Monthly Archives: August 2022

2022-08-19: News Headlines

WSWS (2022-08-19). Palestinian President Abbas' Holocaust remark and the hypocrisy of Germany's media and political establishment. German media outlets and politicians have responded with a storm of indignation to a statement by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas comparing Israeli massacres of Palestinians with the Holocaust that would be hard to beat for its mendacity.

_____ (2022-08-18). Who is Obstructing the Syrian Settlement? The Syrian issue has recently been increasingly highlighted in global media reports, indicating that the Middle Eastern Arab state is unfortunately becoming more and more a battleground for many countries, especially through the fault of the US, Israel and Turkey. Thus, against the backdrop of increasing energy shortages in the West, the Syrian news agency …

Miko Peled (2022-08-18). Miko Peled: Israel Blames its Victims for the Violence it Causes. Palestinians are at a point where they can find no support anywhere, regardless of the severity of their conditions. Be they simply people who want to live their lives, fighters, activists or organizations dedicated to human rights, they will be killed and harassed.

Mohammed Samaana (2022-08-18). Israel's Latest War on the Palestinians Reveals How Alone and Vulnerable they Are. Belfast (Special to Informed Comment) &#1 ; Some have puzzled over why Israel launched its attacks on Palestinian in Gaza and the West Bank at the beginning of August.The military action had not been preceded by any notable Palestinian activity. There is, however, no great mystery. It has become customary for an Israeli Prime Minister to …

Maureen Clare Murphy (2022-08-18). Israeli army shuts down prominent Palestinian rights groups. Young man shot and killed by soldiers during Nablus raid.

_____ (2022-08-18). Israel's Premature 'Victory' Celebration. For years, Palestinians, as well as Israelis, have labored to redraw the battle lines. The three-day Israeli war on Gaza, starting on August 5 clearly manifested this reality. | Throughout its military operation, Israel has repeatedly underscored the point that the war was targeting the Islamic Jihad Movement only, not Hamas or anyone else. | A somewhat similar scenario had transpired in May 2019 and again in November of the same year. The May clashes began when two Israeli soldiers were wounded by a Palestinian sniper at the fence separating besieged Gaza from Israel. | Mass weekly protests had taken place near…

_____ (2022-08-18). Israeli Forces Raid Offices Of Palestinian Civil Society Groups. Israeli forces closed the offices of seven Palestinian civil society rights groups in the occupied West Bank in an overnight raid on Thursday. | Al-Haq said Israeli soldiers stormed its offices in Ramallah, confiscating items, shutting down the main entrance with an iron plate, and leaving behind a military order declaring the organization unlawful. | Other groups raided included Addameer, the Bisan Center for Research & Development, Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCIP), the Union of Palestinian Women's Committees and the Union of Agricultural Work Committee and the Union of Health Workers Com…

TeleSUR (2022-08-18). Palestine Call for International Reaction After Closure of NGOs. On Thursday, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) condemned the closure of seven non-governmental organizations in the West Bank and demanded an "urgent" reaction from the international community. | RELATED: | "The raiding and closing of the facilities is a crime and a blatant attack not only against Palestinian civil society organizations and human rights organizations, but also against international human ri…

Anonymous669 (2022-08-18). Recent Israeli Attack On Syria Targeted Two Air Defense Bases. An Israeli Air Force F-15 fighter jet flies during an aerial demonstration. (photo credit: AMIR COHEN &#1 ; REUTERS) | The The first air defense base is located a few kilometers to the southwest of the town of al…

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-08-18). Presidente palestino afirma que Israel ha ejecutado masacres. El líder palestino señaló en Berlín que "Israel ha cometido masacres en localidades palestinas desde 1947".

Staff (2022-08-18). Israel y Turquía restablecerán relaciones diplomáticas. Israel y Turquía anunciaron este miércoles que reanudarán sus relaciones diplomáticas plenas, tras varios años de tensiones, pero Ankara advirtió que continuará "defendiendo los derechos de los palestinos" pese a este acercamiento. La medida es un paso de avance en la estabilidad regional, señaló el primer ministro israelí.

Ali Abunimah (2022-08-17). Palestinians have had enough of Europe's Holocaust hypocrisy. Why hasn't Germany condemned Zelensky's minimization of the Holocaust in Ukraine?

Ramzy Baroud (2022-08-17). Israel's Premature 'Victory' Celebration: The defining War in Gaza Is Yet to Be Fought. For years, Palestinians, as well as Israelis, have labored to redraw the battle lines and Israel's three-day Israeli war on Gaza, starting on August 5, clearly manifested this reality.

Joy D.M.R. (2022-08-17). Pro-Palestine activists demonstrate outside Sen. Shaheen's Manchester, N.H., office. Two dozen people gathered in downtown Manchester, New Hampshire on Aug. 13 for a speak-out to express solidarity with the people of Gaza and Palestine.

2022-08-20 04:21 | 00:21 EST | jz | 16 | 3 | 10 | 1 | 0 

2022-08-18: News Headlines

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-08-18). Presidente palestino afirma que Israel ha ejecutado masacres. El líder palestino señaló en Berlín que "Israel ha cometido masacres en localidades palestinas desde 1947".

Ramzy Baroud (2022-08-17). Israel's Premature 'Victory' Celebration: The defining War in Gaza Is Yet to Be Fought. For years, Palestinians, as well as Israelis, have labored to redraw the battle lines and Israel's three-day Israeli war on Gaza, starting on August 5, clearly manifested this reality.

JANET (2022-08-17). Michigan primary election — Rep. Rashida Tlaib wins, Zionists lose. By Martha Grevatt August 12, 2022 Rashida Tlaib of Detroit made history Jan. 3, 2019, when she became the first Palestinian-American Representative in the U.S. Congress. Rep. Tlaib and Rep. Ilhan Omar were also the first two Muslim women elected to the House. Using her position to denounce Israeli apartheid, Rep. Tlaib has drawn the ire of Zionist organizations. But she was reelected in 2020 and will most likely be returned to the House Nov. 8, having won the Michigan Democratic primary election Aug. 2. Rep. Rashida Tlaib at Palestinian protest, Dearborn, Michigan, May 16, 2021. Credit: Rebecca Cook Rep. Tlaib is…

Anonymous669 (2022-08-17). Israel Violated UN-Brokered Ceasefire In Southern Syria: Russian MoD. FILE IMAGE: Israeli battle tank | An Israeli tank had crossed the border line in the Golan Heights and then defiantly aimed its gun at Syrian military positions, deputy head of Russia's Center for Reconciliation of the Warring Parties in Syria said on August 16. | Captain First Degree Yevgeny Gerasimov said that the Israeli move was a violation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 3 , which was approved on 31 May 1974."At 13: 00 on August 15, the Israel Defense Forces tank left the Tell el-Faras Mountain…

Joe Piette (2022-08-17). Philly stands with Palestine. A "Philly Stands with Palestine" march blocked rush hour traffic around Philadelphia's City Hall for an hour Aug. 10 to protest the most recent Israeli criminal bombing of the people of Gaza, which murdered at least 16 children. Philly March for Palestine (Photo Credit: Joe Piette) After an initial rally . . . |

Joy D.M.R. (2022-08-17). Pro-Palestine activists demonstrate outside Sen. Shaheen's Manchester, NH office. Two dozen people gathered in downtown Manchester, New Hampshire on Aug. 13 for a speak-out to express solidarity with the people of Gaza and Palestine.

Gideon Levy (2022-08-17). When Roger Waters Cried. "Has any Israeli Shed Tears for a Boy from Gaza?"

Philip Weiss (2022-08-17). Israel's Friends Struggle to Justify Unprovoked Attack that Killed 17 Children.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-08-17). Fuerzas israelíes arrestan a 38 palestinos en Gaza y Cisjordania. Durante julio pasado las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes arrestaron a 375 palestinos, entre los que se encontraban 28 niños y dos mujeres.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-08-17). Tàºrkiye e Israel volverán a nombrar embajadores. Ambas naciones dan los primeros pasos para normalizar sus relaciones.

Fight Back (2022-08-16). Dallas vigil for martyred Palestinians. Dallas, TX – On Saturday, August 13, 50 people raised Palestinian flags and held candles at the Grassy Knoll in downtown Dallas. They gathered to pay respects to the 49 Palestinians killed by Israel. Israel bombed people in Gaza, Palestine from August 5 to August 7. | Jo Hargis of the Dallas Anti-War Committee said, "The United States is guilty of every bomb dropped on Palestine and every murder of Palestinians," stated Hargis. "The continued occupation of Palestine is only possible thanks to the billions of dollars a year in direct funding of weapons and in favorable trade deals." | Rick Majumdar of the Dallas…

Aaron Boxerman (2022-08-16). Losing Battle with IDF, Palestinians in Firing Zone Face Largest Expulsion Since '67.

2022-08-18 11:41 | 07:41 EST | jz | 14 | 2 | 9 | 1 | 0