2022-03-31: News Headlines

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-03-31). Fuerzas israelíes asesinan a tres palestinos en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Los palestinos de Cisjordania sufren el acoso de las fuerzas israelíes tras un atentado sucedido en Tel Aviv.

Editor2 (2022-03-31). State of Emergency in Tel Aviv as Five Killed in Shooting Incident (VIDEO). orinocotribune.com At least five people have been killed in a shooting in eastern Tel Aviv, in the third such attack within days, Israeli and Arab media reported. | The Lebanese Al Mayadeen news channel quoted Israeli 0404 news site as saying that the shooting took place in three separate locations in Bnei Brak. The website added that the Israeli medics were treating several wounded, including some with critical injuries. | #TelAviv — Malak Yousef (@Malak__yousef)

Staff (2022-03-30). Land Day: Return and Liberation for Palestine #PalestineLandDay. samidoun.net We mark the 46th Palestinian Land Day on 30 March 2022. This day is an occasion to celebrate, intensify and uphold Palestinian resistance to Zionism, colonialism, apartheid and occupation, recalling those whose lives have been stolen in defense of the land and people of Palestine, and to organize and struggle for return and liberation, from …

Tamara Nassar (2022-03-30). Israel seeks revenge after Palestinian kills 5 near Tel Aviv. electronicintifada.net Third incident in days raises alerts ahead of Ramadan.

Staff (2022-03-30). Hamas hails latest martyrdom operation in occupied Palestine. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Mar. 30 (MNA) — Head of Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, Political Bureau said that the Bnei Brak operation redrew the map of Palestine and showed that the future of Palestine will be in the hands of its legitimate owners.

teleSUR, JGN, SH (2022-03-30). øPor qué se celebra el Día de la Tierra Palestina?>. telesurtv.net Los palestinos reclaman todo el territorio de Cisjordania junto a la Franja de Gaza, territorio bloqueado por Israel calificado como crimen de guerra.

Peoples Dispatch (2022-03-30). International condemnation following Israel's detention of Palestinian-French activist Salah Hammouri. peoplesdispatch.org Hammouri is currently being held in illegal administrative detention in Israel based on secret evidence following a violent raid at his home on March 7. The activist had recently challenged the illegal revocation of his Jerusalem residency status by the Israeli interior ministry…

Anonymous669 (2022-03-30). Gunman Kills Five People In New Shooting Attack In Israel (18+ Videos). southfront.org Screen grab from footage showing the attack in Bnei Brak. Source: Twitter. | Late on May 29, five people were killed when a Palestinian gunman opened fire at bypassers in the central Israeli city of Bnei Brak. | The gunman, who arrived in a vehicle, opened fire from an assault rifle at a number of people in the streets of the city, which is located to east of Tel Aviv. After killing four people, the gunman was gunned down by two police officers. One of the officers sustained serious wounds during the clashes with the gunman…

Staff (2022-03-30). Hezbollah praises recent Palestinian martyrdom operations. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Mar. 30 (MNA) — Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah offered congratulations to Palestine over the recent successful martyrdom operations in Palestine occupied land carried out by Plaestinians.

Asa Winstanley (2022-03-30). Lowkey petition to Spotify grabs 4,000 signatures in first three hours. electronicintifada.net Stars reject Israel lobby censorship.

Staff (2022-03-30). IRGC chief warns Arab states against Israeli regime presence. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Mar. 30 (MNA) — The commander-in-chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has warned the Persian Gulf Arab states against the threat that Israeli presence poses to the security of the region.

Alan Macleod (2022-03-30). Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, Naomi Klein Join Over 100 Academics Denouncing The Israel lobby's Attempt To Cancel Lowkey. mintpressnews.com In addition, dozens of prominent Jewish voices have rejected the Israel lobby's attempts to silence Lowkey and signed the letter. These include writer and activist Naomi Klein, Professor Peter Beinart, editor-at-large of Jewish Currents magazine, and journalist and lawyer Glenn Greenwald. A number of prominent Israelis have also endorsed Lowkey, including historians Avi Shlaim and Ilan Pappé, as well as activist Miko Peled.

Rick Rozoff (2022-03-30). EU advisers urge full NATO membership for Israel. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The Express (Britain)March 29, 2022 Israel urged to join NATO as Turkey seeks 'golden prize' of EU membership Israel has been urged to join NATO after two diplomatic experts said "it is time to start building" towards full membership of the intergovernmental military alliance. Israel took a step closer to NATO in 2014 when it …

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