Daily Archives: October 13, 2022

2022-10-13: News Headlines

Ramzy Baroud (2022-10-13). Strangers Behind the Trees: On the Death of Rayan Suliman and His Fear of Monsters. dissidentvoice.org Children of my Gaza refugee camp were rarely afraid of monsters but of Israeli soldiers. This is all that we talked about before going to bed. Unlike imaginary monsters in the closet or under the bed, Israeli soldiers are real, and they could show up any minute at the door, on the roof or, …

Tamara Nassar (2022-10-13). Palestinians resist Israeli jailers with collective hunger strike. electronicintifada.net Hundreds of groups demand pressure on Israel to end administrative detention.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-10-13). Ejército israelí asesina a joven palestino en Hebrón. telesurtv.net Las protestas y huelgas se extendieron desde Jerusalén al resto de Cisjordania en respuesta a los crecientes cierres y represiones israelíes.

Staff (2022-10-13). Israeli regime's drone crashes in West Bank. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 13 (MNA) — The Zionist Israeli regime's military has said one of their drones crashed in the city of Hebron (Al-Khalil) in the West Bank.

Angela (2022-10-13). Saturday 10/15: Free virtual screening of "My Palestine" indybay.org

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-10-13). Palestinos protestan contra aumento del asedio israelí. telesurtv.net Un gran número de palestinos protestó en las inmediaciones de puestos de control en un campo de refugiados en Jerusalén.

Miko Peled (2022-10-12). American Officials Are Trying to Change the Definition of Antisemitism to Shield Israel From Criticism. mintpressnews.com The purpose of the Zionist campaign to have the IHRA definition adopted by governmental and non-governmental organizations around the world is that they recognize that there is a growing understanding that the fight against racism must include a fight against Zionism.

Maureen Clare Murphy (2022-10-12). Teen killed near Hebron as Palestinians protest closures. electronicintifada.net Tensions rise around Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque as hundreds of settlers visit during Jewish holiday.

Ali Abunimah (2022-10-12). Omar Assad's family says Israeli settlement claim is a lie. electronicintifada.net Palestinian American grandfather died during brutal encounter with Israeli soldiers.

Scorinoco (2022-10-12). Palestine: Teenagers Killed, Journalists Injured by Israeli Troops in Jenin. orinocotribune.com Two Palestinian teenagers were killed, and eleven other civilians were wounded during an Israeli army raid in the early hours of October 8 in Jenin, in the occupied West bank. | According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, teenagers Mahmoud al-Sous and Ahmad Daraghmeh were shot dead while protesting the Israeli army's advance in the city of Jenin. | "During the activity, dozens of Palestinians hurled explosive devices and Molotov cocktails at the soldiers, who responded with live fire towards the armed suspects," an Israeli army statement alleged. | Additionally, the spokesman of the Israeli army announced th…

Staff (2022-10-12). 14-23 October: Global Week of Action for Palestinian Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike. samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is joining the Palestinian Youth Movement and over 30 other organizations, to call upon all supporters of the Palestinian struggle to join us on October 14th 23rd for a week of action in support of Palestinian political prisoners and their fight for freedom and dignity. On September 25th, 30 …

TeleSUR (2022-10-12). Palestinian Killed by Israeli Soldiers in Southern West Bank. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, a Palestian 18-year-old man was killed and three other were injured during clashes with the Israeli soldiers in Al-Aroub refugee camp north of the city of Hebron. | RELATED: | The Palestinian Health Ministry said that Osama Adawi was killed after he was shot by an Israeli soldier during clashes broke out in the afternoon, adding three other Palestinian demonstrators sustained gunshot injuries in their legs…

Staff (2022-10-12). New York demonstration amplifies call to #ShutElbitDown and support Palestine Action. samidoun.net Demonstrators in New York City gathered on Sunday, 9 October to stand in solidarity with Palestine Action and build the campaign to #ShutElbitDown. The demonstration, organized by Samidoun NY/NJ, Within Our Lifetime and the Palestinian Youth Movement, gathered outside the MetLife building, which has offices of both the Bank of New York Mellon Corporation and …

Staff (2022-10-12). Resistance sole way to liberate Palestine: Hezbollah. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 12 (MNA) — The Secretary-General of Lebanon's Hezbollah Resistance Movement Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah reiterated on Wednesday that the only solution for the Palestinian issue is resistance.

Anonymous669 (2022-10-12). Israel And Lebanon Reach Historical Agreement On Maritime Border. southfront.org Energean's floating production system (FPSO) at the Karish gas field in the Mediterranean Sea. (Energean) | Israel and Lebanon had reached a historic agreement on their maritime border, leaders on each side announced separately on October 11. | The agreement was brokered by the United States, which has been working to resolve the maritime border dispute between the two countries for several years. The disputed maritime are…

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-10-12). Líbano e Israel resuelven disputa marítima en el Mediterráneo. telesurtv.net "La versión final de la oferta es satisfactoria para Líbano y cumple con sus demandas y preserva los derechos del Líbano sobre esta riqueza natural", dijo el presidente Michel Aoun.

Maureen Clare Murphy (2022-10-11). Palestinian resistance kills soldier near Nablus. electronicintifada.net Jerusalem neighborhoods under siege after shooting on Saturday.

Staff (2022-10-11). Talk World Radio: Graylan Hagler on Palestine and the United States. davidswanson.org

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