2022-07-12: News Headlines

Miko Peled (2022-07-12). As Biden Visits Israel, Netanyahu is Plotting a Return to Power. mintpressnews.com Netanyahu wants to make sure that any credit Trump might claim for the Abraham Accords — or Biden might claim if Saudi Arabia signs on — will be directed towards him…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-07-12). Biden's Israel visit draws widespread criticism. peoplesdispatch.org Biden will be making his first visit to Israel as president between July 13 and July 15, and will also visit the occupied West Bank to meet Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas…

Al-Shabaka (2022-07-12). Palestinians are Uniting, caught between Alliance of Authoritarian States and Western Indifference. juancole.com By Tareq Baconi | &#1 ; ( Al-Shabaka ) &#1 ; Over the course of the past decade, a new regional architecture has come into focus in the Middle East and North Africa. The US has shown greater signs of withdrawal and retrenchment from the region. Tensions have arisen and subsided between regional powers, proxy wars continue …

Ramzy Baroud (2022-07-12). Quince años de experimentos fallidos: Mitos y realidades sobre el asedio israelí a Gaza. globalizacion.ca Han pasado quince años desde que Israel impuso un asedio total a la Franja de Gaza sometiendo a casi dos millones de palestinos a uno de los bloqueos más largos y crueles de la historia por motivos políticos. En aquel…

David Sheen (2022-07-11). Alex Odeh Assassination: New Testimony Could Finally Bring Jewish Defense League to Justice. mintpressnews.com According to active agents still assigned to the case, pressing charges against Odeh's killers would require testimony from a witness who heard at least one of those very men discussing their own involvement in Alex Odeh's murder. We now have it.

Ali Abunimah (2022-07-11). Will Israel join an Arab NATO? electronicintifada.net Watch: US helps cover up murder of Shireen Abu Akleh, Ali Abunimah tells BT News.

Jason Ditz (2022-07-11). Israel Says Giving Up Harming Iran's Enrichment Program. news.antiwar.com In statements that seem designed to update the anti-Iran narrative ahead of President Biden's visit, Israeli officials are saying they The narrative is meant to suggest Israel isn't going to keep assassinating people tangentially involved in enrichment, at least formally, and is meant to back claims that Iran already has enough uranium for a weapon, an almost certainly false allegation. | The report suggests tha…

Maureen Clare Murphy (2022-07-11). Israeli court rules in favor of sweeping impunity. electronicintifada.net Legal system is "committed to the legitimization of war crimes," human rights groups say.

Staff (2022-07-11). Video: Ghassan Kanafani &#1 ; Literature and Revolution with Louis Allday and Omar Zahzah. samidoun.net On Friday, 8 July — the th anniversary of the assassination of Ghassan Kanafani — Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network organized a webinar on Kanafani's literary and revolutionary life. The webinar featured Louis Allday, historian, writer and publisher of the Liberated Texts series, the publisher with Ebb Books of the new edition of On Zionist …

Peoples Dispatch (2022-07-11). Examining the US-Israel patron-client relationship ahead of Biden's Middle East visit. peoplesdispatch.org The US has been Israel's biggest financial sponsor for decades, enabling human rights violations. Biden's upcoming trip to the region is expected to further affirm this relationship.

Staff (2022-07-11). US-led regional defense system provokes Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 11 (MNA) — Iran has officially reacted to a US-led plan to build a regional missile defense system that includes Israel and its onetime Arab foes.

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