Monthly Archives: October 2022

2022-10-24: News Headlines

The Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation (2022-10-24). Tuesday 12/6: Film screening of Uprising (directed by filmmaker Jon Avnet). The Contemporary Jewish Museum | 736 Mission Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Allan Fisher (2022-10-24). Saturday 10/22: All Out for Palestine. Corner of Ocean andWater Streets, Santa Cruz…

Penny Rosenwasser (2022-10-24). Saturday 11/19: Palestinian Holiday Crafts Bazaar! Offices of the Middle East Children's Alliance: | 1011 8th Street, Suite 100 | Berkeley CA 94710…

TeleSUR, lvm, JDO (2022-10-24). Siria e Irán acuerdan continuar frenando injerencia de EE.UU. El jefe diplomático iraní puntualizó que la República Islámica continuará oponiéndose a las agresiones del régimen de ocupación de Israel.

Aidan O'Brien (2022-10-23). The Wolfowitz Doctrine Led to the Disastrous War in Iraq: Now it is Leading to a Potentially Even More Cataclysmic War in Asia. The Project for a New American Racist Century is omnipresent in the capitals of Europe today. From Dublin to Berlin—Ukrainian colors are on flagpoles, bus stops and buildings. The subtext is blonde hair and blue eyes. America and its European clients (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization—NATO) now see Ukraine much like Israel sees the West …

Anonymous669 (2022-10-23). Israel Destroyed Chinese-Made Radar, Hit Airport During Last Attack On Syria. A YLC-6M radar on a 6-wheel truck. Source: | Syrian air defenses intercepted several cruise missiles and guided bombs while repelling the The Russian officer said that the attack was launched by four F-16 fighter jets of the Israeli Air Force from the…

En.mehrnews (2022-10-23). Syrian air defense shot down 2 Israeli missiles, 4 bombs. TEHRAN, Oct. 23 (MNA) — Syrian air defense systems destroyed two cruise missiles and four guided bombs launched by Israel's F-16 fighters at the airports of Damascus and Al-Dimas on Friday.

Anonymous669 (2022-10-23). Israel Destroyed 90% Of Iran's Military Infrastructure in Syria — Report.

Anonymous669 (2022-10-23). Senior Members Of Palestinian 'Lion's Den' Armed Group Assassinated In West Bank (Videos). Tamer Kilani. Via Twitter. | On October 23, a senior member of the newly-formed Palestinian armed group Lion's Den was assassinated in the West Bank city of Nablus. | Tamer Kilani was killed early in the morning when an explosive device attached to a motorcycle detonated in Nablus's Old City. Security camera footage showing an unidentified man planting the bomb and the blast that claimed the life of Kilani surfaced online. | In a statement, the Lion's Den held Israel responsible for the assassination.

TeleSUR, jaa, JCM (2022-10-23). Soldados israelíes asesinan a joven palestino en Cisjordania. El occiso fue identificado como Rabi Arafah Rabi, de 32 años, quien falleció luego de ser trasladado al hospital Darwish Nazzal de Qalquilia.

Staff (2022-10-22). Syrian air defenses repel Israeli airstrikes over Damascus. TEHRAN, Oct. 22 (MNA) — Syrian forces activated air defense systems late Friday after detecting "hostile targets" over Damascus, state media has reported.

2022-10-24 07:20:42 | 07:20 EST | jz | 13 | 1 | 6 | 4 | 0 

2022-10-23: News Headlines

San Francisco Public Library (2022-10-23). Friday 12/9: Film: Chinatown Rising Screening and Filmmaker Discussion. Chinatown / Him Mark Lai Branch Library | 1135 Powell Street | San Francisco, CA 94108…

Binoy Kampmark (2022-10-23). Julian Assange: Jennifer Robinson argues for a political solution. Jennifer Robinson, Julian Assange's lawyer, told the National Press Club that if the appeal fails and Assange is extradited to the US, his prison conditions will be at the whim of intelligence agencies which plotted to kill him. Binoy Kampmark reports.

San Francisco Public Library (2022-10-23). Thursday 12/15: Film: Rebound, Screening and Director Talk. [ONLINE] San Francisco Main Library…

San Francisco Latino Film Festival (2022-10-23). Sunday 10/23: First Time Home Screening. Roxie Theater…

San Francisco Public Library (2022-10-23). Wednesday 12/14: Presentation: Damien Linnane, Illustrator of This is Ear Hustle. [ONLINE] San Francisco Main Library…

The Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation (2022-10-23). Tuesday 12/6: Film screening of Uprising (directed by filmmaker Jon Avnet). The Contemporary Jewish Museum | 736 Mission Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-10-23). Sunday 10/23: Kickoff for World Dashiki Week 2022. The African Outlet | 4942 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA 94124…

Friends of Cuba (2022-10-23). Thursday 11/3: The World Stand With Cuba! We Call On Nancy Pelosi: Let Cuba Live! San Francisco Federal Building (7th + Mission)…

Allan Fisher (2022-10-23). Saturday 10/22: All Out for Palestine. Corner of Ocean andWater Streets, Santa Cruz…

San Francisco Public Library (2022-10-23). Monday 12/12: Author: Zara Stone and Joe Loya in conversation, Killer Looks. San Francisco Main Library | 100 Larkin St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

San Francisco Public Library (2022-10-23). Tuesday 12/13: Film: Belly of the Beast, Screening and Filmmaker Discussion. [ONLINE] San Francisco Main Library…

Alex Bainbridge (2022-10-23). Thousands rally for "Woman Life Freedom" in the Brisbane rain. The streets rang out with chants of "Be our voice", "Woman, Life, Freedom" and "One solution: revolution" as thousands marched through Brisbane rain on October 22, reports Alex Bainbridge.

Haiti Action Committee (2022-10-23). Wednesday 10/26: Oppose Expanded US/UN Military Intervention in Haiti! San Francisco Federal Building at 90 – 7th Street between Market and Mission Streets, near Powell Street BART.

Schools & Labor Against Privatization Ed Comm (2022-10-23). Thursday 10/27: 10/27 Building Solidarity and Education From The Port To The Schools & SF City Workers. ILWU Local 10 Henry Schimdt Room | 400 North Point | San Francisco…

San Francisco Public Library (2022-10-23). Friday 12/30: Author: Nigel Poor and Earlonne Woods moderated by Piper Kerman. San Francisco Main Library | 100 Larkin St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

WSWS (2022-10-23). New York jury dismisses sexual assault lawsuit against Kevin Spacey. The New York federal court jury dismissal of the sexual battery lawsuit against the actor Kevin Spacey is a further exposure of the foul #MeToo witch-hunt and a vindication of the principled stand taken by the World Socialist Web Site in defense of the fundamental right to the presumption of innocence.

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-10-23). Inundaciones dejan más de 2,8 millones de afectados en Nigeria. Como consecuencia de las inundaciones en el país, estiman que 1,3 millones de personas han sido desplazadas.

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-10-23). Suspenden compra, venta y transferencia de armas de fuego en Canadá. El primer ministro canadiense reiteró que las personas tampoco podrán ingresar al país armas de fuego recién adquiridas al país.

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