Daily Archives: October 5, 2022

2022-10-05: News Headlines

Labor Video Project (2022-10-05). Free Assange, Mumia and Palestine-Rally in Berkeley. indybay.org

Anonymous (2022-10-04). Palestine in Pictures: September 2022. electronicintifada.net A monthly roundup of photographs documenting Palestine, Palestinian life, politics and culture, and international solidarity with Palestine.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-10-04). Asesinan a dos jóvenes palestinos al norte de Ramalá. telesurtv.net Ocurre al mismo tiempo en que las fuerzas israelíes detuvieron en la noche del domingo a 16 palestinos en Cisjordania.

Staff (2022-10-04). Against the EU-Israel Association Council: Samidoun letter to MEPs, gatherings in Brussels and Gothenburg. samidoun.net On 3 October, the "EU-Israel Association Council" convened in Brussels, Belgium, with the participation of 27 European foreign ministers, EU foreign affairs head Josep Borrell, and the Israeli Intelligence Minister Elizar Stern, with prime minister Yair Lapid appearing over video call. This was the first meeting of this council in 10 years after meetings were …

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-10-04). Líbano denuncia violaciones de su espacio aéreo por Israel. telesurtv.net Rechazan en el seno de la OACI que Tel Aviv lance ataques contra Siria desde espacio aéreo libanés.

TeleSUR, jaa, JDO (2022-10-04). Denuncian que Israel tiene a 798 palestinos detenidos sin cargos. telesurtv.net Tel Aviv impone a los palestinos la "detención administrativa", bajo la cual los mantiene encarcelados sin cargos y sin permitirles acceso a las pruebas en su contra.

Staff (2022-10-03). Al Falasteniyeh: New Palestinian media network committed to return and liberation. samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes Al Falasteniyeh Media Network, a new Palestinian media initiative that aims to link Palestinians inside occupied Palestine and everywhere in exile and diaspora together with Arab and international liberation movements, with a clear and principled commitment to anti-normalization, return and liberation. With the slogan, "From the River to the …

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