Daily Archives: August 24, 2022

2022-08-24: News Headlines

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-08-24). Muere otro joven palestino tras ser herido por ejército israelí. telesurtv.net El asesinato ocurrió en medio de una campaña de detenciones masivas que lleva adelante Israel en la Cisjordania ocupada.

Dave DeCamp (2022-08-24). Gantz Heads to US, Says Israel Will Do 'Everything It Can' to Stop Iran Deal. news.antiwar.com Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Tuesday that Israel would do "everything it can" to influence the US against reviving the Iran nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, and announced that he was traveling to the US later this week. "The State of Israel is not opposed to agreements in general, but it is opposed …

Richie Merino (2022-08-24). Palestinians resist U.S. imperialism and Israeli occupation. workers.org On Aug. 18, Israeli occupation forces raided, physically blocked and imposed closure orders on the offices of seven prominent Palestinian human rights, feminist and social services organizations operating in the Ramallah area of the occupied West Bank. Background to the demonization In 2021, Israel falsely and preemptively designated six of . . . |

TeleSUR -ysm- JL (2022-08-24). Presidente de Tàºrkiye reafirma solidaridad con causa palestina. telesurtv.net La reunión abordó temas sobre la agenda regional e internacional, así como las rutas a seguir para fortalecer las relaciones bilaterales.

Miko Peled (2022-08-23). Israel Blames Its Victims for the Violence It Causes. globalresearch.ca

TeleSUR (2022-08-23). Palestinian Prisoners Are Determined to Pursue Hunger Strike. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, the Palestinian Prisoners' National Emergency Committee announced that prisoners in Israeli jails will continue with another day of protests if the Israel Prison Service (IPS) continues to violate the agreed agreements. | RELATED: | "The jailer will not impose his will on us," the Committee said and urged the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to support the indefinite hunger strike that the Palestinian Pr…

TeleSUR (2022-08-23). Palestinians Welcome Israeli-Turkish Normalization. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Palestinian authorities, including Hamas that rules the Gaza Strip, welcome the normalization of relations between Tàºrkiye and Israel because this helps Ankara better support the Palestinian cause. | RELATED: | "Both the Palestinian president (Mahmoud Abbas) and Hamas side want our relations with Israel to be normalized. They also know that thanks to th…

Staff (2022-08-23). Iran stresses nuclear disarmament of US, pressure on Israel. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Iran UN envoy Majid Takht Ravanchi called for a real commitment to nuclear disarmament by the United States and a Middle East free of nuclear weapons.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-08-23). Presos palestinos inician huelga de hambre en cárceles israelíes. telesurtv.net Entretanto, un tribunal israelí rechazó el llamado a liberar al preso palestino en huelga de hambre desde hace 6 meses.

TeleSUR, mcs, JGN (2022-08-23). Denuncian detención de 20 palestinos por parte de Israel. telesurtv.net En Belén, cuatro padres y sus hijos adolescentes fueron detenidos luego que soldados de Israel irrumpieran en sus casas.

Ali Abunimah (2022-08-22). Why Palestine is central to anti-imperialist resistance. electronicintifada.net There's a growing risk of an Israel-Lebanon war, with destruction on an unprecedented scale.

2022-08-24 08:43 | 04:43 EST | jz | 13 | 1 | 6 | 4 | 0