Daily Archives: August 3, 2022

2022-08-03: News Headlines

Middle East Monitor (2022-08-03). Israel's Visa refusal to Palestinian Harvard Fellow sparks calls for Boycott of Apartheid State. juancole.com By Nasim Ahmed | &#1 ; ( Middle East Monitor ) &#1 ; Israel has refused to grant a visa permit to one of Gaza's highly acclaimed poet and former Harvard fellow, Mosab Abu Toha. Author of one of the shortlisted books for this year's Palestine Book Awards (PBA), Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear: …

Staff (2022-08-03). VIDEO: Zionist bases evacuated in fear of Resistance response. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 03 (MNA) — The footage shows the evacuation of the Zionist military bases near the Gaza border after the Palestinian Islamic Jihad warned Zionists in reaction to the arrest of Bassam al-Saadi, a senior Resistance leader in the West Bank.

Staff (2022-08-03). Resistance forces launch new operation in N WB. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 03 (MNA) — News sources on late Tuesday reported that Palestinian Resistance forces have launched an operation against the Israeli regime occupying forces on the northern West Bank.

TeleSUR, mcs, SH (2022-08-03). Irán denuncia en la ONU amenazas militares por parte de Israel. telesurtv.net Las autoridades militares iraníes han avisado a la comunidad internacional que Israel pone en peligro la seguridad regional y mundial.

Staff (2022-08-03). Iran FM hails Mandela's grandson for supporting Palestinians. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 03 (MNA) — In a meeting with Nelson Mandela's grandson, the Iranian Foreign Minister hailed his efforts aimed at strengthening Iran-South Africa cooperation and his unlimited support for the oppressed Palestinian nation.

Staff (2022-08-03). Al-Nakhalah hails Iran, Leader for supporting Resistance. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 03 (MNA) — The Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement of Palestine thanked the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Leader of the Revolution for supporting the Resistance of the Palestinian nation.

Mohawk Nation News (2022-08-03). Mohawk Mothers Demand Pope Leave. indybay.org Kanien'kehà : ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) demand that the Pope must leave our land and take the cross and all of the symbols of their atrocities with him. Indigenous people see it as how the Jewish people see the swastika. McGill must stop bulldozing alleged unmarked graves before any investigation.

Editor (2022-08-02). 'Apartheid' is not sufficient: an interview with UN Human Rights Commissioner Miloon Kothari. mronline.org UN Human Rights Commissioner Miloon Kothari explains why Apartheid is not enough to explain the root causes of the Palestinian crisis.

Jessica Buxbaum (2022-08-02). Top Recruits Refuse to Work for Google or Amazon Over Ivolvement in Israeli War Crimes. mintpressnews.com While just over a year old, Google and Amazon have not addressed the Workers Against Nimbus and #NoTechForApartheid campaigns publicly, but the activist network has had success in cutting the corporations' power — even if only slightly.

Staff (2022-08-02). Acusan a Tel Aviv de falsear caso de periodista asesinada. cubadebate.cu La ONG B'Tselem acusó al gobierno israelí de falsear y encubrir el caso del asesinato de la periodista palestina Shireen Abu Aqleh. El Centro de Información Israelí para los Derechos Humanos en los Territorios Ocupados criticó en Twitter declaraciones del comandante de la unidad militar que irrumpió en el campo de refugiados de Jenín.

Dave DeCamp (2022-08-02). Israel Signals No Change to Its Nuclear Arsenal Policy Amid Non-Proliferation Conference. news.antiwar.com Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Monday Speaking at the Israel Atomic Energy Commission in Tel Aviv, Lapid made a veiled reference to Israel's secret nuclear weapons program. He spoke of Israel's "defensive capabilities and offensive capabilities, and what the foreign media ten…

TeleSUR- lvm- JL (2022-08-02). Palestina denuncia robo de Israel por retención de recursos. telesurtv.net Israel ha intentado desacreditar al Gobierno palestino, que ayuda a las familias afectadas por el régimen sionista.

Staff (2022-08-02). Holding referendum solution to materialize Palestinian rights. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 02 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says that holding a referendum among the original residents of Palestine is a solution to materialize Palestinians' rights.

Staff (2022-08-02). 12 August, Webinar: Culture of Resistance &#1 ; Music Behind Colonial Bars with Dr. Louis Brehony. samidoun.net Friday, August 12 12 pm Pacific &#1 ; 3 pm Eastern &#1 ; 8 pm British time &#1 ; 9 pm central Europe &#1 ; 8 pm Palestine REGISTER: bit.ly/prisonmusic Join Samidoun for a webinar with Dr. Louis Brehony, the author of "Genius in the People: On Collective Resistance and Musical Instrument Making in the Jails of the Colonizer" …

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-08-02). Policía israelí detiene a gobernador palestino de Jerusalén Este. telesurtv.net Adnan Ghaith ha sido detenido en al menos 17 ocasiones desde 2018. Es víctima de constante hostigamiento por parte de Israel.

Huda Al Sousi (2022-08-01). Gaza's queen of quilling. electronicintifada.net Though Eman al-Tayeb's art has gained popularity outside Palestine, the Israeli occupation makes it difficult to ship her work abroad.

Editor (2022-08-01). Visita a Oriente Medio, acceso al petróleo se impone a los derechos humanos. workers.org Ningún palestino que vive bajo la ocupación israelí se benefició un ápice de la breve visita del presidente Joe Biden a Oriente Medio. Biden tenía el poder ejecutivo para revertir el daño hecho cuando el ex presidente Donald Trump trasladó la embajada de Estados Unidos a Jerusalén, reconociendo el control . . . |

____ (2022-08-01). Israel's Sociocide, Genocide, Ecocide in Palestine. transcend.org Sociocide is the killing of a society's capacity to survive, to reproduce itself, should become equally prominent a crime against humanity. The USA and Israel were born the same way, as God's chosen people with promised lands, using sociocide and genocide. With no policy change they may also decline and fall the same way. Even soon.

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