Monthly Archives: November 2022

2022-11-30: News Headlines

Staff (2022-11-30). #PalestineDay: Actions around the world stand with the Palestinian people's liberation struggle. 29 November marks the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People — infamously, it marks the anniversary of the United Nations' Resolution 181 in 1947, which planned for the partition of Palestine over the objections and resistance of the indigenous Palestinian people. On this 75th anniversary of the partition of Palestine, organizers around the …

____ (2022-11-30). Xi sends congratulations to UN meeting marking Int'l Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People. Chinese President Xi Jinping extended congratulations to a UN meeting held on Tuesday to commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

Yves Engler (2022-11-30). Hey CIJA! Conflating Jews with Israel is racist. Charges of "antisemitism" have been degraded to the point where they often sound like a 6-year-old telling other kids not to play with Johnnie because he has cooties. Recently federal NDP executive member Ryan Painter quote-tweeted me saying "Don't listen to anything Yves Engler says. He's Canada's leading antisemite and doesn't want anything more than …

Alex Bainbridge (2022-11-30). Giant flag drop for International Day in Solidarity with Palestine. The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People was marked by Justice for Palestine Meanjin – Brisbane with a giant flag drop from the Goodwill Bridge over the Meanjin (Brisbane River). Alex Bainbridge reports.

Hamza Abu Eltarabesh (2022-11-30). The fire Gaza will never forget. An entire family has been wiped out in Jabaliya refugee camp.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-11-30). Israel asesina a otros dos palestinos en Cisjordania. Uno de los occisos fue identificado como Raed Ghazi Na'ssan de 20 años y, hasta el momento, se desconoce la identidad del otro.

_____ (2022-11-29). International Day Of Solidarity With Palestinians: Chasm Between Action And Rhetoric. The world marked the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People on Tuesday, November 29. Countries and organizations from across the world reaffirmed their solidarity with Palestinians struggling to achieve their rights and independence from Israeli occupation. | UN Secretary General António Guterres issued a statement on the occasion, reiterating that "the peace must advance — the occupation must end." He emphasized that the UN is "steadfast in its commitment to realize the vision of two states — Israel and Palestine — living side by side in peace and security with Jerusalem as the…

_____ (2022-11-29). Why The Decision To Investigate Abu Akleh's Murder Is Unprecedented. The recent decision by the United States Department of Justice to open an investigation into the killing, last May, of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh is not a game-changer, but important and worthy of reflection, nonetheless. | Based on the long trajectory of US military and political support of Israel, and Washington's constant shielding of Tel Aviv from any accountability for its illegal occupation of Palestine, one can confidently conclude that there will not be any actual investigation. | A real investigation into the killing of Abu Akleh could open up a Pandora's box of other findings pert…

Ali Abunimah (2022-11-29). UN "peace" envoy lays bare his anti-Palestinian bias. Israeli killings unabated on global day of solidarity with Palestine…

____ (2022-11-28). Chinese envoy calls for common security between Israelis, Palestinians. A Chinese envoy on Monday called for efforts to achieve common security between Israelis and Palestinians.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Zionist forces martyr young Palestinian in Ramallah. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — The Ministry of Health of the Palestinian Authority (PA) on Tuesday evening announced the martyrdom of another Palestinian man who was shot by the occupying forces of the Zionist regime of Israel.

KATIE (2022-11-29). International Day of Solidarity with Palestine.

KATIE (2022-11-29). Marking the 44th UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

Miko Peled (2022-11-29). Itamar Ben-Gvir's Appointment as Minister for National Security is Bad News For Palestinians, Humanity. The position of Minister of National Security is a new post created specifically for Ben-Gvir. It is an appointment that will give him unprecedented power over the lives of Palestinian citizens of Israel, as well as those living in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-11-29). Masar Badil Calls for Support for the Palestinian Resistance and the Intifada. The Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, called upon its organizations and supporters to organize mass actions in support of the growing Intifada in occupied Palestine, under the slogan: "With the Palestinian Resistance: Support the Intifada!" | "Our people in exile and diaspora, the supporters of Palestine and the free people of the world will together express their position, as they have always done, in support of the growing uprising in Palestine. The youth of Palestine everywhere will not stand by amid the Zionist crimes against our people in Jenin, Nablus, Gaza, Jerusalem and…

Ramzy Baroud (2022-11-29). Symbolic but Significant: Why the Decision to Investigate Abu Akleh's Murder is Unprecedented. Though the US investigation of Abu Akleh's murder is unlikely to result in any kind of justice, it is a very important moment in US-Israeli and US-Palestinian relationships.

Staff (2022-11-29). International statement in support of Palestinian prisoners on the Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, the Canadian BDS Coalition and others joined numerous organizations from around the world in signing on to this collective statement in support of Palestinian prisoners for the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People initiated by Addameer: This International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-29). Report: US, Israel to Hold Drills Simulating Bombing Iran. The US and Israeli air forces will simulate attacking Iran during drills over the Mediterranean Sea and Israel this week, The Jerusalem Post reported on Tuesday. The report said that the drills will be held from Tuesday to Thursday and will involve both US and Israeli refueling planes and fighter jets. The planned exercises haven't …

Robert Downen (2022-11-29). Jewish Texans see surge in antisemitism as a precursor to fascism. As other kids in Austin recovered from trick-or-treating on Halloween last year, Sarah Adelman worried about white supremacists, her mom and their synagogue. After a series of antisemitic incidents around Central Texas, someone set fire to Congregation Beth Israel, where Sarah's mother, Lori, is a leader. "It made me sad and really scared," 10-year-old Sarah …

Staff (2022-11-29). Palestina 2022, asesinatos, ataques y amenazas: Otro año bajo fuego. Asesinatos, expulsiones, arrestos, ataques y amenazas constituyeron una constante en 2022 en los territorios ocupados palestinos, donde la colonización judía y las demoliciones de viviendas son apenas la punta del iceberg de la política expansionista de Israel.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-11-29). Tropas israelíes asesinan a tres palestinos en Cisjordania. Dos hermanos, Dhafer Rimawi de 21 años y Jawad Rimawi de 22, fueron víctimas de disparos en la localidad de Kfar Ein.

TeleSUR- jaa- YSM (2022-11-29). Israel demuele estructuras palestinas en Cisjordania ocupada. En Kufr al-Dik, ubicada al norte de Cisjordania, los sionistas demolieron una casa que se encontraba en fase constructiva.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-28). World Cup slap in the face of Israel. TEHRAN, Nov. 28 (MNA) — With the world cup in Qatar well underway, the regime occupying Palestine saw an opportunity to try and further extend its occupying hand toward the Arab and Islamic world.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-28). Zionists raid various areas of WB, destroy Palestinian houses. TEHRAN, Nov. 28 (MNA) — Palestinian sources reported early Monday that the Zionist forces attacked various areas of the Occupied al-Quds and the West Bank.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-28). VIDEO: Morocco fans chanting "Palestine" after victory. TEHRAN, Nov. 28 (MNA) — The footage shows Moroccan football fans chanting "Palestine" following the 2-0 Qatar World Cup victory against last tournament's semi-finalists Belgium on Sunday.

Staff (2022-11-28). 29 November, Online Event: Symposium in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Tuesday, 29 November | 3 pm to 5: 30 pm Jerusalem time (5 am Pacific, 8 am Eastern, 2 pm central Europe) | Online event via Zoom: Organized by Act 4 Palestine. Charlotte Kates of Samidoun will join this event at 4: 45 5: 00 pm Jerusalem time.

Staff (2022-11-28). 29 November, Online: Freedom for the Holy Land Five: Community Town Hall. Tuesday, 29 November 7 pm Eastern time (4 pm Pacific, 1 am central Europe, 2 am Palestine) Register to join: Organized by Within Our Lifetime Join the Community Town Hall to discuss the campaign to Free the Holy Land Five, with speakers: Nerdeen Kiswani, lawyer and chair of Within Our Lifetime Nida Abu Baker, …

Abdallah al-Naami (2022-11-28). Israel keeps sick prisoners in "slaughterhouse" conditions. Alyan al-Amour witnessed enormous cruelty during his time behind bars.

Editor (2022-11-28). Biden's Response To the Rightwing Whirlwind in Israel—Weakness. By Mitchell Plitnick / Mondoweiss At the beginning of November, when Israel and the United States held elections within days of each other, it seemed clear that the pull in opposite directions embodied in the disappointing showing for the American far-right and the strong showing for their Israeli counterparts portended tension in the "unshakeable" alliance …

En.mehrnews (2022-11-28). Zionists advised against going to Qatar for World Cup. TEHRAN, Nov. 28 (MNA) — The Zionist regime on Sunday advised Israelis not to go to Qatar for the World Cup due to possible security threats.

SAMIR (2022-11-28). Fatoumata Diawara – Don't artwash Israeli apartheid!

Staff (2022-11-28). Headlines for November 28, 2022. COVID Protests Spread Across China as Lockdown Anger Boils Over, Zelensky Warns of Further Russian Attacks on Energy Infrastructure as Ukrainians Face Harsh Winter, Ayatollah's Niece Voices Support for Mass Protests as Iran Cracks Down on Public Figures, Extremist Itamar Ben-Gvir to Head Nat'l Security in Incoming Israeli Gov't, Anwar Ibrahim Confirmed as Malaysia's New Prime Minister, Hong Kong Convicts 6 Pro-Democracy Activists over Protest Fund, Sà£o Tomé and Príncipe PM Says Gov't Thwarted Coup, Fragile Ceasefire Takes Effect in DRC as Local Groups Tell Foreign Forces to Le…

Paul Craig Roberts (2022-11-28). The German Government Has Proposed a Law to Criminalize Truth. Deutsche Welle, a German international broadcaster, financed by who they don't say, reports that the German government is going to criminalize denying war crimes. | Neither Deutsche Welle nor the German government reveals who it is who gets to determine the unchallengeable war crimes. | Germany gave in to the Jewish lobbies and long ago criminalized "Holocaust denial." I have wondered why. If the Holocaust is true, it can stand on the…

TeleSUR, gao, JCM (2022-11-28). Denuncian provocaciones israelíes en la mezquita de Al-Aqsa. Autoridades palestinas advierten sobre el peligro de que Israel lleve el conflicto entre naciones al plano religioso.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-11-28). Organizaciones palestinas exigen investigar crímenes israelíes. El documento condena la decisión sionista sobre la calificación de terroristas a las organizaciones palestinas de DD.HH.

2022-11-30 06:07:54 | 06:07 EST | tr | 37 | 15 | 16 | 7 | 0 

2022-11-29: News Headlines

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-29). Report: US, Israel to Hold Drills Simulating Bombing Iran. The US and Israeli air forces will simulate attacking Iran during drills over the Mediterranean Sea and Israel this week, The Jerusalem Post reported on Tuesday. The report said that the drills will be held from Tuesday to Thursday and will involve both US and Israeli refueling planes and fighter jets. The planned exercises haven't …

____ (2022-11-28). Chinese envoy calls for common security between Israelis, Palestinians. A Chinese envoy on Monday called for efforts to achieve common security between Israelis and Palestinians.

TeleSUR- jaa- YSM (2022-11-29). Israel demuele estructuras palestinas en Cisjordania ocupada. En Kufr al-Dik, ubicada al norte de Cisjordania, los sionistas demolieron una casa que se encontraba en fase constructiva.

Staff (2022-11-28). 29 November, Online: Freedom for the Holy Land Five: Community Town Hall. Tuesday, 29 November 7 pm Eastern time (4 pm Pacific, 1 am central Europe, 2 am Palestine) Register to join: Organized by Within Our Lifetime Join the Community Town Hall to discuss the campaign to Free the Holy Land Five, with speakers: Nerdeen Kiswani, lawyer and chair of Within Our Lifetime Nida Abu Baker, …

Staff (2022-11-28). 29 November, Online Event: Symposium in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Tuesday, 29 November | 3 pm to 5: 30 pm Jerusalem time (5 am Pacific, 8 am Eastern, 2 pm central Europe) | Online event via Zoom: Organized by Act 4 Palestine. Charlotte Kates of Samidoun will join this event at 4: 45 5: 00 pm Jerusalem time.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-28). World Cup slap in the face of Israel. TEHRAN, Nov. 28 (MNA) — With the world cup in Qatar well underway, the regime occupying Palestine saw an opportunity to try and further extend its occupying hand toward the Arab and Islamic world.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-28). Zionists raid various areas of WB, destroy Palestinian houses. TEHRAN, Nov. 28 (MNA) — Palestinian sources reported early Monday that the Zionist forces attacked various areas of the Occupied al-Quds and the West Bank.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-28). VIDEO: Morocco fans chanting "Palestine" after victory. TEHRAN, Nov. 28 (MNA) — The footage shows Moroccan football fans chanting "Palestine" following the 2-0 Qatar World Cup victory against last tournament's semi-finalists Belgium on Sunday.

Editor (2022-11-28). Biden's Response To the Rightwing Whirlwind in Israel—Weakness. By Mitchell Plitnick / Mondoweiss At the beginning of November, when Israel and the United States held elections within days of each other, it seemed clear that the pull in opposite directions embodied in the disappointing showing for the American far-right and the strong showing for their Israeli counterparts portended tension in the "unshakeable" alliance …

Abdallah al-Naami (2022-11-28). Israel keeps sick prisoners in "slaughterhouse" conditions. Alyan al-Amour witnessed enormous cruelty during his time behind bars.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-28). Zionists advised against going to Qatar for World Cup. TEHRAN, Nov. 28 (MNA) — The Zionist regime on Sunday advised Israelis not to go to Qatar for the World Cup due to possible security threats.

SAMIR (2022-11-28). Fatoumata Diawara – Don't artwash Israeli apartheid!

Staff (2022-11-28). Headlines for November 28, 2022. COVID Protests Spread Across China as Lockdown Anger Boils Over, Zelensky Warns of Further Russian Attacks on Energy Infrastructure as Ukrainians Face Harsh Winter, Ayatollah's Niece Voices Support for Mass Protests as Iran Cracks Down on Public Figures, Extremist Itamar Ben-Gvir to Head Nat'l Security in Incoming Israeli Gov't, Anwar Ibrahim Confirmed as Malaysia's New Prime Minister, Hong Kong Convicts 6 Pro-Democracy Activists over Protest Fund, Sà£o Tomé and Príncipe PM Says Gov't Thwarted Coup, Fragile Ceasefire Takes Effect in DRC as Local Groups Tell Foreign Forces to Le…

TeleSUR, gao, JCM (2022-11-28). Denuncian provocaciones israelíes en la mezquita de Al-Aqsa. Autoridades palestinas advierten sobre el peligro de que Israel lleve el conflicto entre naciones al plano religioso.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-11-28). Organizaciones palestinas exigen investigar crímenes israelíes. El documento condena la decisión sionista sobre la calificación de terroristas a las organizaciones palestinas de DD.HH.

_____ (2022-11-27). Jerusalem's Last Decade Of Revolt. Palestinians have led many uprisings in the history of the Zionist colonization of Palestine, from the 1936 Great Palestinian Revolt, to the First and Second intifadas, to the Unity Intifada of 2021. Yet these grand revolts are only significant in how they have encompassed all the other revolts that have preceded them. | For the past ten years, I made my home in a small apartment in Shu'fat, just north of Jerusalem's Old City, after having lived in Jerusalem for more than two decades. Shu'fat is one of only 18 small and heavily policed areas afforded to Palestinians in Jerusalem. | I can see the Al-Sahel (the mea…

En.mehrnews (2022-11-27). 9 anti-Zionist operations launched by Resistance in past day. TEHRAN, Nov. 27 (MNA) — Media sources reported on Sunday morning that the Palestinian Resistance forces have launched 9 operations against the Zionists in the West Bank during the past 24 hours.

Editor (2022-11-27). Ultra-Far-Right Ben-Gvir Given National Security Ministry. By Juan Cole / Informed Comment Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The Israeli newspaper Arab 48 reports that the Likud Party of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu signed a deal on Friday with what the paper calls the "fascist" Jewish Power party of Itamar Ben-Gvir giving the latter…

Abdel Bari Atwan (2022-11-27). Egypt's worsening ties with Israel. The "cold peace" between the two sides is turning icy | There has been a flurry of reports recently about an emerging crisis in Egyptian-Israeli relations. Tensions have started coming to the surface, while according to reliable sources Egypt has been engaged in secret talks with Iran about restoring relations between the two countries to normal. | There have been several signs of this deterioration, even though Egypt has kept officially quiet about the matter. | —Israeli media have been launching fierce attacks on the Egyptian authorities. The most recent campaign was last week, when several outlets includ…

En.mehrnews (2022-11-27). Israeli army to begin military exercise on northern borders. TEHRAN, Nov. 27 (MNA) — The Israeli army on Sunday morning announced that it will start the military exercise on northern borders (bordering areas with Lebanon).

Mitchell Plitnick (2022-11-27). Biden Administration Offers Weak Response to Israel's Right Wing Shakeup. At the beginning of November, when Israel and the United States held elections within days of each other, it seemed clear that the pull in opposite directions embodied in the disappointing showing for the American far-right and the strong showing for their Israeli counterparts portended tension in the "unshakeable" alliance between the two countries. Benjamin Netanyahu hasn't even formed his government yet, but already we are beginning to see how that new government will make things difficult for the White House. | And the early indications from Joe Biden's administration indicate a continuation of the weak respo…

TeleSUR, gao, JCM (2022-11-27). Palestina exige medidas de la ONU para proteger a su pueblo. Palestina propone un acuerdo negociado a través del derecho internacional y las resoluciones de la ONU.

2022-11-29 05:24:04 | 05:24 EST | tr | 24 | 7 | 13 | 3 | 0