Daily Archives: October 1, 2022

2022-10-01: News Headlines

Ramzy Baroud (2022-10-01). From Exodus to Marvel: The Israelification of Hollywood. orinocotribune.com

Susana Khalil (2022-10-01). The Art of Palestinian Embroidery that the Israeli Colonizer Appropriates. orinocotribune.com By Susana Khalil — Sep 18, 2022 | Tatriz embodies the Palestinian identity and depicts a mysterious, bohemian, and warm feeling of joy, splendor, and elegance. | The most popular artistic expression in the culture of the native Palestinian Arab-Semitic people is embroidery, known in Arabic as tatriz. The classic reddish color of embroidery comes from the purple color of Phoenician Canaan. Palestinian embroidery is also related to the ancient mosaics of Jericho. | The fact that this traditional and cultural aspect still lives on is thanks to the Palestinian peasant woman who preserves and weaves this transmi…

Staff (2022-10-01). Zionist plane crashes in central West Bank. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 01 (MNA) — Palestinian sources reported on Friday that a Zionist plane crashed in Bethlehem city in the central West Bank, Palestine.

TeleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-10-01). Reportan siete palestinos heridos tras represión israelí. telesurtv.net Del total, cinco palestinos resultaron heridos por el uso de balas de acero recubiertas de goma por parte de soldados israelíes.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-10-01). Fuerzas de ocupación israelíes asesinan a joven palestino. telesurtv.net Autoridades palestinas denunciaron que no se permitió el paso a los especialistas sanitarios y a la ambulancia para que atendiera al joven.

Eva Bartlett (2022-09-30). "Eva Bartlett describes Ukraine's unspeakable genocide of Donbass FULL INTERVIEW (Graphic Content Warning)" ingaza.wordpress.com Interview **Warning: This video contains graphic images of civilians killed by Ukrainian shelling of completely civilian areas of Donetsk.**…

SP Editor (2022-09-30). Israel's Got Some Nerve Decrying Russia's Annexations. scheerpost.com Israel illegally annexed Palestinian East Jerusalem, among other lands. [ By Juan Cole | In a further sign that all irony is dead,

Alan MacLeod (2022-09-30). The Israel Files: Wikileaks Docs Show Top Hollywood Producers Working With Israel To Defend Its War Crimes. orinocotribune.com By Alan MacLeod Sep 23, 2022 | The Israel files is a new MintPress series exploring and highlighting the Many revelations about the Israeli occupation of Palestine that Wikileaks documents disclosed. It hopes to shed light on Many of the most important and underreported revelations the publishing group exposed. | As Israel was launching a

____ (2022-09-30). Apartheid Israeli history 'full of terror, torture, murder'. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 30 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman emphasized that the history of the Israeli apartheid regime is full of assassination, massacre, torture and killing of innocent children, ranging from Muhammad al-Durrah to Riyan Sulaiman.

David Cronin (2022-09-30). Leaked paper proves EU has sidelined Palestinian rights. electronicintifada.net Bloodthirsty Yair Lapid to visit Brussels for revived Association Council.

Ali Abunimah (2022-09-30). British Quakers capitulate to Israel lobby lies. electronicintifada.net US Quaker group AFSC criticizes cancellation of Palestine event by UK counterparts.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-09-30). At Least 100 Dead After Lebanese Migrant Boat Sinks off Syria. orinocotribune.com In recent months, thousands of people—mostly Lebanese, Syrians, and Palestinians —have left Lebanon on rafts in an attempt to seek better opportunities in Europe | The death toll of the capsized The most recent reports indicate that at least 100 people have died due to the accident, and Damascus confirmed that there are 20 survivors currently b…

Robert Inlakesh (2022-09-30). Israel Now Using AI Technology To Kill Palestinians. thelastamericanvagabond.com Israel has a long track record of testing weapons technology on Palestinians it rules over in the occupied territories, however, the Israeli military's latest move has gone on pretty much unnoticed. Israeli AI-powered rifles and crowd control technology is now in action, with potentially lethal consequences. Tensions inside the Israeli occupied West Bank are continuing

Staff (2022-09-30). Growing solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on sixth day of hunger strike to #EndAdministrativeDetention. samidoun.net 30 Palestinian prisoners are on hunger strike for the sixth day to demand an end to their administrative detention without charge or trial. As they have continued their strike, the occupation prison authorities have imposed new sanctions upon them: their rooms have been turned into isolation sections and fines were imposed on the hunger strikers, …

Yaffa Shir-Raz (2022-09-30). Breaking: Leaked Video Reveals Serious Side-Effects Related to the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Covered Up by the Israeli MOH. globalresearch.ca

Eva Bartlett (2022-09-29). DPR Civilians On Why They Wanted A Referendum To Join Russia. ingaza.wordpress.com My overview of the DPR referendum to join Russia. It's mainly the people themselves talking, over the course of 5 days, including door-to-door voting (no, not at gunpoint) and voting in voting stations on the 5th day. Western commentators would do well to listen to them (but we know they won't). Summary: -they waited 8…

A guest author (2022-09-29). Say NO to U.S. wars! Oct. 15-22 actions. workers.org The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) is organizing for protests the week of Oct. 15-22 in this call posted at unac.peace.org. Back to the streets! Say NO to U.S. wars! Stop Washington's war moves toward Russia and China. Stop endless wars: Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Palestine, everywhere. Join us in protest . . . |

Ramzy Baroud (2022-09-29). The Nablus Riots and the Future of the Palestinian Authority. mintpressnews.com The arrest of a prominent Palestinian activist, Musab Shtayyeh, and another Palestinian activist, by Palestinian Authority police on September 20 was not the first time that the notorious PA's Preventive Security Service (PSS) has arrested a Palestinian who is wanted by Israel. | PSS is largely linked to the routine arrests and torture of anti-Israeli occupation activists. Several Palestinians have died in the past as a result of PSS violence, the latest being

Jake Kallio (2022-09-29). US and UK undermining Bosnian democracy with sectarian electoral law changes. multipolarista.com Bosnia and Herzegovina is already governed by a neocolonial system, but the US, UK, and Israel are further undermining democracy by pushing for sectarian election law amendments that could weaken the civil rights of minorities like Jews and Roma.

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