines

TeleSUR- lvm- JL (2022-08-02). Palestina denuncia robo de Israel por retención de recursos. telesurtv.net Israel ha intentado desacreditar al Gobierno palestino, que ayuda a las familias afectadas por el régimen sionista.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-08-02). Policía israelí detiene a gobernador palestino de Jerusalén Este. telesurtv.net Adnan Ghaith ha sido detenido en al menos 17 ocasiones desde 2018. Es víctima de constante hostigamiento por parte de Israel.

Michael F. Brown (2022-08-01). US basketball coach touring Israel rejects Palestinian rights. electronicintifada.net Bruce Pearl ignores apartheid.

____ (2022-08-01). Hezbollah not rule out war with Israel over gas field. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 01 (MNA) — The Lebanese Resistance Movement of Hezbollah does not rule out going to war with Israel over the regime's attempts at impinging on Lebanon's natural resources.

Editor (2022-08-01). Visita a Oriente Medio, acceso al petróleo se impone a los derechos humanos. workers.org Ningún palestino que vive bajo la ocupación israelí se benefició un ápice de la breve visita del presidente Joe Biden a Oriente Medio. Biden tenía el poder ejecutivo para revertir el daño hecho cuando el ex presidente Donald Trump trasladó la embajada de Estados Unidos a Jerusalén, reconociendo el control . . . |

JANET (2022-08-01). Biden in Occupied Palestine and the 'Jerusalem Declaration'. iacenter.org July 16, 2022 Samidoun Palestine Prisoner Solidarity Network issued this collective statement with co-signers "in struggle and solidarity" July 16. The full list of signers, including Workers World Party and the International Action Center, is at samidoun.net. Organizations can endorse at bit.ly/bidenpalestine. Protesters hounded U.S. President Joe Biden in Palestine, including July 15 in Bethlehem where boys carried the photograph of Shireen Abu Akleh, Palestinian-American journalist murdered by Israeli Defense Force troops while on assignment in the Palestinian refugee camp of Jenin. Credit: Abbas Momani The jo…

Mohawk Nation News (2022-08-01). Mohawk Mothers Demand Pope Leave. indybay.org Kanien'kehà : ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) demand that the Pope must leave our land and take the cross and all of the symbols of their atrocities with him. Indigenous people see it as how the Jewish people see the swastika. McGill must stop bulldozing alleged unmarked graves before any investigation.

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-08-01). Iran's intelligence forces detain Israeli-linked Baha'i group. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 01 (MNA) — The Iranian Ministry of Intelligence said in a statement on Monday that its forces arrested members of the Baha'i group linked with the Israeli regime.

Jamanetwork (2022-08-01). Fourth BNT162b2 Dose and COVID-19 Hospitalization in Long-term Care Residents. jamanetwork.com This cohort study examines association of the fourth BNT162b2 dose with protection against SARS-CoV-2—related infections, hospitalizations, and deaths during the Omicron surge in Israeli long-term care facility residents.

____ (2022-08-01). Israel's Sociocide, Genocide, Ecocide in Palestine. transcend.org Sociocide is the killing of a society's capacity to survive, to reproduce itself, should become equally prominent a crime against humanity. The USA and Israel were born the same way, as God's chosen people with promised lands, using sociocide and genocide. With no policy change they may also decline and fall the same way. Even soon.

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