(2023-03-27). For Israelis, Ethnic Cleansing Palestinians is Fine, But Judicial Reform is a Red Line. mintpressnews.com Israelis are calling for democracy. Privileged citizens that denied democracy to Palestinians fear that their democracy is in danger. This is not a new phenomenon; we have seen this in the US, in Australia, and other settler colonial states.
(2023-03-27). Friday 3/31: Free Palestine! indybay.org Israeli Consulate | 456 Montgomery | San Francisco…
(2023-03-27). Denuncian irrupción de policías israelíes en mezquita de Al Aqsa. telesurtv.net Autoridad palestina responsabiliza total y directamente al Gobierno de Israel por su continua agresión contra ese espacio sagrado, los fieles y su reclusión durante Ramadán.
(2023-03-26). Samidoun Vancouver hosts Liberation Iftar, celebrates victory of Palestinian prisoners. samidoun.net On Saturday, 25 March, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network in Vancouver organized a Liberation Iftar/Dinner to commemorate Palestinian Land Day, celebrate the victory of Palestinian prisoners over the jailer, and raise funds to support the upcoming Liberation Conference for Palestine in Ottawa. The event included an abundant iftar meal, political speeches, and cultural performances, all …
(2023-03-26). To Those Jewish Americans Who Protested Minister Smotrich with Me: We Have to Talk about the Palestinians. juancole.com Via Fellowship Magazine By David Hart ( Waging Nonviolence ) — Earlier this month, I attended the large Jewish-led demonstration in Washington, D.C. (un)welcoming Israeli Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich to the U.S. We gathered in the cold rain to say that his remarks celebrating a brutal pogrom — and suggesting the state …
(2023-03-26). Pro-Israel groups spearhead attack on free speech at high school in suburban Detroit. wsws.org Palestinian and Muslim students have received death threats in the wake of a student-led assembly at which a Palestinian American spoke of her experiences facing oppression.
(2023-03-27). Why Israelis Are Revolting Against Netanyahu And What It Really Means. thelastamericanvagabond.com Israel's political and economic system has come to a standstill as a result of mass demonstrations, that have captured the attention of international media. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis, including members of Israel's political and security establishment, took to the streets of Tel Aviv, whilst demonstrators stormed police barricades outside their Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu's,
(2023-03-27). Sunday 4/2: The U.S. & Israel: Old Dilemmas, New Problems. indybay.org 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | Unitarian Universalist Association of San Francisco…
(2023-03-27). Universities, Labor Unions Strike to protest Netanyahu's firing of Gallant, as Israel faces Complete Paralysis. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The Israeli newspaper Arab 48 reports that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu fired his minister of defense, Yoav Gallant, on Sunday evening, setting off a new round of massive protests, along with threats of strikes and university closures that seem likely to paralyze the country. Netanyahu had discussed firing Gallant …
(2023-03-27). #ShutDownNation: 12 New Business Reasons to Divest from Israel. bdsmovement.net
(2023-03-27). PA must stop playing Israel's game. electronicintifada.net Israel broke Sharm al-Sheikh deal before the ink was dry.
(2023-03-27). Primer ministro israelí destituye a ministro de Defensa. telesurtv.net Benjamín Netanyahu afirmó que perdió la confianza en el exministro Yoav Gallant luego de este pidió públicamente a aquel que detenga la reforma judicial.
(2023-03-27). Why Israelis Are Revolting Against Netanyahu And What It Really Means. thelastamericanvagabond.com Israel's political and economic system has come to a standstill as a result of mass demonstrations, that have captured the attention of international media. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis, including members of Israel's political and security establishment, took to the streets of Tel Aviv, whilst demonstrators stormed police barricades outside their Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu's,
(2023-03-27). Sunday 4/2: The U.S. & Israel: Old Dilemmas, New Problems. indybay.org 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | Unitarian Universalist Association of San Francisco…
(2023-03-27). Universities, Labor Unions Strike to protest Netanyahu's firing of Gallant, as Israel faces Complete Paralysis. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The Israeli newspaper Arab 48 reports that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu fired his minister of defense, Yoav Gallant, on Sunday evening, setting off a new round of massive protests, along with threats of strikes and university closures that seem likely to paralyze the country. Netanyahu had discussed firing Gallant …
(2023-03-27). #ShutDownNation: 12 New Business Reasons to Divest from Israel. bdsmovement.net
(2023-03-27). PA must stop playing Israel's game. electronicintifada.net Israel broke Sharm al-Sheikh deal before the ink was dry.
(2023-03-27). Primer ministro israelí destituye a ministro de Defensa. telesurtv.net Benjamín Netanyahu afirmó que perdió la confianza en el exministro Yoav Gallant luego de este pidió públicamente a aquel que detenga la reforma judicial.
(2023-03-27). Destitución de ministro de Defensa desata protestas en Israel. telesurtv.net La reforma pretende restringir la capacidad del Tribunal Supremo a rechazar leyes y permitir al Parlamento volver a legislar medidas impugnadas por ese órgano.
(2023-03-26). New Satellite Images Show Aftermath Of Recent Israeli Strikes On Syria's Aleppo. southfront.org An Israeli IMI Delilah cruise missile under the wing of an Israeli Air Force F-16I Soufa Fighter. Picture taken at Kecskeméti Repàºl≈ënap 2010. By Wikimedia user (KGyST). | On March 25, defense observer
(2023-03-26). Strategic partners: Israel receives first ambassador from Azerbaijan. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Trend News AgencyMarch 26, 2023 Azerbaijani Ambassador presents his credentials to President of Israel Azerbaijani Ambassador to Israel Mukhtar Mammadov presented his credentials to Israeli President Isaac Herzog, the ambassador wrote on his Twitter page, Trend reports. According to Mammadov, it is a great honor and pride for him to present his credentials to the …
(2023-03-26). Más de 600.000 israelíes protestan contra la reforma judicial. telesurtv.net Previamente, el titular de Defensa, Yoav Gallant solicitó detener el debate de la legislación para promover un diálogo nacional.