2022-07-03: News Headlines

Eva Bartlett (2022-07-03). The Lugansk People's Republic has now been brought under the control of the LPR & Russia. ingaza.wordpress.com All of the Lugansk People's Republic has now been brought under the control of the LPR & Russia. The population who were treated as subhuman (at best), or imprisoned, starved, tortured, executed…by Ukrainian forces & Nazis can now lively freely & without enduring the hell of Ukrainian rule any longer. RELATED:…

Editor (2022-07-03). How AIPAC is Leading Efforts to Dismantle the UN Inquiry on Palestine. scheerpost.com Palestinians burn tires during a protest outside the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza City, on April 25, 2022. Majdi Fathi | NurPhoto via AP | By Jessica Buxbaum / This month, the United Nations' Commission of Inquiry (COI) on the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-07-03). Israel lanzó misiles contra la provincia de Tartús, Siria. telesurtv.net Siria acusa a Israel de herir a dos civiles en un ataque con misiles contra la provincia de Tartús.

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-07-03). Mayo Clinic, Sheba Medical Center sign agreement to accelerate health technology growth. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn., and TEL AVIV, Israel — Mayo Clinic and Sheba Medical Center have signed an agreement that will make it easier to share health technology and support early stage startup companies. This collaboration will create an environment that enables rapid product development in the U.S. and Israeli markets, allowing technologies to be established and launched to transform health care delivery for all. The initial focus of this collaboration will be on cross referral and…

Staff (2022-07-03). Irán es la amenaza más grande que enfrenta Israel, asegura nuevo premier israelí. cubadebate.cu "Me presento ante ustedes en este momento y les digo a todos los que buscan nuestra desaparición, desde Gaza hasta Teherán, desde las costas del Líbano hasta Siria: no nos pongan a prueba. Israel sabe cómo usar su fuerza contra cada amenaza, contra cada enemigo", declaró.

Staff (2022-07-03). Forming alliance against Tehran not proposed to Jordan. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 03 (MNA) — Jordanian Foreign Minister once again said that Jordan has not received any proposal in terms of forming a military alliance between Arab states and the Israeli regime to confront Iran.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-07-03). Irán denuncia agresiones de Israel contra integridad de Siria. telesurtv.net Canciller iraní, Hosein Amir Abdolahian, se reúne con autoridades de Damasco. Reprueba las crueles sanciones de Occidente contra Siria.

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2022-07-02). Podcast Ep 61: How General Mills divested from apartheid. electronicintifada.net Major food corporation ceases production in Israeli settlement factory.

_____ (2022-07-02). Palestinians 'Are Not Animals In A Zoo'. popularresistance.org Years before the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, U.S. media introduced many new characters, promoting them as "experts" who helped ratchet up propaganda, ultimately allowing the U.S. government to secure enough popular support for the war. | Though enthusiasm for war began dwindling in later years, the invasion began with a relatively strong popular mandate that allowed President George W. Bush to claim the role of liberator of Iraq, the fighter of "terrorism" and the champion of U.S. global interests.

_____ (2022-07-02). Palestinians 'Are Not Animals in a Zoo': Redefining the Role of the 'Victim Intellectual'. popularresistance.org Years before the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, U.S. media introduced many new characters, promoting them as "experts" who helped ratchet up propaganda, ultimately allowing the U.S. government to secure enough popular support for the war. | Though enthusiasm for war began dwindling in later years, the invasion began with a relatively strong popular mandate that allowed President George W. Bush to claim the role of liberator of Iraq, the fighter of "terrorism" and the champion of U.S. global interests. According to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll published on March 24, 2003 — just a few days after the invas…

Editor (2022-07-02). Israeli Settler Terrorist Suspected of Murdering Palestinian Identified. scheerpost.com By Richard Silverstein / NOTE: Earlier today, Middle East Eye Last week, a group of Israe…

Staff (2022-07-02). Saadia Farajallah Matar: Palestinian mother's life taken by occupation medical neglect. samidoun.net Saadia Farajallah Matar, a 68-year old imprisoned Palestinian woman, died on Saturday, 2 July, the latest martyr of the prisoners' movement due to the systemic Zionist medical neglect targeting Palestinian prisoners. She passed away of a sudden heart attack as she washed before prayer in the early morning hours in Damon prison, with her fellow …

Anonymous103 (2022-07-02). Military Situation In Syria On July 2, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org On July 2, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib: 3 &#1 ; in Idlib province, 1 &#1 ; in Aleppo province, 2 &#1 ; in Lattakia province; | On July 2, Israeli warplanes attacked areas south of Tartus with several missiles. Two civilians were wounded; | On July 2, Hossein Amirabdollahian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, arrived in Damascus to meet with Syrian officials; | On July 1, ISIS killed an SAA s…

Staff (2022-07-02). Hamas terms West Bank as strategic reserve of Resistance. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 02 (MNA) — Hamas' spokesman Fawzi Barhum has described the West Bank as a strategic reserve of Resistance.

Staff (2022-07-02). Ministerio de Defensa sirio informa sobre nuevo ataque israelí con misiles. cubadebate.cu El Ministerio de Defensa de Siria confirmó un ataque de Israel este sábado a la provincia costera de Tartous, a unos 250 kilómetros al noroeste de Damasco y cerca de la frontera con Líbano. El ataque con misiles ocurrió cerca de las 6: 30 a.m. y su objetivo fueron varias granjas avícolas vecinas a la aldea de Hamidieh. Se reportaron dos heridos.

Staff (2022-07-02). Hezbollah to crush Israeli enemy in any future war: official. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 02 (MNA) — Head of Hezbollah's Political Council, Ibrahim al- Amine al-Sayyid, said Sat. that the Resistance will destroy the enemy in the future war, adding that the Lebanese Resistance has roots in Islam and the Islamic Revolution.

Staff (2022-07-02). Israeli regime's jets target Syria's Tartus. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 02 (MNA) — Syrian sources on Saturday reported that the Israeli regime has launched missile strikes on a city in western Syria.

Anonymous669 (2022-07-02). Hezbollah Reveals Drones Launched At Karish Were Not Armed, Says It Was Message To Israel. southfront.org Hezbollah has confirmed that it launched three drones from Lebanon at the disputed Karish naval gas field, which is currently…

Staff (2022-07-02). 8 July, Online Webinar: Ghassan Kanafani: Literature and Revolution. samidoun.net GHASSAN KANAFANI: LITERATURE AND REVOLUTION Friday, July 8 8 am Pacific &#1 ; 11 am Eastern &#1 ; 4 pm British time &#1 ; 5 pm central Europe/South Africa &#1 ; 6 pm Palestine REGISTER ONLINE bit.ly/kanafanibook On the th anniversary of the assassination of Ghassan Kanafani, we celebrate the first-time English publication of "On Zionist Literature," Kanafani's analysis of …

Anonymous669 (2022-07-02). Israeli Army Intercepts Three Hezbollah Drones Near Disputed Gas Field (Video). southfront.org Israel Air Force airplane F-16 D 'Barak Cobra'prepares for take off. June 28 2010. Photo by Ofer Zidon/Flash90 | On July 2, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced that it had intercepted three drones launched from Lebanon by Hezbollah near the disputed Karish naval gas field. | In a statement, the IDF said that one of the drones was shot down by a F-16 fighter jet of the Israeli Air Force, while the other two were shot down with Barak missiles launched from the Israeli Navy's Sa'ar 5-class corvette Eilat. | The dro…

Danya Nasser (2022-07-02). Between the sword and the neck: why the Arab streets rejects Zionist normalization with Arab states. mronline.org U.S. media outlets and politicians have nearly all parroted the same praises of the recent "peace agreements" between Israel and the repressive U.S.-backed governments of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco.

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