2022-07-10: News Headlines

Editor2 (2022-07-10). The Deeper Meaning of Ukraine. orinocotribune.com By Alastair Crooke &#1 ; , 2022 | The wider Ukraine meaning lies in this insight: Other leaders are no longer naàØve when the West offers glass beads (or paper dollars) in exchange for their real riches | The West, in its cavalier manner, entered upon war with the Russia-China axis, without due care. It expected easy 'wins' with sanctions imploding the Russian economy, and with military urban-war tactics borrowed from Syria, bleeding out the Russian army. Instead, it is turning-out to be a monumental débacle. More than that, its multiple failures and insultingly-cocksure propaganda are proving a break…

Staff (2022-07-10). US, China FMs discuss Ukraine crisis, ties. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 10 (MNA) — US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Saturday he had discussed the Russian special military operation in Ukraine during more than five hours of talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

Benjamin Norton (2022-07-10). US-backed fascism in Japan: How Shinzo Abe whitewashed genocidal imperial crimes. multipolarista.com Japan's longest serving prime minister, Shinzo Abe tried to rewrite the Japanese empire's genocidal history. After World War II, the US rehabilitated fascist war criminals, like Abe's grandfather Nobusuke Kishi, putting them in power in a right-wing one-party regime.

Contributing Writers (2022-07-10). DONBASS — PROGRESSION DES FORCES ALLIÉES EN DIRECTION DE SLAVIANSK, ARTIOMOVSK ET SEVERSK/Par Christelle Néant. marktaliano.net Original Link Here: Donbass &#1 ; Progression des forces alliées en direction de Slaviansk, Artiomovsk et Seversk &#1 ; Donbass Insider (donbass-insider.com) 09/07/2022 Suite à la prise de contrà¥le de Lissitchansk, les forces alliées continuent sur leur lancée et avancent sur les trois axes de Slaviansk, Artiomovsk et Seversk, afin de poursuivre la libération du Donbass. Alors …

Anonymous669 (2022-07-10). Russian Army Destroyed Two More Hangars Housing US-Supplied M777 Howitzers In Donetsk. southfront.org Ukrainian service members firing a M777 howitzer on an unspecified front in the Donbass region. Source: the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. | The Russian military had destroyed hangars housing US-supplied M777 155 mm self-propelled howitzers near the settlement of Kostantinovka in the Donetsk, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on July 10."Over the past day tactical aviation, the rocket and artillery forces struck 17 Ukrainian command posts, four platoons of Grad MLRS and, in the area of Konstantinovka…

Anonymous103 (2022-07-10). Military Situation In Ukraine On July 10, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org On July 10, the Russian Ministry of Defence recorded no hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours; | On July 9, a male refugee was killed by unknown individuals in the al-Hawl camp; | On July 9, a Turkish drone was spotted over the areas west of Tal Abyadh; | On July 10, the Russian Military Police carried out a patrol near the town of Tal Saman north of Raqqah; | On July 10, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SAA positions in the…

Anonymous103 (2022-07-10). Ukraine's War Began With Ukraine's Coup In February 2014, NOT With Russia's Invasion In February 2022. southfront.org Russia's invasion was a result from the U.S. Government's Ukrainian coup, 8 years after the fateful event. Written by Eric…

Kungu Al-Mahadi Adam (2022-07-10). Training for thousands of Ukrainian soldiers begins in UK. plusnews.ug The first cohort of Ukrainian troops has arrived in the UK to undergo specialist military training, with up to 10,000 service members expected to take part in the program in the coming months. British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has personally welcomed the soldiers. According to a statement published by Britain's Ministry of Defence on Saturday, …

Anonymous669 (2022-07-10). In Video: Russian Strike Destroys British Brimstone Missile Launcher Of Kiev Forces. southfront.org Screen grab from a video by MBDA showing a live-fire test of the Brimstone. | The Russian military has destroyed one of the Brimstone precision-guided missile launchers recently supplied to Kiev forces by the UK. | On July 10, RIA Novosti released a video showing the destruction of the launcher. Three heavy artillery rockets struck the launcher, which was camouflaged as a civilian truck, right after it fired a salvo of three Brimstone missiles on an unspecified front. | In April, the UK pledged to supply Ukraine w…

Anonymous669 (2022-07-10). Turkey Won't Cancel Plans For New Operation In Syria: Akar. southfront.org The Turkish military is ready for a new operation in northern Syria and the order to start it can be given at any time, Turkish National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said on July 10. | Speaking during a visit to a military base in Daglica, along the Turkish-Iraqi border, Akar stressed that Turkey will not cancel or postpone its military plans. The minister said that bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Madrid did not change the plans of the Turkish leadership."We have do…

TeleSUR, JL (2022-07-10). Abren urnas para comicios a senadores en Japón después de asesinato del exprimer ministro. telesurtv.net Sondeos estiman que el Partido Liberal Democrático podría obtener la mayoría en el Senado.

____ (2022-07-10). Wang Yi co-hosts 2nd meeting of China-Indonesia High-level Dialogue Cooperation Mechanism in Indonesia. ecns.cn Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi co-hosted the Second Meeting of China-Indonesia High-level Dialogue Cooperation Mechanism on Saturday with Indonesia's Coordinator for Cooperation with China and Coordinating Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-07-10). Asesinan a otro firmante de la paz en Colombia. telesurtv.net Forma parte del contexto de violencia en el cual se propone combatir desde agosto el nuevo presidente Gustavo Petro.

Staff (2022-07-10). Felicitations to Muslims on Eid al-Adha. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 10 (MNA) — Eid al-Adha, celebrated by around 1.5 billion Muslims around the world, is one of the most significant occasions in the Islamic calendar.

____ (2022-07-10). Elon Musk decides to terminate Twitter deal. ecns.cn Tesla CEO Elon Musk decided on Friday to terminate his $44 billion deal to buy Twitter, blaming the company for withholding information on its number of spam and fake accounts.

Nameunknown (2022-07-10). Universally Mastering the Basics is Paramount in any Relief From COVID-19. Unknown

Anonymous103 (2022-07-10). Military Situation In Afghanistan On July 10, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org On July 6, unknown gunmen assassinated Shir Agha, the former governor of Deh Rawood district in Leblan village in Uruzgan province; | On July 6, forces loyal to to Ahmad Masoud attacked Taliban positions in Khost and Farang district in Baghlan province. Five Taliban members including Mullah Bahauddin, the deputy governor of the Taliban were killed; | On July 7, more than 10 Taliban members were killed and wounded as a result of the internal conflict in the presidentia…

Anonymous103 (2022-07-10). Military Situation In Syria On July 10, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org On July 10, the Russian Ministry of Defence recorded no hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours; | On July 9, a male refugee was killed by unknown individuals in the al-Hawl camp; | On July 9, a Turkish drone was spotted over the areas west of Tal Abyadh; | On July 10, the Russian Military Police carried out a patrol near the town of Tal Saman north of Raqqah; | On July 10, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SAA positions in t…

Editor (2022-07-10). Media Support 'Self-Determination' for US Allies, Not Enemies. scheerpost.com By Article 1 of the UN Charter

Ranjani Iyer Mohanty (2022-07-10). "The Lady Vanishes" But She Must Not. fairobserver.com My mother, aged 81, had a couple of errands and so I was driving her around Calgary. First, we went to her bank so she could deposit a check. Wanting to ensure she didn't slip on the well-polished floor, I held her arm gently as she walked up to the teller. She greeted the teller…

Editor2 (2022-07-10). Peru: The Political Crisis Worsens. orinocotribune.com By Carlos Noriega — , 2022 | The crisis in Pedro Castillo's government is worsening. Less than a month before the rural teacher and trade unionist who came to power as candidate of the left completes his first year in the presidency, the right wing, which from the first day of the government has bet on a coup, accelerates its plans to remove him from office abusing the power of the Congress that it controls. | The instability of the government is accentuated by the destabilizing maneuvers of the right wing, which in its coup plans has the support of the big media, but one cannot deny the responsibility…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-07-10). Daily Round-up | North Macedonians protest EU discussions and more stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we bring you stories from the protests in North Macedonia, the sentencing of Argentine security officers for crimes during the military dictatorship, and tax policy changes affecting relief work in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco…

TeleSUR, SH (2022-07-10). EE.UU. anuncia el envió de 361 millones de dólares a Ucrania. telesurtv.net Según el secretario de EE.UU. desde el comienzo del conflicto en Ucrania su país ha destinado más de 1.280 millones de dólares en ayuda.

TeleSUR, DRL, JL (2022-07-10). Cuba rechaza restricciones a funcionarios por parte de EE.UU. telesurtv.net El Departamento de Estado de EE. UU. aumentó este viernes la lista de funcionarios y organizaciones cubanas ilegalmente sancionadas.

____ (2022-07-10). China, Australia agree to smooth bilateral ties. ecns.cn Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with his Australian counterpart Penny Wong on Friday, with both sides agreeing to remove obstacles and bring bilateral ties back on the right track.

____ (2022-07-10). Chinese FM meets with U.S. secretary of state. ecns.cn Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Saturday, a day after the Group of 20 (G20) foreign ministers' meeting held in Bali, Indonesia.

____ (2022-07-10). G20 foreign ministers call for urgency to strengthen multilateralism, ensure food supply chain. ecns.cn The Group of 20 (G20) foreign ministers on Friday called on the urgency to strengthen multiculturalism and ensure that the global food supply chain is restored.

David Giesen (2022-07-10). Friday 7/15: Reviewing KPFA's Economic Update w/Richard Wolff. indybay.org ZOOM: | zoom.us/j/98494427833?pwd=NERHSWZnR2cybFlWQWswRnRQNG1LQT09

Toby Blomé (2022-07-10). Sunday 7/10: STOP the WAR on WOMEN! — RESCHEDULED TO JULY 24. indybay.org Golden Gate Bridge, South plaza, San Franicisco…

South Bay Indigenous Solidarity (2022-07-10). Thursday 7/7: South Bay Indigenous Solidarity: July 2022 General Meeting. indybay.org Via Zoom. Register at: us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkc-Grpz8rGd3N0Yqg100aM3eceJlvt7k1

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-07-10). Mayo Clinic Minute: What to do if you are exposed to Lyme disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Scientists are studying why tick-borne infections, including Lyme disease, are on the rise and why ticks are expanding into new geographic areas. Lyme disease, the most common tick-borne infection, is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii. It's transmitted by the bite of an infected blacklegged tick, previously known as a deer tick. The Northeast and Upper Midwest are hot spots for Lyme disease, though there are other parts of the U.S. and the world…

____ (2022-07-10). Chinese zither player in France charms netizens. ecns.cn Young Chinese Peng Jingxuan has charmed netizens for playing Chinese zither, or Guzheng, in France.

TeleSUR, him, JGN (2022-07-10). Mercedes Sosa, una vida de lucha social entre canciones. telesurtv.net Mercedes, ícono mundial, rescató en sus interpretaciones a poetas como los chilenos Víctor Jara y Pablo Neruda, la peruana Alicia Maguiña y el cubano Ignacio Villa.

Reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-07-10). Enlaces -Red Latina sin fronteras 08.07.2022. indybay.org ENLACES de Red Latina sin fronteras 08.07.2022 | comunicaciones e información para la liberación…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-07-10). 2022 California Admission Day – Reclaiming the Past California Pioneers of African Descent. indybay.org Reclaiming the Past: California Pioneers of African Descent along the American River Parkway (1840-1875) remains a very contentious "need for popular culture" to discredit, destroy and disparage the salient contributions by people of African Descent throughout one of America's most endangered historical preservation sites, the Gold Mining District of Negro Hill, Mormon Island and Negro Bar, Gold Rush California (1840-1875.)…

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-07-10). Mayo Clinic joins Better Climate Challenge, committing to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic recently joined the Better Climate Challenge, an initiative launched by the Department of Energy that encourages organizations to set ambitious goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Mayo Clinic is committed to cutting certain greenhouse gas emissions by 50% and reducing energy use by 20% within 10 years. Participating in the Better Climate Challenge requires Mayo Clinic to develop and submit a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, share progress and solutions…

Staff (2022-07-10). Providing fair health service among Islamic Ummah necessity. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 10 (MNA) — Iranian Health Minister Bahram Einollahi stated that providing quality and fair health services among the Islamic Ummah is a necessity.

TeleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-07-10). Costa Rica declara la emergencia nacional a causa de las lluvias. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento el paso del huracán Bonnie dejó al menos 276 casas destruidas y 151 derrumbes por atender.

Staff (2022-07-10). Eid al-Adha prayers across Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 10 (MNA) — Iranians from across the country attended the Prayers of Eid al-Adha.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-07-10). EE.UU. se compromete a no iniciar una guerra fría contra China. telesurtv.net El secretario de Estado, Antony Blinken, señaló que EE.UU. no está tratando de cambiar el sistema estatal de China y no desafiará al PCCh y su papel político.

David Duhalde (2022-07-10). The Socialist Left Should Be Giving the Jan. 6 Hearings the Attention They Deserve. commondreams.org Socialists should be front and center, demanding that there be actual repercussions for the anti-democratic effort to overturn the election.

TeleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-07-10). Convocan mesa de diálogo en Panamá tras ola de protestas. telesurtv.net Los líderes sociales han advertido que pese al diálogo se mantendrán las protestas programadas para la semana venidera.

D.Curioso (2022-07-10). CIP Decision Could End Rent Control. indybay.org The City of Alameda already has a Capital improvement Plan (CIP) program but landlord lobbyists worked with Council Member John Knox White (so-called moderate) to get more from renters. The Alameda Renters Coalition opposed this plan last year, but renters responded with letters and speakers in protest. The CIP plan was tabled for a year but now it's back on the agenda for a City Council vote on Tuesday. | The Capital Improvement Plan plan allows add-ons to rent increases. If your landlord wants to make renovations to your building that cost over $7, 0 per building or $7 per unit, 100% of the landlord's expense…

Rhythmix Cultural Works (2022-07-10). Saturday 8/20: PAL in the Parks: The Chinyakare Ensemble. indybay.org Jean Sweeney Open Space Park | 1925 Sherman St | Alameda, CA 94 1…

Staff (2022-07-10). Archivo CD: Nicolás Guillén y sus motivos de música este domingo 10. cubadebate.cu Así a lo loco (aunque no tanto) amanecí pensando que este domingo 10 de julio se conmemora un año más del nacimiento, en Camagàºey, de Nicolás Guillén, cuyo legado poético se fue abriendo paso con matices cada vez más hondos y abarcadores hasta ocupar un sitio entre los tesoros del cancionero cubano. Guillén abrió los ojos a este mundo en 1902…

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-07-10). Plant power: Using diet to lower cancer risk. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The choices you make at the grocery store have a bigger impact than just your dinner plans. Filling your plate with foods that are grown in the ground may be the best diet for cancer prevention. An estimated 1.9 million cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the U.S. in 2022, according to the American Cancer Society. While some people have a higher genetic risk to develop cancer, research shows that nearly 25% of overall…

TeleSUR, SH (2022-07-10). Manifestantes asaltan la residencia presidencial en Sri Lanka. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Defensa comunicó que Gotabaya Rajapaksa se encontraba en un lugar secreto protegido por el ejército.

____ (2022-07-10). Geologists find rare 'cave cloud' in south China's Guangxi. ecns.cn A joint Sino-French cave exploration team has discovered a rare "cave cloud" — a special kind of natural mineral deposit within a cave — in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, according to the Institute of Karst Geology of China Geological Survey.

Staff (2022-07-10). En video, la Tira de los Lectores en homenaje a Nicolás Guillén. cubadebate.cu Esta vez La Tira de los Lectores está dedicada a Nicolás Guillén, quien cumple este 10 de julio 120 años. Envíanos a nuestro Facebook/Messenger un video recitando tu fragmento favorito de uno de sus poemas. Hace unos días lanzamos esta convocatoria y hoy publicamos el video del pequeño Diego Mejías recitando Un son para niños antillanos,como homenaje al Poeta Nacional de Cuba.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-07-10). México supera los 32.000 casos de Covid-19 en 24 horas. telesurtv.net Las autoridades sanitarias expresaron su preocupación por el aumento en la tasa de contagios diarios en las últimas semanas.

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