Monthly Archives: August 2022

2022-08-29: News Headlines

WSWS (2022-08-29). Pfizer's anti-COVID pill Paxlovid shows no benefit for younger adults. A recent Israeli study demonstrated that Pfizer's anti-COVID pill had no benefit for those younger than 65. However, it did show benefits among seniors at high risk for severe disease.

Anonymous103 (2022-08-28). Military Situation In Syria On August 27, 2022 (Map Update). On August 26, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 4 times: 2 &#1 ; in Aleppo province, 1 &#1 ; in Latakia province, 1 &#1 ; in Idib province; | On August 26, the US base at Al-Omar oil field was targeted by a drone attack by the resistance groups; | On August 25, Israeli warplanes struck SAA positions in Masyaf with several missiles; | On August 25, Israeli warplanes struck SAA positions near Tartus with several missiles.

Jason Ditz (2022-08-28). Major Damage After Israel Attacks Sites in Western Syria. Satellite imagery is coming in The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported the main target was a depot holding 1,000 medium-range missiles Russia

Dave DeCamp (2022-08-28). US Hints to Israel's Gantz It's Preparing Military Option Against Iran. An Israeli official said that According to The Times of Israel, the Israeli official said that Gantz told Sullivan that Israel "needs" the US to have a credible military option against Iran. The meeting came as Washington and Tehran are engaged in negotiations to revive the nuclear deal. | The official sai…

Israel Shahak (2022-08-28). "Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East. When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria and Iraq, the war on Yemen, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East…

_____ (2022-08-28). Is Vietnamese-Israeli Defense Cooperation Facing Problems? On July 12, Israel and Vietnam marked the 29th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and emphasized in official statements that there is great potential for the further development of economic and diplomatic cooperation that could bring significant benefits to both sides. Vietnam, as you know, is a member of the Association of Southeast …

Staff (2022-08-28). Palestine key to regional stability, security: Iran deputy FM. TEHRAN, Aug. 28 (MNA) — Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani says that any initiative that ignores the rights of the Palestinian nation is a cause of instability and disrupts the security of the region.

Anonymous669 (2022-08-28). Satellite Images Show Heavy Damage At Syrian Research Complex Attacked By Israel. FILE PHOTO An Israeli F-16 fighter jet © Amir Cohen / Reuters | The Satellite images released by Plant Labs on August 26 revealed that many of the buildings at the complex were either completely destroyed or damaged as a…

Staff (2022-08-27). An unstoppable optimist for the Palestinian cause. The following article and interview of Raja Eghbarieh is republished from Proletà§ren newspaper. The article, written by Marcus Jà∂nsson, was translated to English by Samidoun Sweden. Eghbarieh is a former Palestinian political prisoner who recently spoke at public events in Sweden. &#1 ; I'm sad that all the Europeans who support Ukraine don't care as much …

Staff (2022-08-27). Solidarity with Khalil Awawdeh and all Palestinian prisoners in Toulouse, France. On Friday, 26 August, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra organized a Palestine Stand at the Bagatelle metro station in Toulouse, France. This action took place amid a day of mobilization called for by the Palestinian prisoners' movement in support of the growing struggle behind occupation bars. Since 22 August, the struggle has escalated to confront Israeli …

Staff (2022-08-27). Abu Ali Mustafa: A life in struggle for the liberation of Palestine. The 21st anniversary of the martyrdom of Abu Ali Mustafa This Saturday 27 August we mark 21 years since the martyrdom of Abu Ali Mustafa, the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, targeted for an Israeli assassination raid with a U.S-made and -provided missile in occupied Al-Bireh, Palestine, in 2001. …

2022-08-29 20:08 | 16:08 EST | jz | 13 | 3 | 7 | 1 | 0 

2022-08-28: News Headlines

Anonymous103 (2022-08-28). Military Situation In Syria On August 27, 2022 (Map Update). On August 26, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 4 times: 2 &#1 ; in Aleppo province, 1 &#1 ; in Latakia province, 1 &#1 ; in Idib province; | On August 26, the US base at Al-Omar oil field was targeted by a drone attack by the resistance groups; | On August 25, Israeli warplanes struck SAA positions in Masyaf with several missiles; | On August 25, Israeli warplanes struck SAA positions near Tartus with several missiles.

_____ (2022-08-28). Is Vietnamese-Israeli Defense Cooperation Facing Problems? On July 12, Israel and Vietnam marked the 29th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and emphasized in official statements that there is great potential for the further development of economic and diplomatic cooperation that could bring significant benefits to both sides. Vietnam, as you know, is a member of the Association of Southeast …

Staff (2022-08-28). Palestine key to regional stability, security: Iran deputy FM. TEHRAN, Aug. 28 (MNA) — Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani says that any initiative that ignores the rights of the Palestinian nation is a cause of instability and disrupts the security of the region.

Juan Cole (2022-08-28). Residents of Misafer Yatta — Being Slowly Ethnically Cleansed by Israel — take Refuge in Caves. Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) &#1 ; The Israeli usurpation of nine Palestinian hamlets of Misafer Yatta near Hebron has driven some of the residents to shelter in caves, after their domiciles were demolished by Israeli Occupation troops. So report Allyson Horn, Fouad AbuGosh and Haidarr Jones, writing at the Australian Broadcast Network. They quote one such …

TeleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-08-28). Represión israelí deja cinco palestinos heridos en Cisjordania. Entre las personas heridas en Kafr Qaddum se encuentra una periodista de un medio palestino.

Staff (2022-08-27). An unstoppable optimist for the Palestinian cause. The following article and interview of Raja Eghbarieh is republished from Proletà§ren newspaper. The article, written by Marcus Jà∂nsson, was translated to English by Samidoun Sweden. Eghbarieh is a former Palestinian political prisoner who recently spoke at public events in Sweden. &#1 ; I'm sad that all the Europeans who support Ukraine don't care as much …

Staff (2022-08-27). Russian-made air defenses in Syria shot down Israeli missiles. TEHRAN, Aug. 27 (MNA) — When four fighter jets of the Israeli regime struck Syria's Masyaf, the Russian-made air defense systems of Syria destroyed some of the munitions, the deputy head of the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria said on Friday.

Anonymous669 (2022-08-27). Israel Attacked Syria With Four Cruise Missiles, 16 Guided Bombs: Russian MoD. An Israeli IMI Delilah cruise missile under the wing of an Israeli Air Force F-16I Soufa Fighter. Picture taken at Kecskeméti Repàºl≈ënap 2010. By Wikimedia user (KGyST). | Israeli fighter jets launched four cruise missiles and 16 guided bombs during the

_____ (2022-08-27). Western Media Bias Makes Israeli War On Palestinians Possible. While US and western mainstream and corporate media remain biased in favor of Israel, they often behave as if they are a third, neutral party. This is simply not the case. | Take the New York Times coverage of the latest Israeli war on Gaza as an example. Its article on August 6, "Israel-Gaza Fighting Flares for a Second Day" is the typical mainstream western reporting on Israel and Palestine, but with a distinct NYT flavor. | For the uninformed reader, the article succeeds in finding a balanced language between two equal sides. This misleading moral equivalence is one of the biggest intellectual blind spots for…

_____ (2022-08-27). Palestine Action Sets Up Camp. Palestine Action have set up camp outside UAV Engines Ltd, the Israeli drones factory that has rightly been a prime target for extensive direct action as part of the #ShutElbitDown campaign. Activists confirm they plan to hold their ground, and will not leave until Elbit have left Shenstone, a sleepy English village near Lichfield. The factory produces engines and other components used to make drones such as the Hermes 450 — these are lethal munitions that have maimed and killed countless Palestinian men, women and children for decades. | With activists taking over the space, the site is ours, and you can n…

Staff (2022-08-27). Abu Ali Mustafa: A life in struggle for the liberation of Palestine. The 21st anniversary of the martyrdom of Abu Ali Mustafa This Saturday 27 August we mark 21 years since the martyrdom of Abu Ali Mustafa, the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, targeted for an Israeli assassination raid with a U.S-made and -provided missile in occupied Al-Bireh, Palestine, in 2001. …

Staff (2022-08-27). Solidarity with Khalil Awawdeh and all Palestinian prisoners in Toulouse, France. On Friday, 26 August, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra organized a Palestine Stand at the Bagatelle metro station in Toulouse, France. This action took place amid a day of mobilization called for by the Palestinian prisoners' movement in support of the growing struggle behind occupation bars. Since 22 August, the struggle has escalated to confront Israeli …

Staff (2022-08-27). Unknown drone enters Israeli regime's Ben Gurion Airport. TEHRAN, Aug. 27 (MNA) — Hebrew language news sources on Saturday reported that an unknown drone has entered Ben Gurion Airport located in the Occupied Palestinian territories.

Ramzy Baroud (2022-08-26). Deliberate Misrepresentation: Western Media Bias Makes Israeli War on Palestinians Possible. On August 16, the Israeli military finally admitted that it was behind the strikes that killed the 5 young Palestinian boys of Jabaliya. Whether the NYT reported on that or not matters little. The damage has been done, and that was Israel's plan from the start.

Miko Peled (2022-08-26). Giving Voice to the Voiceless: Tales from the Parents of Tortured Palestinian Children. Faced with HR 2590, – a law intended to protect the lives of Palestinian children – the United States House of Representatives' submission to Israel and Zionism has been both pathetic and enraging.

2022-08-29 02:52 | 22:52 EST | jz | 17 | 2 | 8 | 5 | 0