Daily Archives: September 14, 2022

2022-09-14: News Headlines

Staff (2022-09-14). 2 Palestinians martyred in clashes in West Bank. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 14 (MNA) — Arab news sources on Wednesday morning reported that 2 Palestinians were martyred during the clashes with the Israeli regime's troops in the West Bank.

TeleSUR-mcs- JL (2022-09-14). Denuncian detención de 19 palestinos tras redadas israelíes. telesurtv.net Durante el allanamiento de viviendas palestinas, las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes incautaron vehículos.

Fra Hughes (2022-09-13). Will the UK Ever Have a People-led Social Revolution as It Heads Back Into the Dark Ages? orinocotribune.com By Fra Hughes &#1 ; Sep 10, 2022 | Unlike Latin America which has a real left-right political dichotomy, Britain has a false left-right political facade just like North America and most of western Europe, Canada and Australia. |

| Wow, just wow! | Britain is about to enter a sustained period of recession set to include blackouts and energy rationing. | This is not Lebanon under attack from an US-inspired devaluation of their currency as leverage for undermining the democratically elected government of the country, which includes Hezbollah. | This is not Gaza, bombed back into the stone age by the most p…

Staff (2022-09-13). Down with Oslo: The Resistance Continues for Return and Liberation. samidoun.net 13 September 2022 marks the 29th anniversary of the infamous "Oslo Accords," the so-called Declaration of Principles signed in Washington, D.C., by Zionist state representatives and soon-to-be "Palestinian Authority" leadership under the auspices of the United States. As we confront 29 years of Oslo, it is clear that the goals of the "peace process" &#1 ; …

James Zogby (2022-09-13). Peaceful Resistance Turns Military Might Into Weakness. commondreams.org Civil disobedience and general strikes by Palestinian laborers, boycotts, and mass peaceful demonstrations at check points and the borders would paralyze Israel.

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2022-09-12). Podcast Ep 64: Light in Gaza. electronicintifada.net A new anthology by Palestinian writers aims to break the intellectual blockade and imagine a liberated future.

Ali Abunimah (2022-09-12). German Jews file war crimes charges against Israeli leaders. electronicintifada.net "Israel must be held accountable for war crimes like any other state."

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-09-12). Fallece palestino baleado por fuerzas israelíes en Yenín, Cisjordania. telesurtv.net El joven palestino fue baleado por soldados israelíes durante una redada en el campo de refugiados de Yenín, el pasado 6 de septiembre.

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