Daily Archives: September 10, 2022

2022-09-10: News Headlines

Staff (2022-09-10). Is America sacrificing the JCPOA for Israel election? en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 10 (MNA) — Talks in Vienna over reviving a 2015 Iran nuclear deal appear to have entered a stage of inertia amid Israeli and American preparations for upcoming elections.

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-09-10). Google and Amazon Workers Push Back on Tech Work for Israeli Apartheid. indybay.org Hundreds in march and demonstrations at SF Google and Amazon offices…

Labor Video Project (2022-09-10). Google & Tech Workers With Community Demand No Tech For Apartheid! Cancel Project Nimbus. indybay.org Google workers who were members of CWA Alphabet Workers Union joined with other tech workers and community members rallied at San Francisco Google and Amazonn to protest the retaliation against Google worker Ariel Koren for speaking out against the Project Nimbus which uses Google technology to spy on Palestinian people for the apartheid regime.

TeleSUR, ysm, JCM (2022-09-10). Exfiscal de Israel condena asesinatos de al menos 79 palestinos. telesurtv.net El exfiscal Michael Benyair considera que debe examinarse la ligereza del Ejército israelí al apretar el gatillo, que en lo que va de 2022 ha asesinado a decenas de inocentes.

Angela (2022-09-10). Sunday 9/11: Free screening of the documentary film "Gaza Hospital" indybay.org

TeleSUR, lvm, JDO (2022-09-10). Fuerzas de Israel hieren a seis palestinos en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net La aldea de Kafr Qaddum fue interrumpida con gases lacrimógenos hiriendo a cuatro palestinos con rondas recubiertas de goma.

Miko Peled (2022-09-09). Hebron, Palestine: An Ancient Gem Ruined by Apartheid and Occupied by Settlers. mintpressnews.com Hebron, a city that is far too often in the news for the violence and racism that Zionist settlers and the Israeli army constantly force upon this town, is in fact an ancient gem.

PACBI (2022-09-09). Greenwashing. Pinkwashing. Here's the Dirt on Puma's Support for Israeli Apartheid. bdsmovement.net

Abdallah al-Naami (2022-09-09). A smiling girl, killed by Israel. electronicintifada.net Layan al-Shaer was among 17 child victims of the August attack on Gaza.

Robert Inlakesh (2022-09-09). A Lebanon-Israel War Was Just Made Much More Likely. thelastamericanvagabond.com A vessel that Tel Aviv has contracted to extract gas from the Karish field, which is located in a disputed maritime zone, is set to begin extracting within weeks. In the event that no maritime border agreement is signed, Lebanese Hezbollah has vowed to attack Israeli oil and gas facilities and the latest announcement is

WSWS (2022-09-09). US and Israel escalate covert war against Iran and its allies. wsws.org In the past weeks, the US and Israel have carried out a series of strikes on Iranian targets in Syria and elsewhere, setting the stage for a dangerous escalation of conflict in the Middle East.

Anonymous669 (2022-09-09). Israeli Drone Crashes In Disputed Maritime Border With Lebanon. southfront.org quadron 161 ("The Black Snake") marks its reopening as the only "Zik" Squadron (Hermes 4 ) in the UAV, absorbing all the "Zik" aircraft from Squadron 166 ("Firebirds"). Taken on 6 December 2020 by Amit Agronov. Source: the Israeli Defense Forces. | On September 9, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced that one of its drones crashed in the disputed maritime border with Lebanon as a result of a "malfunction." | On Twitter, the army said that the drone wreckage was recovered fro…

TeleSUR, lvm, JDO (2022-09-09). Ocupación israelí hiere a seis palestinos y detiene a otros. telesurtv.net La aldea de Kafr Qaddum fue interrumpida con gases lacrimógenos hiriendo a cuatro palestinos con rondas recubiertas de goma.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-09-09). Palestina acusa a primer ministro israelí de aprobar crímenes. telesurtv.net La diplomacia palestina acusó a Israel de dar protección total "a los asesinos, criminales y elementos del terrorismo".

Ramzy Baroud (2022-09-08). 'Painful March for Freedom': The Triumphant Legacy of Palestinian Prisoners. mintpressnews.com Around one million Palestinians were imprisoned between 1967 and 2021. Currently, hundreds of Palestinian 'administrative detainees' are held in Israeli prisons, an act that violates international law on various counts.

Staff (2022-09-08). Palestinian prisoner Ahmad Musa defeats the jailer after 33 days of hunger strike. samidoun.net After 33 days of hunger strike, Palestinian prisoner Ahmad Musa has defeated the jailer. Musa, 44, is jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention. He will be released on 6 December 2022, confirmed the Muhja al-Quds Foundation. Ahmad Musa suffers from serious heart conditions that require medication and has been repeatedly transferred back and …

_____ (2022-09-08). After Years Of Tribal Resistance, DHS Finishes Its 'Virtual Wall'. popularresistance.org When I come across surveillance towers in the borderlands, I first look to see if there are any communities, towns, or houses in its view. I did this on Monday, on the Tohono O'odham Nation in the southern Arizona borderlands, when I found an "integrated fixed tower," built by the Israeli company Elbit Systems. It took me, two other journalists, and O'odham member Raymond Daukei all day to find it. I could see that homes in Topawa—a community of 380 people backed by the verdant western side of the muscular Baboquivari mountain range—were easily in range of the tower's sophisticated camera system, whic…

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