Daily Archives: April 21, 2023

2023-04-21: News Headlines

AROC (2023-04-21). Community and Activists Lock Down Israeli Consulate, Barricade Doors in Protest. indybay.org Dozens of Jewish and Palestinian community members and their allies have barricaded the doors to the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco. Participants have chained themselves to the front of the building, with slogans of "No Tax Dollars for Apartheid," and are poised to remain on the premises.

Staff (2023-04-21). Brussels events demand freedom for Walid Daqqah, Khader Adnan, and all Palestinian prisoners. samidoun.net Samidoun Brussels organized several solidarity activities on Thursday, 20 April to support two Palestinian prisoners, Walid Daqqah, the Palestinian intellectual, writer and freedom fighter struggling against a rare cancer after years of medical neglect; and Khader Adnan, the Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike for the past 75 days. They organized a solidarity action in Bethlehem …

Staff (2023-04-21). Catalan activists send a message to occupation profiteers on Palestinian Prisoners' Day. samidoun.net We are publishing the following statement from activists in Catalonia on direct actions for Palestinian prisoners' day targeting complicit businesses involved in the crimes against the Palestinian people: On April 17, Palestinian Prisoners' Day, graffiti and murals appeared on the headquarters of companies in Catalonia that profit from the genocide of the Palestinian people, such …

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-04-21). Ataque israelí deja dos heridos en el sur de Cisjordania. telesurtv.net El alcalde de Beita, denunció que los soldados israelíes irrumpieron en un barrio de la urbe, provocando enfrentamientos con los locales.

Cathy Peters (2023-04-21). Protesters urge Randwick Council not to fly Israeli flag. greenleft.org.au Randwick locals called a protest, with the help of the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network, outside Randwick City Council chambers to call on it reconsider flying the flag of an apartheid regime. Cathy Peters reports.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-04-21). News Dispatches from West Asia: Yemen's Historic Prisoner Exchange and Palestinian Solidarity with 5,000 Prisoners. towardfreedom.org The possibility for peace has increased in Yemen with a historic prisoner exchange between Saudi-backed Yemeni government forces and Houthi rebels. Meanwhile, Palestinians stood in solidarity with 5,000 Palestinians in Israeli prisons on Prisoner Day, April 17. Peoples Dispatch / Globetrotter News Service reports.

AROC (2023-04-21). Community and Activists Lock Down Israeli Consulate, Barricade Doors in Protest. indybay.org Dozens of Jewish and Palestinian community members and their allies have barricaded the doors to the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco. Participants have chained themselves to the front of the building, with slogans of "No Tax Dollars for Apartheid," and are poised to remain on the premises.

Staff (2023-04-21). Brussels events demand freedom for Walid Daqqah, Khader Adnan, and all Palestinian prisoners. samidoun.net Samidoun Brussels organized several solidarity activities on Thursday, 20 April to support two Palestinian prisoners, Walid Daqqah, the Palestinian intellectual, writer and freedom fighter struggling against a rare cancer after years of medical neglect; and Khader Adnan, the Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike for the past 75 days. They organized a solidarity action in Bethlehem …

Staff (2023-04-21). Catalan activists send a message to occupation profiteers on Palestinian Prisoners' Day. samidoun.net We are publishing the following statement from activists in Catalonia on direct actions for Palestinian prisoners' day targeting complicit businesses involved in the crimes against the Palestinian people: On April 17, Palestinian Prisoners' Day, graffiti and murals appeared on the headquarters of companies in Catalonia that profit from the genocide of the Palestinian people, such …

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-04-21). Ataque israelí deja dos heridos en el sur de Cisjordania. telesurtv.net El alcalde de Beita, denunció que los soldados israelíes irrumpieron en un barrio de la urbe, provocando enfrentamientos con los locales.

Cathy Peters (2023-04-21). Protesters urge Randwick Council not to fly Israeli flag. greenleft.org.au Randwick locals called a protest, with the help of the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network, outside Randwick City Council chambers to call on it reconsider flying the flag of an apartheid regime. Cathy Peters reports.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-04-21). News Dispatches from West Asia: Yemen's Historic Prisoner Exchange and Palestinian Solidarity with 5,000 Prisoners. towardfreedom.org The possibility for peace has increased in Yemen with a historic prisoner exchange between Saudi-backed Yemeni government forces and Houthi rebels. Meanwhile, Palestinians stood in solidarity with 5,000 Palestinians in Israeli prisons on Prisoner Day, April 17. Peoples Dispatch / Globetrotter News Service reports.

krish-rad_ind (2023-04-21). Canada Criticizes Russia's Bombing of its Neighbors: But What about Israel? palestinechronicle.com

Aseel Mousa (2023-04-21). Israel delays treatment to child with lung disease. electronicintifada.net Eight-year-old repeatedly refused permission to leave Gaza for urgent care.

Pedro Rodriguez (2023-04-21). Danish Defence: Why Is Christian Juhl the Only One Talking About Business Ethics? indybay.org Signed off and sealed: a deal by the Danish government led by Mette Frederiksen's Social Democrats and their coalition partners to purchase Israeli weapons systems produced by Elbit Systems has made little noise. There are a number of concerning ethical considerations that are generally being ignored, with only a few dissenting voices daring to break ranks.

AROC (2023-04-21). Tuesday 4/18: Bay Area Communities To Rally and Demand No Aid to Israeli Apartheid on Tax Day. indybay.org Israeli Consulate | 456 Montgomery Street | San Francisco…

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-04-21). Continúan protestas contra la reforma judicial en Israel. telesurtv.net La ley pretende otorgar la facultad al Gobierno de seleccionar los jueces que integrarán la Corte Suprema.

KATIE (2023-04-21). Moody's downgrades Israel's credit outlook. Time to divest? bdsmovement.net

Anonymous103 (2023-04-21). How Truman's America Re-Nazified Germany. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by The first (original) Nazi Party was in Germany, but the ideology, imperialistic racist fascism (the lower-case "nazism" ideology, instead of just the original, upper-case "N" Nazi Party that was an example of it) can be in any country. | German racist-fascism or Nazism was organized by Hitler as anti-Jewish, anti-communist, and for a Thousand-Ye…

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