(2023-05-14). Gaza Returns to Normal After Israeli Military Onslaught. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, daily life returned to normal in Gaza after five days of incessant Israeli attacks on the Palestinian population, which left 33 dead, over 150 injured, and economic losses valued at more than 45 million euros. | RELATED: | On Saturday night, the mediation carried out by Egypt managed to get the Israeli Army and Palestinian militants to declare a ceasefire and agree to a truce. | In the morning, most businesses, companies, and…
(2023-05-14). Cautious calm reigns in Gaza after ceasefire in Israeli aggression. plenglish.com The agreement was mediated by Egypt and entered into force from 22: 00 local time on Saturday, and included a commitment to a cessation of hostilities, as well as to stop attacking civilians and demolishing houses. | The Israeli Army Radio confirmed the reopening of all crossings in the Strip since Sunday morning, in addition to the entry of workers and traders to and from Gaza. | Palestinians took to the streets of the central governorate before dawn to celebrate the victory of the Al-Quds Brigades and the resistance in the fight against Tel Aviv. | For Abd al-Rahman Nassar, Arab and regional affairs analyst for…
(2023-05-14). Gaza Confrontation Reaches End With Egypt-Brokered Ceasefire. southfront.org File image. | Late on May 14, Israel concluded its military operation in the Gaza Strip and Palestinian armed factions halted rocket attacks under a ceasefire agreement that was brokered by Egypt. | The confrontation in Gaza broke out on May 9, when the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) launched Operation Shield and Arrow against the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in response to a series of rocket attacks that targeted southern Israeli towns and settlements a week earlier. | The PIJ and other Palestinian armed f…
(2023-05-14). Activists Smash Into Logistics Giant And Arms Traffickers. popularresistance.org This morning, Palestine Action activists targeted the premises of Kuehne + Nagel, a global transport and logistics company known to partner with Elbit Systems. The activists smashed their way into the building, and covered the premises in spray paint, while taking apart office equipment including phones and computers. The office, at the Meridian Business Park, Braunstone Town, Leicester, is only across from the UAV Tactical Systems (U-TacS) factory to which actionists are currently laying siege [1]. | A whistle blower from Kuehne + Nagel employee alerted Palestine Action to the extent of their company's involveme…
(2023-05-14). Israel y Palestina acuerdan cese al fuego tras cinco días de intensos enfrentamientos. cubadebate.cu Después de cinco días de intensos enfrentamientos que dejaron más de 30 muertos y cuantiosos daños, Israel y Palestina acordaron cesar el fuego. La mediación de Egipto fue clave en las negociaciones, que también contaron con la intervención de la ONU y Qatar. El acuerdo incluye el compromiso de "dejar de atacar a civiles y dejar de demoler casas".
(2023-05-14). Israel y Palestina acuerdan cese al fuego tras ataques a Gaza. telesurtv.net Alrededor de 151 palestinos han sido asesinados por las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes desde principios de este año.
(2023-05-14). Israel viola cese al fuego al atacar la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net El lado palestino no ha informado sobre fallecidos, ni heridos, sin embargo en próximas horas pueden hacerse públicas informaciones sobre posibles víctimas.
(2023-05-14). Fuerzas de ocupación israelíes asesinan a un palestino en Yenín. telesurtv.net "Ahmed Muhamed Atatreh, de 33 años, fue asesinado por balas de la ocupación (israelí) cerca de Yenín", una localidad del norte de Cisjordania ocupada.
(2023-05-14). Soldados israelíes abaten a otros dos palestinos en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Sanidad palestino indico que los dos fallecidos respondían a los nombres de Yihad Shaker Mesha y Wasim Yousef al Araj.
(2023-05-13). Martyrdom of Sheikh Khader Adnan after 86 days of hunger strike: latest target of Israeli assassinations. workers.org Published by Samidoun, the Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, May 1, 2023. Sheikh Khader Adnan Sheikh Khader Adnan, Palestinian prisoner, hunger striker and resistance leader, was martyred in the early morning hours of Tuesday, May 2, after 86 days of hunger strike demanding his freedom. Adnan, 45, was married to Randa . . . |
(2023-05-13). Ceasefire ends five days of Gaza escalation. electronicintifada.net Israel destroyed dozens of Palestinian homes during fighting.
(2023-05-13). Islamic Jihad, Allies Launched More Than 1,200 Rockets From Gaza (Videos). southfront.org Illustrative image. Source: the PIJ military media. | The number of rockets and mortar shells fired by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other armed factions in the Gaza Strip since the start of Israel's Operation Shield and Arrow reportedly exceeded 1,200 on May 13. | The last wave of rocket attacks targeted several Israeli settlements and towns around Gaza, wounding at least three people near Shokeda. | In its latest update, Israel's Magen David Adom ambulance service said that t…
(2023-05-13). Hezbollah Leader Says Israel Failed To Isolate Islamic Jihad In Gaza. southfront.org Hezbollah Secretary-General Hasan Nasrallah as seen during his speech on May 12 on al-Manar TV. | Israel has failed to isolate the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and to cause sedition within the resistance in the Gaza Strip, Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of Lebanon's Hezbollah, said on May 12. | Nasrallah made the remarks during a ceremony organized to commemorate senior Hezbollah commander Mustafa Badreddin, who died in Syria seven years ago."Benjamin Netanyahu aims to escape internal div…
(2023-05-13). On Khader Adnan's Hunger Strike. dissidentvoice.org The story of the ongoing Nakba is the story of Khader Adnan, who spent eight years of his life in Israeli prison without charge or trial and died last week on hunger strike in solitary confinement.
(2023-05-13). Venezuela: Cooperation, solidarity and defense with Palestine. plenglish.com with friendly countries in Africa and the region, and ALBA-TCP's | rejection of Israel's aggressions against the Palestinian people, | stood out in the week that closes here today. | The meeting of the Ministers of Defense of the Bolivarian Republic, | Vladimir Padrino, and of Colombia, Ivan Velazquez, ratified the will | of the governments of Nicolas Maduro and Gustavo Petro, respectively, | to advance in the consolidation of the reestablished diplomatic | relations. | Padrino and Velazquez signed a joint declaration on strategic areas of | cooperation in security matters, such as the increase of the Armed | For…
(2023-05-13). Biden Administration Quietly Backs Israel's Deadly Assault on Gaza. truthout.org It should come as no surprise that the United States has fully backed Israel in its latest assault on Gaza. In the hours before Israel began raining down more bombs on the besieged territory, Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen over the phone. While the readout of their call did not mention what were, at the time, escalating tensions with the Palestinian… |
(2023-05-13). On Khader Adnan's Hunger Strike. dissidentvoice.org The story of the ongoing Nakba is the story of Khader Adnan, who spent eight years of his life in Israeli prison without charge or trial and died last week on hunger strike in solitary confinement.
(2023-05-13). Islamic Jihad, Allies Launched More Than 1,200 Rockets From Gaza (Videos). southfront.org Illustrative image. Source: the PIJ military media. | The number of rockets and mortar shells fired by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other armed factions in the Gaza Strip since the start of Israel's Operation Shield and Arrow reportedly exceeded 1,200 on May 13. | The last wave of rocket attacks targeted several Israeli settlements and towns around Gaza, wounding at least three people near Shokeda. | In its latest update, Israel's Magen David Adom ambulance service said that t…
(2023-05-13). Hezbollah Leader Says Israel Failed To Isolate Islamic Jihad In Gaza. southfront.org Hezbollah Secretary-General Hasan Nasrallah as seen during his speech on May 12 on al-Manar TV. | Israel has failed to isolate the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and to cause sedition within the resistance in the Gaza Strip, Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of Lebanon's Hezbollah, said on May 12. | Nasrallah made the remarks during a ceremony organized to commemorate senior Hezbollah commander Mustafa Badreddin, who died in Syria seven years ago."Benjamin Netanyahu aims to escape internal div…
(2023-05-13). Martyrdom of Sheikh Khader Adnan after 86 days of hunger strike: latest target of Israeli assassinations. workers.org Published by Samidoun, the Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, May 1, 2023. Sheikh Khader Adnan Sheikh Khader Adnan, Palestinian prisoner, hunger striker and resistance leader, was martyred in the early morning hours of Tuesday, May 2, after 86 days of hunger strike demanding his freedom. Adnan, 45, was married to Randa . . . |
(2023-05-13). Venezuela Cooperation and defending the Palestinian people. plenglish.com Caracas, May 13 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela's cooperation and solidarity with friendly countries in Africa and the region, and ALBA-TCP's rejection of Israel's aggressions against the Palestinian people, stood out in the week that ends today.
(2023-05-14). Reportan calma en la Franja de Gaza tras el alto al fuego pactado con Israel. cubadebate.cu El acuerdo mediado por Egipto entró en vigor ayer desde las 22: 00, hora local, e incluyó un compromiso con un cese de hostilidades, así como dejar de atacar a civiles y detener la demolición de casas. La Radio del Ejército israelí confirmó la reapertura desde esta mañana de todos los cruces de la Franja.
(2023-05-14). "Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East. globalresearch.ca When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria and Iraq, the war on Yemen, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East…
(2023-05-14). Zelensky, Who is at War with the Eastern Orthodox Church, Enjoys Symbolic Chat With Pope Francis. sonar21.com Not a good look for the Pope. Yet the Pope is not an uneducated man, ignorant of history. Here he is meeting with the Jewish President of Ukraine, who is…