Monthly Archives: September 2022

2022-09-18: News Headlines

Staff (2022-09-18). Syria air defense repels Israel's nighttime attack. TEHRAN, Sep. 18 (MNA) — Syrian air defense forces repelled a nighttime attack by Israeli fighter jets on Saturday using Russian-made Pantsir-S1 and Buk-M2E air defense systems.

Staff (2022-09-18). Turkish president, Zionist PM to meet Tuesday. TEHRAN, Sep. 18 (MNA) — Zionist sources announced that the Israeli regime's Prime Minister Yair Lapid is set to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday.

Staff (2022-09-18). Cuba slams Israeli regime attack on Syria. TEHRAN, Sep. 18 (MNA) — Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla reacted to the latest attack of the Israeli regime on Syrian territories.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-18). Mueren cinco soldados sirios en un ataque israelí sobre Damasco. El Ministerio de Defensa sirio afirmó que las defensas aéreas sirias lograron derribar la mayoría de los misiles israelíes sobre la capital Damasco.

Kyle Anzalone (2022-09-17). White House Announces Massive $10 Billion Aid Package for Jordan. The Joe Biden administration rolled out a new assistance agreement with Jordan. Washington will send Amman $10.15 billion over the next seven years. The new deal will make Jordan the third largest recipient of American aid, following only Ukraine and Israel. The White House signed the new memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Friday. The Biden …

Alexander Rubinstein (2022-09-17). Zelensky and NATO plan to transform post-war Ukraine into 'a big Israel'. The NATO-backed Atlantic Council has proposed apartheid Israel as a blueprint for a hyper-militarized Ukraine. The paper was authored by Obama's former ambassador to Tel Aviv, now an Israeli spy-tech consultant. Just forty days after Russia's military campaign began inside Ukraine, Ukrainian President Vlodymyr Zelensky told reporters that in the future, his country would be like "a big Israel." The following day, one of Israel's top promoters in the Democratic Party published an op-ed in NATO's official think tank exploring …

Anonymous103 (2022-09-17). Military Situation In Syria on September 17, 2022 (Map Update). On September 17, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 3 times: 1 in Latakia province, 2 in Idlib province; | On September 16, SDF artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces near Azaz town; | On September 17, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SDF positions in the Tal Rafaat area; | On September 17, Israeli forces attacked Damascus airport and countryside. Five SAA servicemen were killed. | <...

_____ (2022-09-17). No Tech For Apartheid Israel. In this episode of The Watchdog, former Google employee Ariel Koren joins Lowkey and articulates her experience at the big tech giant, claiming it has gradually developed an institutionalised pro-Israeli bias. She also reveals ways in which employees attempting to hold the company accountable for unethical contracts, such as that of Project Nimbus, are being targeted and intentionally silenced. | Google, alongside Amazon, has signed a contract worth $1.2 billion, titled "Project Nimbus", which will provide a cloud system service for both the Israeli military and the Israeli government. | Disturbingly, the project…

Jason Ditz (2022-09-17). Israel Kills Five Syria Soldiers in Attack on Damascus Airport.

Fight Back (2022-09-17). Minneapolis highway bannering shows solidarity with Palestine. Minneapolis, MN – On September 16 members of the MN Anti-War Committee (AWC) held banners on the footbridge over Interstate 35W at 24th Street in south Minneapolis during rush hour to raise awareness of Israeli attacks on the human rights of Palestinians. | The bannering was held on that day to mark the 39th anniversary of the Sabra and Shatilla massacre. In 1982, from September 16 to 18, right-wing paramilitaries backed by Israel and the U.S., murdered 3500 mostly Palestinian residents of a refugee camp in Lebanon. | …

Anonymous669 (2022-09-17). Last Israeli Attack On Syria Targeted Iranian Revolutionary Guards Office — Report. An office of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was one of the targets of the Citing unnamed sources, the UAE-based channel said that the IRGC's "Lebanon Corps Support Office" was struck during the attack. The office allegedly supports pro-Iranian forces in Sy…

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-09-17). Israeli regime conducts new airstrikes on suburb of Damascus. TEHRAN, Sep. 17 (MNA) — Local media in Syria said that Israeli regime conducted new air raids on the suburb of Damascus on Saturday morning.

Anonymous669 (2022-09-17). Spice 1000 Guided Glide Bombs Were Used In Overnight Israeli Attack On Syria. ILA Berlin Air Show 2012; Rafael's Spice 1000 guided weapon, 15 September 2012, By Bin im Garten. Via Wikimedia. | Israel has reportedly used Spice 1000 guided glide bombs in the Several fighter jets of the Israeli Air Force (IAF) launched the glide bombs from the direction of Lake Tiberias in northern Israel,…

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-09-17). Represión israelí deja varios palestinos heridos en Cisjordania. Durante la jornada también fueron detenidos dos hermanos palestinos, de 23 y 18 años de edad, por parte de soldados israelíes.

2022-09-18 20:49 | 16:49 EST | tr | 16 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 0 

2022-09-17: News Headlines

Kyle Anzalone (2022-09-17). White House Announces Massive $10 Billion Aid Package for Jordan. The Joe Biden administration rolled out a new assistance agreement with Jordan. Washington will send Amman $10.15 billion over the next seven years. The new deal will make Jordan the third largest recipient of American aid, following only Ukraine and Israel. The White House signed the new memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Friday. The Biden …

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-09-17). Israeli regime conducts new airstrikes on suburb of Damascus. TEHRAN, Sep. 17 (MNA) — Local media in Syria said that Israeli regime conducted new air raids on the suburb of Damascus on Saturday morning.

Fight Back (2022-09-17). Minneapolis highway bannering shows solidarity with Palestine. Minneapolis, MN – On September 16 members of the MN Anti-War Committee (AWC) held banners on the footbridge over Interstate 35W at 24th Street in south Minneapolis during rush hour to raise awareness of Israeli attacks on the human rights of Palestinians. | The bannering was held on that day to mark the 39th anniversary of the Sabra and Shatilla massacre. In 1982, from September 16 to 18, right-wing paramilitaries backed by Israel and the U.S., murdered 3500 mostly Palestinian residents of a refugee camp in Lebanon. | …

Allan Fisher (2022-09-17). Saturday 9/17: Free Palestine. Corner of Ocean and Water Streets, Santa Cruz…

TeleSUR, SH (2022-09-17). Mueren cinco soldados sirios en un ataque israelí sobre Damasco. El Ministerio de Defensa sirio afirmó que las defensas aéreas sirias lograron derribar la mayoría de los misiles israelíes sobre la capital Damasco.

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-09-17). Represión israelí deja varios palestinos heridos en Cisjordania. Durante la jornada también fueron detenidos dos hermanos palestinos, de 23 y 18 años de edad, por parte de soldados israelíes.

Dave DeCamp (2022-09-16). Israel's Gantz Says Iran Nuclear Deal in the 'ER Room'. Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz Israel has ramped up the pressure on the Biden administration to harden its stance in the negotiations with Iran, and it appears to have worked. "The Iran nuclear deal seems like it is in the ER room," Gantz said at Reichman University in Herzliya, Israel, according to Reuters. | "There's a period maybe…

Maureen Clare Murphy (2022-09-16). US fingerprints on Israeli crimes. For Biden, slain Palestinians are a PR problem and little more.

Ben Norton (2022-09-16). Apartheid Israel Requires Palestinians to Report "Romantic Relationships" to Regime.

_____ (2022-09-16). Ukraine Is The New Israel. Western support for the Ukrainian war effort will have long-lasting consequences for U.S. foreign policy in the world. The impact will most certainly be felt in the Middle East region and especially in Israel. | But the U.S. and NATO's generous economic and military aid for Ukraine's war effort must be making Israel nervous. | Unlike Gulf regimes, which merely buy Western protection, Israel is dependent on U.S. military largesse for its salvation. Ukraine is today the ultimate Western cause: never has any state received such military aid from the West and no state has so galvanized Western public opinion. (Notice…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-09-16). Hamas Delegation Lands in Moscow for Official Talks. Hamas praised Russia for its public stance on Palestine during talks to discuss establishing bilateral ties | The head of the Hamas Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, arrived in Russia on the afternoon of 10 September for the movement's second official visit to Moscow in 2022. | Haniyeh is heading a leadership delegation of the resistance group and is scheduled to meet with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov along with other Russian officials. | According to the group's statement, Haniyeh has been accompanied by Sheikh Saleh al-Arouri, deputy head of the movement, and members of the Political Bureau, Musa Abu Marzouk…

Lowkey (2022-09-16). No Tech For Apartheid Israel: Google Whistleblower Ariel Koren Exposes Project Nimbus. Former Google employee Ariel Koren joins Lowkey and articulates her experience at the big tech giant, claiming it has gradually developed an institutionalised pro-Israeli bias. She also reveals ways in which employees attempting to hold the company accountable for unethical contracts, such as that of Project Nimbus, are being targeted and intentionally silenced.

PACBI (2022-09-16). Palestinians Salute Chile's President Gabriel Boric for Postponing the Accreditation of Apartheid Israel's Ambassador.

Brett Wilkins (2022-09-16). Chile Refuses Israeli Ambassador Over Killing of Palestinian Teen. "The fact that Gabriel Boric's extremely normal and reasonable actions in response to Israeli violence against civilians is seen as 'unprecedented' reflects incredibly poorly on the rest of the international community."

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-09-16). Over 600 Palestinians Arrested Last Month: Report. The commission said that, by the end of August, 4,6 Palestinian prisoners were held in occupation prisons | A statement released by the Commission of Detainees' Affairs for Palestinian Prisoners on 12 September revealed that the Israeli authorities arrested 607 Palestinians, including 13 women and 59 children, last month. | The commission added that there has been an increase in the number of violations committed by Israeli forces in August, including field executions and organized arrest campaigns, which resulted in grave human rights violations against the detainees and their families. | The occupation forces…

Staff (2022-09-16). Al Falasteniyeh: New Palestinian media network committed to return and liberation. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes Al Falasteniyeh Media Network, a new Palestinian media initiative that aims to link Palestinians inside occupied Palestine and everywhere in exile and diaspora together with Arab and international liberation movements, with a clear and principled commitment to anti-normalization, return and liberation. With the slogan, "From the River to …

Staff (2022-09-16). 40 years on the massacre of Sabra and Shatila: The resistance continues for return and liberation. 16 September 2022 marks the 40th anniversary of the infamous massacres of Sabra and Shatila, which took the lives of thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese, in the pinnacle of the criminal alliance of U.S. imperialism, Zionism and Arab ultra-reactionary forces. Today, we remember and honor the martyrs and demand justice and accountability for the perpetrators, …

Staff (2022-09-16). Collectif Palestine Vaincra remembers Sabra and Shatila in Toulouse, France. On Friday, 16 September, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra — a member of the Samidoun Network — organized a Palestine Stand in Toulouse, France commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the massacres of Sabra and Shatila. Organizers distributed numerous flyers with information about the massacre, stating: "From September 16 to 18, 1982, thousands of Palestinian refugees …

Robert Inlakesh (2022-09-16). Gaza Follows Lebanon With Claims To Gas Fields. On September 13, different Palestinian political factions in Gaza organized a demonstration, coinciding with the inauguration of a sea passage at the Gaza port. The demonstrators chanted for their rights to Gaza's gas fields, seemingly inspired by Lebanon's own bid to secure its rights to its natural resources. This Tuesday, Palestinians participated in an event,

TeleSUR (2022-09-16). Reconciliation Talks Between Palestinian Factions to Resume. On Thursday, Wassel Abu Yousef, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) executive committee, announced that reconciliation talks between 14 Palestinian factions to end more than 15 years of internal division will resume in Algeria in October. | RELATED: | The Fatah Party of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) will join…

Timothy Alexander Guzman (2022-09-16). Hollywood's New Captain America Film that Will Reintroduce Sabra, Marvel's Israeli Superhero and Mossad Agent.

Anonymous669 (2022-09-16). Israeli Wounded In Western Bank Settlement Shooting Attack (Video). Israeli officers are seen at the scene of a shooting attack, in the southern West Bank settlement of Carmel. Source: the Israeli Defense Forces. | Late on September 15, an Israeli man was wounded as a result of a shooting attack that took place in the settlement of Carmel in the occupied West Bank. | Infiltration sirens were heard in Carmel before the attack. Settlers were instructed to remain in their homes and lock their doors and windows. There were no indications that the gunman actually mana…

TeleSUR, ysm, DRL (2022-09-16). Fuerzas de ocupación israelíes asesinan a palestino en Jenin. El joven murió como consecuencia de un disparo que recibió en la cabeza por parte del Ejército israelí en su ciudad.

Mark Taliano (2022-09-15). In Praise of Eva Bartlett. Eva Bartlett is Canada's best journalist/reporter, by far. Why? She actually tells the truth. She recounts the truth about Gaza, Syria, and now Ukraine. She travels to places she writes about. She deserves accolades and protection. The Canadian Nazi-allied government offers her neither accolades nor protection. Pure shame that any citizen should be on a …

TeleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-09-15). Siria insta al Consejo de Seguridad a condenar ataques de Israel. El diplomático sirio acotó que los ataques de Israel contra las instalaciones del país amenazan el bienestar y la seguridad de la población.

2022-09-17 18:08 | 14:08 EST | es | 27 | 2 | 19 | 6 | 0