Monthly Archives: October 2022

2022-10-20: News Headlines

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-10-20). What Putin's Declaration of Martial Law in Frontline Areas Will Mean for Kiev. Ilya Tsukanov President Vladimir Putin signed a decree Wednesday instituting martial law in Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhye, and indicated that the heightened security measures are being adopted in the face of Kiev's "openly terrorist methods," including the shelling of civilian areas, sabotage attacks, and assassinations of officials. Moscow's decision to introduce martial law in…

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-10-20). "Nuclear Follies" Performs to Huge Crowd at UC Berkeley. Is there humor in nuclear annihilation? … not so much…

Bertrand Renouvin (2022-10-20). Germany: the end of illusions. Four years ago, Coralie Delaume published a book whose title was a provocation — The Franco-German Couple Doesn't Exist: How Europe has become Germany and why that will not last. Taken by illness in December 2020, Coralie has not lived to confirm the pertinence of her prediction. The false couple, where each party cultivates from …

San Francisco Public Library (2022-10-20). Friday 12/30: Author: Nigel Poor and Earlonne Woods moderated by Piper Kerman. San Francisco Main Library | 100 Larkin St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

Martha Hubert (2022-10-20). Friday 10/21: Justice, Not Jenkins! San Francisco Police Officers Association | 800 Bryant (@ 6th) | San Francisco, CA…

Cine Mas SF (2022-10-20). Sunday 10/23: San Francisco Latino Film Festival -Closing Screening. Roxie Theater | 3117 16th Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

National Center for Lesbian Rights (2022-10-20). Thursday 12/1: NCLR's Champions for Justice Dinner + Party. Marriott Marquis | 780 Mission Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

TeleSUR, YSM, JDO (2022-10-20). Chile inicia inmunización contra viruela del mono. Se priorizará a contactos de casos confirmados que califiquen como personas de alto riesgo e inmunodeprimidas.

2022-10-20 18:50:18 | 18:50 EST | tr | 10 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0 

2022-10-19: News Headlines

WSWS (2022-10-19). India strengthening anti-China alliance with US as Washington wages war on Russia. India's far-right Narenda Modi-led government is doubling down on its military-strategic partnership with US imperialism even as Washington demonstrates that it is ready to risk triggering nuclear war to prevail over Moscow and China.

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-10-19). "Nuclear Follies" Performs to Huge Crowd at UC Berkeley. Is there humor in nuclear annihilation? … not so much…

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-10-19). Bay Area Activists Demand California Senators Seriously Address Nuclear War Threat. Nuclear war danger greatest since Cuban missile crisis sixty years ago…

Anonymous767 (2022-10-19). Overview Of Military Situation In Kherson In First Half Of October 19. : Destroyed Ukrainian battle tank | The day of October 19 started with the resumption of intense fighting between Russian forces and units of the Kiev regime in the Kherson-Nikolaev sector. | According to reports, Kiev's forces tried to attack in the area of the villages of Pyatihatka and Suhanovo where they lost at least 3 military vehicles. Clashes were also reported near the villages of Dudachani and Davidov Brod. Pro-Russian sources claim that up to 30 pro-Kiev troops were killed or injured there. A…

Federico Fuentes (2022-10-19). Germany: War, gas price protests and solidarity with Ukraine — An ecosocialist perspective. Across Europe, protests have been growing over rising gas prices. Politicians have sought to blame Putin's war or sanctions. How should ecosocialists approach the interrelated issues of climate, war, gas prices and international solidarity? Christian Zeller responds.

United National Antiwar Coalition (2022-10-19). Saturday 10/15: Say No To US Wars in Ukraine and Around The World: Money For Housing, Healthcare & Climate. Oakland Federal Building | 1301 Clay St. | Oakland…

WSWS (2022-10-19). German Green Party in a war frenzy. The party conference of the Green Party held last weekend was a repulsive spectacle. The 817 delegates gathered in Bonn outdid one another with demands for an escalation of the war in Ukraine.

WSWS (2022-10-19). AFT President Randi Weingarten: A longtime agent for American imperialism. Weingarten's propaganda tour of war-torn Ukraine demonstrates the deepening integration of the unions with the US government and follows decades of AFL-CIO cover operations for the CIA.

Jacob Andrewartha (2022-10-19). Anger grows with Flemington Race Course flood wall. More than three councils and many residents opposed Racing Victoria's 2004 proposal to build a flood wall around Flemington Racecourse because it would exacerbate flood risk in the area. Jacob Andrewartha reports.

Marcel Cartier (2022-10-19). Iran: 'Society has risen to overthrow the Islamic Republic'. Marcel Cartier spoke to Communist Party of Iran leaders Marzieh Nazeri and Abbas Mansouran about the uprising that has been sweeping Iran for more than a month.

National Center for Lesbian Rights (2022-10-19). Thursday 12/1: NCLR's Champions for Justice Dinner + Party. Marriott Marquis | 780 Mission Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Brenda Norrell (2022-10-19). New Mexico Governor Rescinds 1800s Orders for Apaches and Navajos to Be Hunted and Killed. New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham rescinded governors' orders from the 1800s that targeted Navajos and Apaches to be hunted by militia and murdered. The previous territorial governors orders had never been rescinded, which required an executive order by the governor. Santa Fe Historian Valerie Randel's research led to the governor's order.

Chris Jenkins (2022-10-19). WA ANF election shake-up, but rebuilding is sorely needed. It was always ambitious to try and overhaul WA's biggest union in one election and Team Fenn did well considering the incumbent's resources. Chris Jenkins reports.

Kerry Smith (2022-10-19). Festival of the Daring discusses justice, restoring ecosystems, planting seeds for a new society. Campaigns for First Nations justice, housing and international solidarity were discussed at the Festival of the Daring as part of Ecosocialism 2022. Kerry Smith reports.

Jim McIlroy (2022-10-19). UTS academic union strikes for better agreement. National Tertiary Education Union members at the University of Technology Sydney struck for improved pay and better job security for a half day. Jim McIlroy reports.

Sue Bull (2022-10-19). Socialist Alliance launches Geelong campaign for the Victorian elections. Socialist Alliance candidates say the cost of living and housing affordability crises is "a crisis of capitalism". Sue Bull reports.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-10-19). Reprimen manifestaciones en tercer aniversario de estallido social en Chile. Unas personas fueron detenidas durante la jornada de protestas, de acuerdo con un recuento de la ONG Corporación de Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos del Pueblo (Codepu).

Staff (2022-10-19). Ola de frío polar provocará temperaturas de invierno esta semana en EEUU. Unas 70 millones de personas en EE.UU. sufren esta semana el frío polar resultado de una onda de baja presión que viene desde Canadá y empuja aire frío hacia el sur. La alteración del clima que se extenderá provocará caídas de temperatura por debajo de los 32 ∞F en algunas zonas. En algunos estados como Michigan y Wisconsin se espera nieve.

Staff (2022-10-19). Aliuska, una guerrera de Jagàºey a Pinar. Es una jefa que no solo manda, sino que es parte de la tarea. Nada de lo que cuenta es para ella heroico, aunque es la única mujer dentro de las casi 300 personas que han venido a apoyar esta tierra del occidente y se encuentran albergadas en la Escuela de Iniciación Deportiva (Eide) Ormani Arenado.

Ana Perdigón (2022-10-19). Venezuela Creates Special Economic Fund for Las Tejerías Tragedy. This Monday, October 17, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced the creation of a special economic fund for Las Tejerías, in order to provide a timely response to those affected by the landslide of October 8. | "Today I have approved a special economic fund for Las Tejerías," said the president, "without bureaucracy, without intermediaries, without paperwork. With this special economic fund we are going to finance the comprehensive recovery of Tejerías." | | — Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) 2022-10-19 17:04:59 | 17:04 EST | tr | 22 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 0