Daily Archives: August 31, 2022

2022-08-31: News Headlines

Middle East Monitor (2022-08-31). 6-year-old Palestinian dies after Israel denies him Access to Treatment outside Gaza. juancole.com By Wafa Aludaini | &#1 ; ( Middle East Monitor ) &#1 ; A press release issued by Al-Mezan Centre for Human Rights condemned the discriminatory restriction on movement and the arbitrary permit system imposed by the Israeli occupation on Palestinian patients obstructing their access to hospitals outside Gaza. We tried all possible ways to treat him, …

_____ (2022-08-30). Tales From The Parents Of Tortured Palestinian Children. popularresistance.org Beit Hanina, Occupied Jerusalem — The United States House of Representatives submission to Israel and Zionism is both pathetic and enraging. This total submission to the will and interests of the Zionist movement and the State of Israel does not serve the interests of the American people, and only goes to support a state that has been recognized as a racist, violent apartheid regime. As one Palestinian said to me recently, U.S. foreign aid for Israel goes towards my oppression and the killing of my people. | Nowhere is Congress' blind support for Israel more heinous, more horrifying and more outrageous than…

Maureen Clare Murphy (2022-08-30). Israel sentences Gaza aid worker to 12 years after sham trial. electronicintifada.net Conviction and recent raids on rights groups increase "chilling effect" in Palestine.

Fedaa al-Qedra (2022-08-30). Spike in children denied medical treatment by Israel's military. electronicintifada.net Three children have died so far this year after their travel permits were rejected or delayed.

Tamara Nassar (2022-08-30). Musicians boycott Berlin festival backed by Israel. electronicintifada.net Pop-Kultur organizers had concealed Tel Aviv's support until the last minute.

H. Scott Prosterman (2022-08-30). Expanding the Occupation of Palestinians in thenewsauthor"> of Jesus. juancole.com Most people agree that imperialism has been a very bad thing for the world. American Indian leader Dennis Means addressed a capacity crowd at the Rackham Auditorium at the University of Michigan in 1981. When I asked him to compare the plight of American Indians with the Palestinians, Mr. Means said, "Palestinians are the Indians …

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